"Harry" is here! It turns out that Henry never really was a pet, has been in outside kennel for the last 6 weeks. My husband, Dewey, hated the name Henry, so Harry it is. Transfered Harry in Peru, ILL - extremely dirty, smelled like a barn. Got home at 10:30 pm, Ella was veryyyyyy excited! Harry looks nothing like Ella - much more of a poodle body and very skinny right now. he promptly pooped on the rug of course. After a shower and shampoo with Dewey he didn't smell quite as bad . Although Harry is smaller and of slighter build than Ella, it has become quite obvious who is the boss - he has put the princess in her place. Up at 3:47 and for the day at 5:15. I was going to stay home this am but have decided to go to the gym to get away from them for an hour! I am sure they will be ready for a nap. Harry has an 11 vet appt for a prenuttering check up. Right now Ella seems to think she is the boy and has been humping him. Tomorrow is my golf day so they are going to daycare!! I will post some pics as soon as I catch my breath
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