Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I live in an apartment building where there are many other dogs and we interact with them regularly. There are a lot of interesting characters, (furry and human), like the little shi tzu who's fur is so long it drags on the floor and you can't tell his face from his bum (no wonder he barks all the time and pees on the  steps, he can't see a thing!!). Anyway, I love greeting all the dogs as we come and go and so does Sophie.


Well, there is this one dog that has a big problem. He's a gorgeous 14 year old golden retriever named Coco. Unfortunately he has the sketchiest shadiest owner I've ever met. this guy is the walking stereotype of 'short man's syndrome' - lawyer, red sports car, greasy hair, younger girlfriend, and attitude to boot. He is always yelling at Coco and Coco is always barking at other people and other dogs (some of the neighbours complain about it). Whenever Sophie and him are passing by he barks like crazy and looks scared. 


I got to talking to this guy about his dog one day and he went on and on about how 'stupid' his dog is and how he's always been a problem and about the time he was so mad at Coco for chewing up the furniture that he kicked the s*** out of him and  almost killed him (I've never witnessed him being aggressive to the dog, and he looks physically healthy now so he could have been exaggerating to show off how macho he is). He told me his dog isn't good with other dogs because he never interacted with them until he moved into this apartment building. When he said to me "at least your dog listens to you" I told him that's because I am kind to her, and we do a lot of training work together and she is well exercised and well socialized. He said he just never had time for any of that. 


Well, wouldn't you know that the next time I saw Coco and he started barking at Sophie it only took me a few minutes of telling him 'no' when he barked, and rewarding him with pets when he calmed down and telling him he's a good boy over and over. He came right up to me and cuddled, tail wagging. He was just nervous and needed some reassurance, that's all. When the owner deicded it was time to go inside the dog didn't want to go and was resisting so the owner started yelling at him, he tucked his head down and followed. I am so sad about this. What a sweet boy he is, and poor thing is stuck with that awful man.


I wish there was something I could do to help him, but I'm not really sure there is anything I can do. :-(  I hate feeling helpless so I just wanted to share the story with sympathetic friends. 

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Comment by Kaytlin and Cooper on May 23, 2011 at 12:41am
why do some people have pets when they so clearly dont really care about them? Like the 2 pittbulls (or some kind of bully breed) next door to me who are left outside in the cold and rain who clearly want to play with Cooper when they hear us in the yard (they never sound aggressive). I hear them cry at night and it breaks my heart.
Comment by Amy & Bernie on May 22, 2011 at 6:59pm
Yes, I agree you should offer to interact with Coco as much as possible. I can't believe this guy still has a dog, maybe he was an impulse buy to help him pick up women in the park? Golden Retriever puppies ARE irresistible. Do what you can but don't beat yourself up, feel good knowing you're providing something wonderful in Coco's life and I'm sure he appreciates every second!
Comment by Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty on May 22, 2011 at 11:30am
Oh, Lucy and Sophies Mom, that would be so nice! I might offer to take Coco for walks and help him get used to other dogs, and see what he says...
Comment by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on May 22, 2011 at 8:53am
maybe if you just continue being really sweet to Coco the guy will see how much he loves you and ask you if you want to have Coco.
Comment by sandy b on May 22, 2011 at 7:44am
So sad, I feel so sorry for this dog. Hopefully the jerk was exaggerating about beating Coco. Probably nothing you can do but be nice to him when you meet (Coco, not the jerk)!!
Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on May 22, 2011 at 6:37am
I wish they made you take a test before they let you get a dog! What a jerk. Hopefully, at some point what goes around, comes around.
Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on May 22, 2011 at 5:12am
When I hear stories like this I'm happy that dogs aren't able to perceive things the way we do.  This guy is a total "jerk", but hopefully Coco doesn't realize that.  I also really hope that he WAS exaggerating when he told you how he "beat" this poor dog.  Anyway, maybe just giving this guy a little affection when you see him will help a little.
Comment by Jennifer,Chloe & Myla on May 22, 2011 at 4:18am
So sad, good for you for telling im how to train or act towards him. To think he may have lived this way or 14 years? Some people shouldn't own pets and I don't lnow ANY "stupid" dogs Maybe he will be better now that you did that with him? Maybe other neigbors could follow suit? I feel for you, this sucks!
Comment by Lisa, Daisy & Dexter on May 22, 2011 at 3:06am

Ugh, sickening.

This poor dog is obviously sad however he is 14 what a testimony to his strong will, that is quite old for a larger breed dog, especially since he's not well loved.

Hopefully your good example will lead this man into better behavior and Coco will be happier.


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