Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

August 3, 3009-Charli has been with us 8 days.
-Mickey is at his forever home with me, Samantha & Charli. We got here (Pittsburgh) yesterday afternoon. He seems to be very comfortable. He bonded very well with Marissa and Seamus, anyone that Samantha loves seems to rub off on him - TG!. He slept with them behind closed doors. The first night with Samantha and the 2nd night without her.
Saturday Samantha, Charli & I went to Westchester, NY to pick up my Mom and 2 nephews to bring back to my house for the day. During that time, Debbie Kaikaka, DK member, worked with the 3 of them. She is a friend and professional trainer. Three hours later we came back and witness Mickey walking so beautifully with Marissa. a very lovely sight to witness.
He seems to be doing fine. Today I am going to take Samantha & Charli out for a ride and leave him home with Marissa & Seamus. A little at a time. He must get used to being without Samantha and Samantha without him! That will be the hard part of this separation for me - the 2 of them have been attached at the hip for weeks now.
-Samantha has been an angel with both of these pups. I guess I forgot that she, too, is a puppy.

Little Charli has a huge personality.No fears at all Up and down steps without being shown!
Tried to eat out of Samantha's bowl while she is eating,
trying to take a toy out of Smantha's mouth,
jumped on Samantha while she was napping
NO MORE!! A few 'air snaps' and growls from Samantha finally got the point across!! She is a she-devil - into EVERYTHING!! She is so incredibly different from Samantha & Mickey it takes some getting used to.
Charli is very vocal. Only weighing 8.2 lbs (as of last Monday) she talks while playing tug-of-war with the older 2. She gives both Samantha & Mickey are run for their money. She really keeps up with them. She is very funny. I hope that with her smarts at play she is that smart & willing to learn during training.

I fed them this morning- Samantha first, Charli actually waited. Then Mickey, again she waited. Then Charli who dove in head first into her bowl like she has never seen food before. Maybe Charli is finally getting the hint that she is low woman on the totem pole. That would be much more peaceful if she really gets it. Prince Mickey, likes to lay down, with those lloonngg legs in front of him and eat. Too cute.

August 22, 2009
Very busy household. The 2 Doodles are super fantastic! They have become friends. Thursday, Samantha kept giving me 'Mom please help me, my ball is stuck' kind of whine. I ignored her for a minute but felt guilty so I got up to get the ball but it wasn't the ball she wanted help with - it was Charli eating the geraniums! I will never ignore that whine again!
Charli has learned that Samantha is in charge. She knows that early in the am is not Samantha's best time so she tries to get Samantha to play but quickly realizes her mistake and rolls on her back begging Samantha for forgiveness. Too funny to watch.
Vet visit for shots Thursday - Charli weighed a big 16.2 lbs at 13 weeks and at 18 months Samantha weighs 61.1 lbs. She has lost more weight - that is what we lovingly call the Mickey/Charli diet - exercise!!
Charli has no fear - I actually found her upstairs laying on the corner of my bed. Samantha was not happy with that. That is Samantha's turf for now. Charli still has accidents in the house - vet thinks may be a UTI so I am off today with a sample. Not that I want her to have a UTI but better that than a puppy who has no control. She pees with the patio door open so there is no excuse she doesn't have my attention to let her out.

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Comment by Joanne ~ Spud* on August 4, 2009 at 10:56am
Hope t his fixes the red x let's try again.

Comment by LuvMyAbby&Kaela on August 4, 2009 at 8:58am
I cant see the 2nd pic. Just get the little red x in a box in the corner. ??
Comment by LuvMyAbby&Kaela on August 4, 2009 at 8:57am
LOL! The little queen bee! Too funny that Charli. Sounds like fun times these days with all those adorable doods. Glad it looks like Mickey will settle in well at his new home.
Comment by Tante & Jordan & now Annie! on August 3, 2009 at 7:39pm
Your posts are making me want to adopt another doodle or poodle. Don't you just love having more than one,It so interesting watching dogs interact.
Comment by Joanne ~ Spud* on August 3, 2009 at 7:21pm

Comment by Adrianne Matzkin on August 3, 2009 at 3:34pm
Mickey - the chocolate, curly was my foster who is in his forever home as of yesterday - my daughter & SIL adopted him. Unfortunately for me, they live 6 hours from us in Pittsburgh but I will get to see him every month.
Charli - the little black, is ours. Furever!
They both are from PM and both rescues. Mickey has just grown both physically and emotionally into a gorgeous doodle!!
Comment by Adina P on August 3, 2009 at 12:31pm
It's good Charli is different than Sam...she'll keep you on your toes! Sounds like fun times at the Matzkin house lately.
Comment by Linda,Yankee & Finn on August 3, 2009 at 11:43am
Charli sounds like my Finn who is 12 weeks old but he is successful at taking toys from Yankee but not for long. He is also vocal and into everything which I am not used to. I'm sure Charli will learn her place quite quickly. I'm not so sure about my little Finn.
Comment by Lorraine Bromley on August 3, 2009 at 7:52am
So who will be staying in their forever homes with you and who is a rescue that will hopefully get a new forever home? Mickey was a mill rescue right. His last pics looked great and didnt he seem issue less. Flower bed poo problem fixed?
Comment by Joanne ~ Spud* on August 3, 2009 at 5:30am
Well that sounds so sweet I think I will just drive over and meet these puppies. ON MY WAY!


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