It was four years ago today that Jackdoodle came home. In some ways, it seems like only yesterday; yet at the same time, it seems like we've been together forever. I think that's probably true of all great love stories.
Jack is my best friend, my confidante, my protector, my constant companion, my lastborn child, and my reason for getting out of bed every day. He makes me laugh, cry, walk, run, play, worry, sing, dance, and count my blessings. He has brought me wonderful new friends, new work, new wisdom, and new understanding. He has brought me all of you who are reading this. What blessings he has given me!
It gives me chills to think I almost missed out on all of this! I almost didn't go to the shelter to meet him! I didn't want a big dog, I didn't want a blonde dog, I didn't want a doodle! Fortunately, the Universe knew what I wanted better than I did.
The author Pam Houston wrote
"The exact right dog will always come into your life just when you need him most.
The world gives us everything we need just when we need it, and when we are really lucky, it takes the form of a big...drippy-nosed dog."
I am really
really lucky. My "exact right dog" is sleeping beside me as I write this.
Most of you know that Jack isn't the healthiest dog in the world. He has suffered through lots of things a dog shouldn't have to suffer, and I have suffered with him. But through it all, he remains stoic, and sweet, and cheerful, and good-natured, and loving, and happy to be alive. Jack is my inspiration. I hope to someday live up to the example he sets for all of us: to overlook what is sad and hurtful, and focus more on what is happy and joyful. And there is so much more that is happy and joyful since Jackdoodle came into my life.
Happy Anniversary, my sweet boy. I love you more every single day. Thank you so much for being mine.
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