Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well Doodle Friends, it has been a while...  After all of our relaxing snow days, the last quarter of school was very hectic, with trying to make up for lost time with my fifth graders, spring sports and two growing puppies. Believe it or not, we made it to summer vacation with two puppies and three kids, and all are relatively unscathed! 

Since our last update, we have been through a bad batch of food, puppy vaginitis and lots of growing.  Karen, and lots of other wonderful DKers, helped us through our food issues, and the pups are now healthy and enjoying Orijen Puppy, thanks to Stephanie and Ragley's recommendation. 

We are attending training classes.  I learned right off the bat, that while we had accomplished a lot, I really don't know much about dog training, and all the Youtube videos in the world won't substitute for experience.  With this crash course in puppy raising, I am learning at lightning speed, but still have years to go before I feel competent.

We have managed to keep the pups separate for the majority of the time, which has now been almost five months.  We give them about 30 or 45 minutes each day of supervised outside play time. Of course, they still eat at the same time in the kitchen, and are together at times with us, but they have no time together without us. Their crates are side by side, so they are near one another at night.  

With litter mate syndrome, one of the major concerns is that the puppies will bond to each other and not to their humans. We think we have avoided that by keeping them apart, as they seem to have bonded very well to all five of us... Sadie seems to prefer one person over all the others... I'm not naming any names, but it starts with M and ends with E!  

Another major concern with litter mates is that they may not fully develop their own personalities.  While we will never know for sure, these two certainly seem to have their own character and in no way seem to be lacking in their own preferences and attitudes. Sadie is fun, energetic, loves to play and gets so excited she can't stand it when meeting new people or greeting us after a five minute separation. She listens to commands very well and has been easy to train, but she will think a second before she responds.  She still pulls on the leash on her first walk of the day and never seems to get tired. She is not a big fan of the pool.  Coal is laid back and loves to greet us, but is much more calm when doing so. When you ask him to sit, his bottom hits the floor before we finish saying the word "sit."  He loves to swim and retrieve his ball, but could care less about playing fetch on dry land.  He is easier to walk on leash and looks to us for guidance when we stop. I could go on all day about their precious, unique personalities... but I know my fellow doodle owners have other things to do. 

Having two puppies from the same litter is certainly getting easier for us, or we are just getting used to this new way of life. We love both of these pups so much, and would not consider letting either of them go. That said, would I now recommend getting litter mates?  Absolutely NOT!  I often think about how easy one puppy seems after all of this. When they are kept separate, it is a never-ending job trying to make sure they both have the right amount of attention, training, exercise and social time.  Just this weekend, I was home alone with both of them, and I spent the entire time walking dogs and switching them out, so they could both have equal time with me.  What we have been doing to try to raise two well-adjusted puppies defeats the whole purpose of getting two at the same time.  It's a character building experience for sure, and I might even go so far as to say we are better people for having lived it, but it is not the best way to become a two dog home.

Today, Sadie and Coal are at the vet getting their spay/neuter surgeries.  I'm a nervous wreck and worried about the next few weeks.   

After they heal from surgery, we plan to begin spending more time training them to be together in the house... Our goal is for them to be able to be in the same room and be settled without having to rough house.  Big dreams, I know! 

Here are Shaggy DA and her brother Chewbacca (aka Sadie and Coal):

Sadie (6 mos - 40 lbs)

Coal (6 mos -- 39 lbs)

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Comment by BG and Gavin on June 15, 2014 at 7:33pm

Thanks for the update.  They are as cute as can be.  We know how hard you worked and your dedication is an inspiration.

Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on June 12, 2014 at 11:21am

They are adorable and it sounds like you're doing a great job with them. Hope the surgeries go well. 

Comment by Camilla and Darwin on June 11, 2014 at 10:19am

Thanks for the update, they are so gorgeous!

Comment by Bonnie and Kona on June 11, 2014 at 10:07am

Thanks for this wonderful update. Your pups are gorgeous and you are amazing dog owners. I'm glad you are enjoying the training classes. Good luck with the surgeries. I hope their recoveries are smooth and easy.

Comment by Janie, Jackson and Jilly on June 11, 2014 at 6:19am

You all have done such an amazing job with the puppies! Glad things are starting to get a little easier.  They are adorable!

Comment by jenn D on June 11, 2014 at 1:51am
Of course they prefer the person Y.O.U. But I won't name any names either. :) I loved your pictures. Keep up the hard work!
Comment by Lonnie & Libby Lu on June 10, 2014 at 9:38pm

OMD these two are just adorable!  Wow!  You definitely seem to have done all the right things with Sadie and Coal and I love their different personalities.  What a BIG job Ashley and what good advice you have given to help others in the decision on litter mates.  My gosh, they just are the cutest and I admire your diligence in making sure these cuties have the right start!  Thanks for sharing your story!

Comment by Julie, Eloise & Beasley on June 10, 2014 at 6:04pm

I echo everyone's comments so far!  I'm so impressed with how much care and attention you've taken to ensure they're both well-adjusted and individual doggies.  I'm exhausted just reading your blog!  And they are both beautiful - love those shaggy doodle coats!

Comment by Miss Ellie on June 10, 2014 at 1:30pm

They are both so gorgeous...good job Ashley...through much patience, determination and love you have managed what many can't with just one puppy...Congratulations!

Comment by Robin and Libby Louise on June 10, 2014 at 1:27pm

I am totally impressed as well.  I think you are going to wind up with 2 fabulous and well adjusted doodles - not to mention totally adorable, as well!  Your family has really gone above and beyond - I have no doubt that everything is going to work out perfectly.  It appears that Coal and Sadie are thriving and will continue to do so with your wonderful family!  Good luck on the spay/neuter situation - let us know how they are!


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