Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

As some of you may know, our little family is embarking on a 25-hour journey today to New York.  We are making the pilgrimage home to introduce the Milt to the fam.  Last year I went home for the entire summer, but this year I didn't want to keep Milton away from his daddy too long, so it will just be a two week vacation.  This little jaunt is also to fulfill my own desire of a cross country road trip. All of the naysayers who spoke out against it actually encouraged me to do it! 

Leaving Milton at home while I flew to New York, was not an option for me.  These first few puppy months are integral to Milton's training (pottie, leash, chewing), and with Jeff working such long hours, I did not want Milt neglected at home.  The more we train the pup now, hopefully the better he will be in the fall when school starts up again.
I did consider flying with Milton as a carry on, but I thought that could easily develop into a traumatizing experience.  I didn't want to risk the little guy whining/barking or getting sick.  Plus I was a little nervous that he would keep on growing and not fit in a crate when the time came to return to Texas. 

Quite the trip


To prepare Milton for this trip, I have been taking him on little car rides around our neighborhood.  Milton and I look at all the pretty houses and daydream.  Milton sits in my lap, so I can pet him and keep him calm.  This is not the safest option, so we now have a puppy seatbelt along with a travel crate all prepared for the long ride.

Milton all ready to go.

On Milton's first car rides, he cried and shook for the majority of the drive.  I tried to encourage him to like the car by giving him pieces of milk bone or bits of dog food before, during, and after the ride.  By now, he is much more relaxed and will try to look out the windows and eventually just doze off.

What does a Milt need for such an incredible journey? Well, let's see:

1.  Dog food

2.  Portable dog bowls

3.  Dog treats

4.  Travel crate with sleeping blanket

5.  Puppy pads

6. Resolve carpet cleaner

7.  Chew toys

8.  Bitter apple spray

9.  Heart worm pill

10.  Puppy shampoo

I am certain there are a few more odds and ends, bits and bobs, I am missing.  From now on, I'm packing for two.

Milton thought we were kicking him out.
Milt and his Monkey

The first leg of our trip is ten-hours from Dallas, Texas to Clarksville, Tennessee where Jeff's brother and his family live. We will spend all day Saturday visiting with them and then depart very early Sunday morning for the remainder of the drive - 15 hours. I have absolutely no idea how this whole escapade is going to turn out. We will continuously blast the air conditioning, routinely pet Milton, and of course frequently stop for our favorite treat, Dairy Queen, or simply DQ.

Does anyone have any tips on how to keep a puppy happy in the car?  Let me know if you do!  On Monday, I will post a photo montage of our grand adventure...

To read more about Milt, visit

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Comment by Cheryl and Finnegan on July 7, 2012 at 2:54pm

Sounds like your adventure is going really well.  Finn loves the car and travels so well that I take him down to VA regularly -- a 6 to 7 hour drive.  He just curls up and goes to sleep. I make sure he also ways has a fleecy cover on the back seat (which he loves) a favorite toy, and this is going to sound crazy but some low key classical music. I discovered that trick when I worked with rescue. A couple of walking and water breaks are all he needs. He would be all in for a stop at DQ though :)  Good luck on the rest of your adventure. Just enjoy it! Milton is a cutie.

Comment by Heidi & Milton on July 3, 2012 at 6:41pm

Milton slept the entire way which was amazing!  Thankfully the 25-hour drive was actually not so bad!

Comment by Linda, Webber and Seda on July 1, 2012 at 11:52am

Webber and I drove from NC to California, via Yellowstone Natn'l forest and Washington State. We visited all my relatives. Webber was older than Milt I think.  I drove 8-9 hours a day and stopped about every four hours for us to stretch our legs and for me to give Webber some water.  I would recommend a cooler with a jug of cold water, and drinks for you.  I fed him when we stopped, as he wasn't too interested in food on the road.  We stayed at La Quinta Inn's and Motel 6's that were dog friendly, along with friends homes along the way.  We traveled for six weeks and it was the most fun I have had in a long time.  I would suggest when you stop to potty you don't stop at the rest stops where multiple dogs have been.  Rather, pick a grassy area by a restaurant,  gas station or mall.  Don't forget poopy bags.  Have a really great time and don't hurry.  Blog your journey if you can so we can all go!!

Comment by Kaytlin and Cooper on June 29, 2012 at 1:53pm
Comment by Kaytlin and Cooper on June 29, 2012 at 1:52pm

Milton looks so cute in the car! Glad he wont be riding in your lap anymore as its not safe for you, him or others on the road.

Here is the link to my blog when we did a cross country trip - it was much easier than i thought it would be (pet wise anyway, lack of sleep not so much). If i could do it again Id take more sleep rests, but your plan of 10-15 hours sounds good (we did 20 hrs and 29 hours)

Comment by Janice Hammond on June 29, 2012 at 12:13pm

Sadie had her very first long care ride a tthe age of 7 weeks when the breeder drove for 8 hours to bring her to us,She has been travelling ever since and loves it. If a vehicle leaves home with out her she is not a happr doodle.

Just have a relaxing trip and enjoy.Milt will do just fine.He is a cuite.

Comment by Nicky, Riley & Boris on June 29, 2012 at 11:38am

I am planning a three day trip next year so will follow your journey with interest.  When I got Riley at 9 weeks I drove 11 hours home with him on my own and it went without a problem.  Good luck, Milton looks adorable in his travel crate.

Comment by Sally on June 29, 2012 at 11:25am

And of course your disposition and energy is key to embrace the trip, stay calm and happy and i bet you he will too. Also since it's sooooo hot (especially here in New York this weekend we're having mid 90s

with high humidity) plan how you will make human "potty stops without having to leave Milt in the car (unless you can keep the air cond. running with doors locked of course. Is he still small enough to fit in a travel bag? 

He's quite adorable. And I envy the cross country endeavor. I promised my Duncan we'd do a trip like this before he turns 5. He's 3 1/2 now. 

Comment by Camilla and Darwin on June 29, 2012 at 10:42am

I echo Jarka's advice, and that last picture of Milton is the cutest thing ever!

Comment by Jarka, Monty & Auggie on June 29, 2012 at 10:02am

What an adventure. Make sure you have plenty of water for Milton as well, and stop and let him run often. If he is tired, he will sleep in the car.


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