Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was at training with Fozzy last night. There is a couple that has pissed me off since day one. They have this adorable border collie that is an absolute head case. She goes after other dogs, nips at the owners barks like crazy. From the first class it was clear that the owners are abusive with this dog. I have seen both owners swat this dog, scream at this dog and just treat this dog badly. The trainer is visibly struggling with this couple, biting her tongue and show them the proper way to train this poor girl. Well, last night the husband was dragging this dog around and it was crying very loudly, the man did something, the dog yelped then the man screamed at the dog, getting in its face. The instructor from day one has talked to these people that the dog is anxious and should be dealt with in a calm manner. So when she again reminded him that correction is good but anger just causes her more anxiety I thought the man was going to snap! He started yelling/mumbling and drug the dog out of class.

I was so angry I wanted to snatch that leash right out of his hand and call the human society! I can only imagine what goes on with that poor girl at home.

So on the way home my son asked me if we could call the police on that couple. I told him we don't know the whole story and if we did then we could make an informed decision. I told him if the trainer thought that it was necessary, I am sure the trainer would make the call. But after I said it to him, I thought.......but what if she doesn't? What do you think?

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Comment by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on November 26, 2009 at 12:23pm
Chris, I personally would call the humane society if the trainer did not. Thanks to DRC, we rescued a standard poodle last weekend. The poor boy knows basic commands, but I wonder how he was trained because the vet check up showed he had an old healed untreated fracture of his back right leg. He was taken away from an abusive environment because someone cared enough to call.
Comment by Chris & Boys on November 25, 2009 at 9:00pm
Nancie - I worry about the boy too! It breaks my heart.....they got the dog for him, I believe.
Comment by Kyoko on November 25, 2009 at 7:31pm
It's sad that their little boy knows better.... Poor dog.... :-(
Comment by Nancie & Gracie Doodle on November 25, 2009 at 7:22pm
After reading all of this I sort of wonder about the trainer. She sounds weak and afraid to stand up to the man. A trainer's sole reason should be to train you the owner to know how to treat the dog and then they can train them. We the human has to be trained first!!!! She is NOT doing her job if this has happened in front of her and in more than one class. I would do everything in my power to find the right agency to intervene and re-home the puppy. I wonder how the human son is treated at home????
Comment by Dan, Judi, & Timbow on November 25, 2009 at 4:26pm
Keep us posted!
Comment by Chris & Boys on November 25, 2009 at 7:07am
Oops, I didn't finish my thought. I think from what I have seen and from what the boy has said to my kids, that that is enough to justify a phone call.
Comment by Chris & Boys on November 25, 2009 at 6:53am
Well, I didn't talk to the trainer that teaches that class but one that teaches the puppy classes. The man will not be coming back, but his wife will. She has also swatted him during class. Not hard, but the fact that she does it is enough for me. I am going to call the Humane Society and see what they say.

They have a son that my boys play with during training. He has told my boys that his parents are really mean to the dog. I think that is enough.
Comment by Kyoko on November 24, 2009 at 7:36pm
I agree with everyone... I would contact the trainer and let her know that it is upsetting, because we are all here to learn how to care / train our dogs. May be the man is embarraced about her behavior and feels like he have to "Control" her to save his face.... Trainer could point out the positive things he is doing for the dog - bringing her to the class, etc... - so that he feels like he is doing something right, instead of feeling like a bad dog owner because of her behavior. I hope trainer could work with him and he learn how to appropriately correct his dog....
Comment by Azure & Muppet on November 24, 2009 at 6:38pm
I agree with Kaytlin. Bystander Effect is a real social phenomenon in which the presence of other people reduces helping behavior. We each need to stand up when we witness something inappropriate and not wait and hope for others to do it instead. It's too easy to make excuses and wait for someone else to do it because it makes us uncomfortable. You have every reason to be upset and disturbed by what you've observed. Mistreatment or abuse of animals should be taken seriously as it is often an indicator of or precursor to even more severe situations that need intervention. Sorry, it brings out the psychologist in me :-)
Comment by Ann on November 24, 2009 at 4:32pm
I would ask the trainer if she felt the same way you do and if you could do something about it! That is insane!!!


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