Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi to all my Doodle friends/family...It has been a loooooonnnnggg time!

Hi everyone,
I have not posted in months and wanted you guys to know that we have been through a and my doodle girls.
I spent some time in the hospital due to my illness and between parental needs (dad 90 and mom79), and our Molly's health issues I have been extremely busy. I have read a lot of the posts of late and totally agree about the decision of breeders being on the site. It is a difficult decision to pick a dog when dealing with a long distance breeder. I have experienced issues with both of mine. Fortunately, our Nestle, our labradoodle is getting a little more sociable. I still believe that the trip did her in and she experienced severe trauma from the extended flight and all the delays. She adores us and my grandson and my daughter-in-law but anyone else she shys away from any form of contact. She is the most mellow and loving dog I have ever owned....very affectionate and loves to sit on our laps. She no longer barks at people and loves to go for public walks. As you know we struggled from day one with our Molly a goldendoodle and her eating. She has been through the, blood tests, medicaiton, and with my vet's help finding a food that she can tolerate and will even eat. Once she vomited blood and I thought I was going to loose her. Like the vet said she has digestive issues and resolving them has been a long....really long....ordeal that has yet to be resolved. She may be on medication the rest of her life. The new med has helped and she doesn't vomit every day. She is such a sweety and it really concerns us. One becomes so attached to our pets...they are so like children. Both of my girls love our grandson and follow him everywhere. This month we are going to be blessed with a graddaughter. I refuse to leave Molly or Nestle at a doggy care place and it has really tied us down to the house. My mom took care of the girls for several days and they went three days w/o eating and she didn't tell me but they finally ate some before we got home. So of course I worry about leaving them at all. Well, that is what has happened with my doodles since I last talked to you. I think with all the medical bills added up...I could easily have bought a several of my friends one. I hope all of you have a wonderful week and year! Love, Lizette, Nestle, and Molly

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Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on January 13, 2010 at 8:35am
Lizette, it's so good to hear from you! We've missed you sooo much! I hope this year will bring better health to you & Molly! Hugs to you & your crew from Jackdoodle & me!
Comment by Louise and Toby on January 12, 2010 at 8:38am
Oh, just saw this - sent a message a minute ago. My, oh my, what a time you have had. Wishing and praying for the best in 2010! Talk to you soon!
Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on January 11, 2010 at 10:40pm
So happy to hear from you, Lizette. I have been thinking about you lately and was going to send you a post if I didn't hear something soon. I am glad to hear that the girls are improving. I hope you are doing better also.
Comment by Debbie and Thomas on January 11, 2010 at 6:34pm
I truly hope that you, your family and the dogs have a healthy and happy 2010 and many more. Welcome back to DK
Comment by Ann on January 11, 2010 at 10:56am
So sorry to hear about your health issues and your doggies too!! I hope you have a good 2010. I understand about leaving your dogs with anyone for an extended period of time. I think that my chocolate lab had a very bad time whenever we left him in the local kennel which was actually a vet office/hospital. So I thought I was safe. I really hate to leave this dog, Samson, so I have elected to be house bound for awhile. Love to you and your pups!
Comment by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on January 11, 2010 at 10:09am
I hope 2010 is a happier year for you. And I hope you can find some great food for Molly.
I have had tons of issues with my chihuahua's tummy and selecting a good food - feel free to contact me if you want any info on that. The Food Group may offer some valuable "non-vet" advice as well.
Comment by Adrianne Matzkin on January 11, 2010 at 6:51am
So happy to hear from you but truly sadden by all you have been through! I hope this year brings a miracle for Molly's tummy problems!
Welcome Home!!


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