Called my sister in law (my groomer) to come over and remove an egg sized mat in Riley's tail. I had tried to brush it out, the more I worked at it the larger it got. Also to cut his large plumed bushy tail down to size while she was at it. Her initial response was, "You got to be kidding"!! She told me in no uncertain terms, that all I have to really brush are his ears and tail. Now you want me to do away with his the bushy tail. What can I say, I am used to a Labrador with no grooming. I realize Riley is only 28 lbs, shouldn't be a grooming problem but!
I am amazed when seeing everyone's long haired groomed dude's on DK, I admire everyone's work ethic involved in keeping them looking so great. Winter is coming, and will let his hair grow a little, but not too much.
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