Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Well, after a 3 hour car ride, we made it out to Columbus way earlier than expected. Maybe the excitement made us try faster but it was a nice, and rather quick drive out. Eric drove while I graded papers in the front seat - it was a challenge but at least I got something done because since getting home, no grading has been done and lessons still need to be made for tomorrow - oh the life of a first year teacher.
Anywho, back to Lacey. When we arrived the breeders, Lacey was a big snuggle bug. She melted right into us and gave us lots of kisses. It was so good to finally see her again. The car ride went well. She slept on me most of the way but then slept on the floor by my feet for some of it because I could feel her stomach turning. We didn't have any accidents in the car, and she was a very good girl. I think listening to Train and John Mayer relaxed her. :)
She did not want to go to the bathroom when we got home, instead she checked everything out inside and wanted to play. After much play time and some water she finally peed. In the evening, she ate all her food and went to the potty outside like a big girl!
I had some family members come over and she was great with them. She slept some of the time on and off. She only had two accidents in the apartment last night and then one this morning.
Everything was going great until it was bedtime and then DID SHE CRY! She was exhausted going into the crate but then she barked and cried for probably 15 minutes until she finally dosed off. She cried a little bit on and off but was relatively good until 4:45am. Then she woke up and would not stop howling and crying. Eric finally gave in and took her out and she had to pee ALOT. This is probably because she did not go to the bathroom all that much during the day, but then we brought her back in and she would not stop. We left her in the crate for 30 more minutes but she just would not stop crying so we took her out and laid with her on the floor until 7 a.m.
When she woke up this morning she chowed down breakfast and her water and then played for a while. She pooped and peed outside again, which was great. Now she's running around playing and having a blast. I'm hoping she will crash for a nap soon…. One can only hope. Lol
Will keep you posted on all of Lacey’s adventures! Here are some pics from her first day at home.
awwww she's precious!!!
Lacey is beautiful = I'm sure it will take a couple of days at least for her to get used to her new routine. Keep up the good work!
She is just precious Kristen...bedtime will get just takes a few days to become settled and accustomed to her new surroundings...lots of exercise & play time in the evening before bed will help a lot...Good Luck and keep those sweet pics coming:)
What a cutie! Sounds like she's already getting you trained. :)
Yay!! Congratulations! Lacey is so gorgeous! Love those giant polar bear paws :)
Thanks everyone for the support! Lacey is currently asleep in that same spot after a nice play date with her "uncle and aunt" She ate and went out like a big girl again. She's only had one tiny accident today. She's doing great. I think the real obstacle will be bed time. She did really great today in her play pen. She only cried for maybe a minute then went straight to playing and napping while I was in the shower. Her crate is currently in our room close to our bed but I didn't think about the chair idea - we will try that out tonight! We also made the mistake of setting her down when she came in from outside to dry her off since we got hit with alot of snow yesterday. We will be sure to hold her and dry her off tonight as well as limit the lights we turn on. I didn't even think about that. I have school tomorrow but Eric is taking off of work so hopefully if we have issues at night he can take care of her so I can get some sleep before teaching 100+ high school boys tomorrow. lol. Wish me luck and thank you again for the fantastic advice. Its been so long since I've had a puppy and this is Eric's first dog so its been a bit of a challenge for him.
Reminds me so much of those first puppy days home...Such a sweetheart, good luck and happy homecoming Lacey.
She is so adorable and it sounds like things are going pretty well for the first day. A couple things I would suggest is if you do not have her crate beside your bed on a couple of chairs or a chest you might try that. That way when you are trying to get her settled you can just reach your hand over and calm her. My rule of thumb for night time if AnnaBelle woke up and wined was I tried the fingers to soothe her and if that didn't work then I knew she needed to go outside. She might need a middle of the night potty for a few weeks. Try and keep things really dark and calm while you do it. Don't turn on anymore lights than necessary and straight out to potty and straight back into the crate. Carry her both ways so she doesn't get distracted and want to start playing.
OMD she is so beautiful!
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