Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Last night in Yappy Hour I really had a great time getting the chance to talk to new people and getting to know some people better.


As it would turn out for whatever reason many of us on there are people who either ourselves deal with or have some close to us that deal with chronic/terminal or long term disease. I had formed a group about a week or so ago but never said anything. After talking to a few of you I went ahead and mentioned the group. We now have a few members. Some people are on there because they chose to join even though they do not have to deal with sickness at this time but after getting to know some of us decided they wanted to join.


Adina has set the group to private so no posts will come across for the general population of DK to see. This way those who are trying to escape the reality or things or simply just want to talk about other things, will not have to see, hear, or read posts from Dr, Doodle.


Feel free to join if you would like. No medical advice is given. Just lots of love, support, and an exchange of ideas of some practical  things we can do with our doods when we are too sick to care for them. It will also be a place to exchange stories of how our doodles inspire us to keep on keeping on.


You are welcome to join if you would like. We have people from chronic pain, cancer, and other issues. Everyone is welcomed and will be loved just as you are.

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Comment by Jennifer and Jack on April 3, 2011 at 7:09pm

Thanks Dori, I was a little timid of doing it not knowing how it would be received etc. However, after yappy hour last Friday a bunch of us had a great heart to heart discussion and I decided I would actually tell people about the group. I had started it about a week before but like I said I was timid.


Oh you and I can so talk about asthma.> geeze, and fragrance sensitivities too. I often have to leave a place I am at because of smells, it can be rubber, latex, perfume, the worst for me is mens cologne!!! 


I am very with you on not being defined but what my disease says I have, I have always gone against the flow of the course that I  was supposed to follow.


I will say I have belonged to many Cystic Fibrosis support groups, and very, very few people are negative, actually if you look and see, you will see, that people who deal with serious illness usually are very strong people who try very hard to be grateful for whatever they can get as far as health, like for instance, I bet you never take a good nights sleep for granted, with RLS. I pray to God this group doesn't turn into something negative, Talking to the people I talked to, I highly doubt it. However, this group is to vent too, so not everything is going to always be roses.... I live a rose life for my family and loved ones so they don't worry about me. So sometimes I may complain, but I think overall you will see, this group, if I have anything to do with it, with be positive, loving and there for people. Just like people who have a photography or a garden interest in common share the tricks of the trade and of course about their doods, I am hoping this group will be an encouragement. Everyone is welcome, we have one member who has a loved one with cancer, others with chronic pain, and I think when you see who they are, and their amazingly positive posts, you will see.


Anyway, it is up to you, you are always welcome. I used to see a lot of RLS, after I sedated a patient for a cardiac cath, their legs were all over the place. I can't imagine how frustrating that must be to deal with.


Either way, we adore you and Rua, Jack is in line for being Rua's boyfriend some day.

Comment by Dori & Rua on April 3, 2011 at 6:54pm
Jennifer...that is a great idea.  In one of the last posts I sent to you, I actually had been thinking that you should start a group for people with medical issues!  Way to Go!  I have asthma, fragrance sensitivities, Restless Legs Syndrome, and most recently found out I have high cholesterol.  I have something else going on right now that is causing me issues.  I have never been in a support group but don't like negativity.  I don't want to be defined by what I have, but by what I do.  So, I tend to be a pretty positive person.  I will check the group out! 
Comment by Lorraine Bromley on April 3, 2011 at 12:00pm
I too deal with chronic pain so will try out the group. I like support groups but they can become alittle negative. I doubt any doodle owners can be anything but inspired by them, Off to join now. Thanks
Comment by Jennifer and Jack on April 3, 2011 at 9:20am
Thanks Nancy, Jack is doing amazing. You would never know he hurt himself. My appointment went okay, I have a lot on my plate but who doesn't???? Have a great day.
Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on April 2, 2011 at 11:25pm
Thanks for letting us know about the group.  I hope your appt went well and that Jack is recovering nicely.


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