Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

It seems that March is a lucky month for several of us who get to celebrate our doodles' birthdays. Better yet, I know of a couple of doodles who were born on the same date Monty was, just a year ahead: Jack (of Jennifer and Jack, and Daphne (of Lori, Daphne & Lucy). How cool is that? I don't know anyone who would have the same birth date as me!

So, Monty is turning 4. Time is flying way too fast. He will forever be my first dog, my love. He helped me learn about dogs and with the constant help of my dear friends here at DK, I'm a much better doodle mom now.

I came to the US fourteen years ago, and at times, I still feel like a foreigner. My whole family as well as all my best friends are back in Europe. Monty became my best buddy. We discuss things together a lot and I do get a feeling that he knows what I'm talking about. No, he is not perfect, but neither am I. But he is perfect for me and to me. Couldn't have wished for a better companion.

So, big boy, we'll spend some alone time on your birthday. Your brother is getting a haircut, so it can be just you and me again, just like old times. We'll snuggle, we'll play, we'll talk a lot.

Thank you for being such a wonderful teacher to me and even a better brother to little Auggie.

I love you, Monty!

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Comment by Bonnie and Kona on March 12, 2014 at 8:03pm

We all love you, Monty! Sorry I missed your special day but hoping every day is a good one for you. big hugs.

Comment by Cathy, Fozzie & Shaggy on March 11, 2014 at 10:15am

Happy Birthday Monty!!  What a beautiful picture show, but of course what do you expect with such a handsome leading doodle!

Comment by BG and Gavin on March 8, 2014 at 3:05pm

Happy Birthday Monty!  What a fantastic film.  Tell you mom she is very talented.  It looks like you have an awesome life!

Comment by Camilla and Darwin on March 8, 2014 at 11:44am

Happy birthday Monty (late, I don't know why I didn't see this earlier)! You are a wonderful beautiful boy and I LOVE that your middle name is Tiberius. :-)

Comment by cheryl & oliver on March 7, 2014 at 6:47pm

Happy Birthday Monty!!!!...You are such a beautiful doodle and a smart one too..Just enjoy your day and thank you for being "Mommies best friend".  Have fun today with Mommy and your brother, u are a really special Doodle Boy...

Comment by Donna K & Quincy on March 7, 2014 at 1:48pm

Happy Birthday Monty, you really are a special boy. 

Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on March 7, 2014 at 6:39am

I don't know how I missed this either! 

Happy, Happy Birthday, Monty! I hope you had a wonderful day, and I loved your video!!!! 

Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on March 6, 2014 at 10:10pm

How did I miss this?

Happy Birthday, Monty

from your March month birthday buddies, Ned and Clancy

Comment by Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau on March 6, 2014 at 8:00pm

Monty, you are such a handsome doodle!  Happy Birthday big guy.  Jarka, what a wonderful video.

Comment by Lori, Daphne, Lucy & Pippa on March 6, 2014 at 7:48pm

LOVE the video! Monty, you are beautiful! Hope you enjoyed alone time with Mama! Happy Birthday big man! March is a big month for birthdays around here (especially March 6). It was such a horrible rainy day here that we decided to postpone my girls birthday party to wait for better picture Here is one from last year:


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