Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Today was supposed to be a day of rest. I needed to follow up with my high blood pressure stress issues and knew I needed to switch doctors. So my appointment with my new doctor was today. As I was leaving for my appointment I called the hospital to learn that Jess was scheduled for another surgery -- about 1:00 PM again (which means 3:00, that much I've learned). Reason? The nurse told me that the doc swung by and needed to make a decision on another device. I am aware of the bridge to transplant left assist (Heartmate II) and it seemed like that was the discussion.

On to my appointment: my new doctor had the pleasure of witnessing my spiking high BP. I left with a referral to a cardiologist just to make sure my heart is OK and not damaged from all the stress. He promised he would watch my health and assist me through this time with my husband. Fair enough. I don't have time to shop for docs and he is close to a Home Depot in case I need nails or something.

When I arrived to the hospital we were given a few scenarios. The right side of the bi-vad remained off, but the attachments to the left were creating problems. Jess had been on too long and they feared blood clotting. Worse case scenario, they clean him up and try to reattach. Didn't sound like they wanted to keep him on . The internal device was ruled out. If Jess does not need a transplant, the attachments to the heart can cause more damage. It could also be used as a bridge to recovery, but the damage issue is a concern. The final option was to take him off everything.(OK everyone, please pick your jaws up off the floor) Yes, take him off everything and see what his heart will do. Well, I won't make you wait any longer, that is what they did. The left side of his heart was slightly better than yesterday and they are hoping it can come back. He has some meds to "help" him but it is his heart. I just called and he is holding on. We were told to expect him to "dip" and that he may have to be placed back on a balloon assist. The doc said he couldn't make predictions and it will do what it wants to do, but he was "optimistic." He is still on a ventilator and the chest is still open. They thought it would be too much trauma to close him also , so we are looking at Thursday to close the chest.

This is exciting and frightening at the same time. Transplant is not ruled out. Recovery is not ruled out. Lifestyle change will be in the cards and medications will be new to him. Complications? They can occur at any time. But, I am with hope, nervous, but with hope.

So now that you know his heart is beating and I will have to explain the green suede pump. It was not a device in the OR.
Phoebe doo found a pair of lovely Van Eli's that I have never worn. I saw a confetti of green on the bottom of the staircase and found the remains of the pump not far. OK, it is St. Patty's Day and she wanted to make a statement. I am cool with that. Doodle owners, you get this, right? I am attaching one of my favorite pictures of her to remind me what a cutie she is and that the little things in life are just that, little things.

Wishing you all a day of sunshine and peace. Be grateful for all that you have and above all, smooch your pooches.
Doodle Kisses. J and P

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Comment by Beverly Wright on March 18, 2009 at 7:32pm
I am so glad to hear the good news about Jess........I also am glad to read the humorous events in your life! God has a way of making us laugh in a worrisome situation doesn't He. Your story does remind all of us that material things are just "stuff". and reminds us what is important. I love pretty shoes but they are just shoes! Take care of yourself. We are praying for you and for Jess every day!
Comment by Michele, Biscuit & Mo on March 18, 2009 at 1:39pm
Janet, I don't know how you do it - your story had me laughing and crying at the same time. You are an inspiration with your strength AND sense of humor. The Home Depot comment made me laugh out loud, and the green suede pump story was what I hope a stress reliever for you. Makes you realize how insignificant shoes really are, right? :-) Hang in... keeping you, Jess and your family in my prayers. And I just received my "Phoebe-Doo" stamp to place a doodle on all my outgoing mail. :-) Hugs from Scottsdale...
Comment by MBKANE on March 18, 2009 at 9:53am
sounds like things are moving in the right direction... Please make sure you are taking care of yourself, Jess needs you strong and so does Phoebe. Easier said than done but try to take a few minutes to just sit and take a breath. I think a good glass of red wine is just what the doctor ordered!
Comment by Leslie and Halas on March 18, 2009 at 8:53am
Phoebe knew you needed a laugh. She's trying to help you lower your blood pressure. Maybe she could feel that Jess's heart was beating on it's own, and she was so excited that she just had to tear up some shoes. I hope his heart can get stronger. Take care of yourself. Use Phoebe to help lower that blood pressure.
Comment by Missi on March 18, 2009 at 8:42am
So when shopping for docs, I always make sure there is a home depot nearby, just in case I need to hammer some sense into them! :-D That's great about the BiVAD, though I'm holding my breath all day to see how it turns out. But, since i'm holding my breath, you should breathe.....2 purple doodlers is not good.
And like I said about the upholstery and Hobbes' diarrhea, they really are just trying to take your mind off the hospital! Phoebe's interpretation: " likes likes shopping....if I show her how much I like these shoes maybe she'll go shopping....while shopping no time to worry about dad...I love mom!...and her green I had to decorate the house for st. patty's day since mom didn't have time to.....wonder if i'll get a treat....ooooh shoes....ooooh mom....why am I naked?"

There, that's my interpretation of Phoebe's thought process.......Hope it makes you smile. I'm so glad you take the time to post your blogs, I look for them everyday. And when Jess gets better, I'd love to hear his response to all of them!
Comment by Jennifer Pooler on March 18, 2009 at 7:11am
Janet, I'm anxiously reading every day about Jesse. I'm so optimistic and thankful that his heart is working. He is so lucky to have such an amazing and dedicated wife. I'm saying prayers.
Comment by Yvonne, Riley, Murphy and Luca on March 18, 2009 at 6:57am
I am so happy to hear that he is holding his own. There is nothing in this world more amazing than the human body and a persons will to live. He seems to be a fighter.

Your writing is entertaining. It is nice that you have Phoebe to give you those moments of laughter.
Comment by Kim Williams on March 18, 2009 at 6:05am
I am so impressed with your strength. Leave it to a doodle to make you laugh.
Comment by Jeri on March 18, 2009 at 5:31am
Ditto to all the posts. Write a book of your blogs --the latest title is the best. I just laughed & laughed(about the green shoes).. Pic of green left overs would have been great. Your piup is adorable. Jess is certainly hanging in there. Glad you went to the Doc. Take care.
Comment by Zoe, Benny and Tyler on March 18, 2009 at 5:18am
All these technical health terms make it hard for me to follow the story sometimes as I am not a native english speaker but the conclusion I always get. Isn't it great, that Jesse's heart obviously is still able to work? Probably all the love for his family and Phoebe which made it that strong :).I keep my fingers crossed and it goes on like the past days which seemed to lead into the right direction.
And it is so cute that Phoebe can still distract you a bit even if she needs to do something naughty to achieve this.
Best wishes and big doodlehugs from Benny and Zoe


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