Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

FIRST HAIR CUT!! I like it! :) Lots of pictures to share :)

So my son Quinn doesn't like the new cut... in his words, "He looks stupid" but I really do like it. It is much shorter than I asked for but I figured that just means I can wait a long time before we go back. I love that I can see his face now and I think it is a great summer cut (even if it isn't at all summer like around here yet... darn it!)

So here are a few before pics for fun:

Pretty sure that is a fleece coat! Sammy is 6 months old and this is his first hair cut so this is the length it got to on its own in 6 months.

So now for the after pictures... he was in a running around mood so took a bit to get a picture of him holding still.

Look you can see his face and eyes!! Cool.

A little bit of wild hair on top -- it was kinda weird, the groomer left it kind of long on top around his ears... I think it looks good but I bet if I had tried it myself I would have trimmed it all there too.

So -- what do you all think? I had the best intentions of bring pictures from this website to give the groomer ideas and then I was in a hurry to get out the door and make it to the appointment on time and I left the pictures on the counter so I was sorta panicked when I got there and had to just say "trim it so he still looks like a doodle" and we talked about taking about 1/2 of his length but it is much shorter than that... but that is OK.

Jen G. (puppy mommy to Sammy... the wild one tonight -- lots of zoomies today!)

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Comment by Laura & Chewie on April 24, 2010 at 11:31am
I love it! It looks about the length Chewie is now after growing out from a haircut about three weeks ago. It is definitely a shock at first, but now I'm so glad I did it...I think he is too...LOL. Sammy is beautiful!
Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on April 24, 2010 at 11:07am
I love it!! I think he looks great. It will be nice for the summer.
Comment by Nancie & Gracie Doodle on April 24, 2010 at 10:20am
Oh wow, I decide to take a quick trip and somehow missed the "Ned Haircut". I heard people referencing him when I was looking at Sammy's haircut. I didn't even recognize Ned!!!! He looks like an entirely different dog but I love it. His cut is amazing!!! After my butcher job of Gracie Doodle, it will be months before anyone sees the whites of her eyes on the postings...I take that back...her face and head are the only thing I didn't cut and her tail. In between the two are horrible as only Nancy knows!!! I'm still crying :(
Comment by Nancie & Gracie Doodle on April 24, 2010 at 10:15am
I think he looks adorable. They did a beautiful job cutting him. The hair on the top is supposed to be there. That is the "Doodle" look IMO Don't you just love looking into those Doodle eyes??? Very cute Doodle!
Comment by Rose on April 24, 2010 at 8:51am
Sammy looks beautiful both before and after! :-)
Comment by Kelli, Fenway, & Dustin Pedroia on April 24, 2010 at 8:50am
I think you got a great groom! He looks so good and still very doodley. He's absoulutely precious :)
Comment by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on April 24, 2010 at 7:05am
I love his face. You can really see his expressive eyes in the after shots.
Comment by Dan, Judi, & Timbow on April 24, 2010 at 6:26am
I think he looks wonderful!! We just had Timbow groomed for the first time a few weeks ago, similar to Quinn's cut and it's already growing back!! :) Quinn is a gorgeous doodle.
Comment by Phoebe's Mom on April 24, 2010 at 5:47am
He is gorgeous--either style, really but being able to see that amazing face is such a benefit! I agree with Lucy and Sophie's Mom that he has a gorgeous coat. I would love to run my fingers through it. Samy looks so much more like the puppy he is at 6 months with the shorter coat, too. I think you might have to tell your son he has been out-voted!
Comment by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on April 24, 2010 at 5:04am
First of all, he has a gorgeous coat! He was adorable before, and like you I would have been ever so nervous but I think the groomer did an amazing job! He does look much more puppy like after the cut (which is very strange -- normally they look so grown up after the first cut). Your son will get used to the look.

Nancy ...... Ned is looking very handsome as well. Don't you just love how the "groomer decides" she doesn't like the legs longer so she cuts them the same length! Those are the things that make me crazy .... if you ask for the legs longer she should have left them longer!


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