Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Guinness just completed Basic Agility, and he is being "Held Back". No moving on the next level for him. The Trainer was telling all the other Moms to be sure and get their dogs signed up for Intermediate. Then she mentioned to me that Guinness probably needed to redo "Basic". She was really nice, and said "he's just a puppy" and it would really be helpful to him to go through it again. Kind of the same story my Kindergarten Teacher daughter gives parents when she doesn't think the child is ready for first grade. It doesn't seem to bother Guinness at all...he doesn't seem to be embarrassed. He loves Agility, and doing it over sounds good to him. He is really young for Agility (I keep telling myself). And who was so much fun for both of us (and it really was). Guinness marches to his own drummer. He learned on the first day that he totally loved doing tunnels and jumps...the teeter, dog walk, and A Frame - not so much. So, he just skipped those things he didn't like and went back through the tunnels or over the jumps. He was awesome to watch....running with that long hair flying in the wind. The fact that he kind of made up his own course notwithstanding, he was a beautiful joyful sight to watch. This was pure dog heaven for him. He would do the "less than fun" obstacles, but only for a price. There had to be a very smelly, nasty treat involved, and then he would give it a shot. He also loved to really "rev up" the three Labs before class began. That really made the Lab Moms so happy. Maybe he thought it gave him a little advantage to get them distracted...I don't know, but it didn't work. So, we'll do Basic again. I've got the weave pole on order...I figure we can work on that inside this Winter, and we'll go from there. Next will come the Teeter. We won't be able to use the garage, because it will be an agility course, but who really minds scraping the car in below 0 weather anyway? It's all about Guinness, right! Here are some shots of him in Agility.....
This is me in front of my favorite jump...

Heading through the tunnel...

I'm really fast...

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Playing with the big dogs is my favorite...

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Comment by Heidi on November 15, 2009 at 6:07pm
I think I read some where that dogs are usually over 2 years of age when they start agility. So those labs better watch out when Guinness gets older and shows them labs what agility is all about. :)

ps The bottom picture looks like Guinness was trying to give them direction.
Comment by shelly on November 15, 2009 at 11:50am
It's the ones we "don't follow the crowd" that become the most successful leaders! You keep paving your own path, Guinness! Good for you. Gave me a thought tho' I'm going to look into agility classes for our aussie doodle. I think she'd really enjoy that - that is if she can get over her fear of new places! She froze during obedience class. Speaking of teachers - which I am - I found myself sounding like one of the parents of my children when I told the trainer "I don't understand why she won't do anything here - she does everything well at home"... LOL
Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on November 14, 2009 at 5:55pm
You just keep marching to your own drummer, Guinness! They absolutely do NOT need a garage and weaving poles make great Christmas Decorations!
Comment by Diane on November 14, 2009 at 10:18am
Hilarious Jane!! Guinness, please keep providing material for your Mom's stories, and Jane, keep sharing the stories with us!! ;o)
Comment by DeeDee and Sheila on November 14, 2009 at 8:48am
Jane, both you and your dog are a hoot!!!! I love it. Got a note at daycare and flunked agility--your Guinness is just too smart, that's all. I am on the "runway" for a mini doodle from Patty Barnes and am so excited, yet nervous. I had a german short haired pointer who flunked obedience three times (one time just bolted out of class and ran out of dog park toward our downtown). Then I had 2 labs, one sweet as sugar (not as smart) and one whip smart (wiley, much harder to keep stimulated). I am a little worried about getting the smartest dog just because they do figure out the system too fast and know how to thwart it!! :) But I need a smaller dog, my shoulder and elbow have been operated on bc of all these dogs. Keep sharing about Guinness's antics. It makes my day!!!!!!!!!
Comment by Karen & Lucy on November 14, 2009 at 8:01am
OMGoodness he is such a cutie. That's OK Guinness, the second time around will just make you a better agility dood. You and your mamma will love it. Keep up the good work !!!
Comment by F, Calla & Luca on November 14, 2009 at 6:54am
He was left back on purpose because he enjoyed class so much. So in this instance he was left back because he's smart!


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