Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My big 65Ib girl will be 1 on Oct 23rd!! So far I have been doing all her grooming myself with some hairdresser scissors.  Today after attempting to brush her out I finally realized what a crappy uneven job I had been doing with the scissors... so I bit the bullet and went to a grooming shop and bought the Wahl KM2 clipper along with some different blade sizes.  Up until now I have only used just a normal bristle brush, so I also purchased a metal comb and a de-matter comb. 


To get ready for the big groom I did a quick search here on DK and realized that I probably shouldve been combing her out all along with the wide tooth comb... oh well, I figured it will still be a quick brush out as I regulary groom her. Well oh my Doodle I spent an hr and half combing her out until I gave up because my arm was sore.  To make a long story short I decided to just get on with it, quickly read the directions on the clipper and started to shave the hair away!


To say it was easy was an understatement.  The machine worked like a dream, but not having a table nor anything to hold her still I was crouching in every which direction trying to get in all the nooks and crannies! My back is killing me! Not to mention my kitchen was full of hair... All the while I was thinking, why oh why did I decide this would be a good idea? LOL


Anyways, heres my pics, they arent the best angles but I hope you can see some difference! I dont think I did too bad. All in all she was a very good girl.  If you have any feedback please let me know!!












































































































































Now if only I would have bought this in the summer we both would have been a much happier camper! I used the 1 inch clipper over body and then the 1/4 inch for the underside.  Which would have been a great length for her in the summer! Oh well, always next year!













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Comment by Lisa, Daisy & Dexter on October 8, 2011 at 2:10am

Daisy is also a 65lb girl, I love the way Bailey ended up....I just don't think Daisy would turn out that way and then I would have to have her fixed.We used to try to groom our last boy and he ended up looking stupid more often than not.

However, the last time Daisy was groomed she came back with a poodle poof head, so disappointing as the time prior, same groomer, she was perfect. UGH!

Comment by Maryann,Roo and Tigger on October 8, 2011 at 1:27am

Wow I am impressed.  I, too, bit the bullet and invested in clippers etc.  Bailey looks about 65 time better than either Roo or Tigger.  They both looked like I bit their fur off.  How in the world did you get the !" clippers through all that hair.


I would love to have a dog wash sink and a table with a noose, my back would love it even more.  But those two items are really pricey.  Guess I'll just continue to use the shower and the kitchen counter.....


Again Congratulations on what looks like a really good job, not a first time job.

Comment by Ozzy Bob and Leanna on October 6, 2011 at 7:49am
Looks like you did an excellent job!  I admire you for trying as I would be scared to use electric clippers on Ozzy.  I'd definitely have to have the table, and noose to make him hold still.  GOOD JOB! 
Comment by Chelsea and Bailey on October 6, 2011 at 5:36am
Thank you everyone for the kind words! And also thanks to those that gave me feedback! I definetly see where I could have fixed the back a bit, so next time I will do the brushing back and forth thing!
Comment by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on October 5, 2011 at 5:56am
If I were there, I would give you a big ole pat on the back because I think you did a wonderful job.  If you are going to continue to do this yourself I would invest in a good table and a Les Poochs brush (you can talk to Kemp at the Doodle Country Store, he is a member here).  You can send him a photo and he will tell you which brush you need for your doodles coat type.  This saved my life in brushing out my two girls.  Investing in just a few things to make life easier when grooming yourself will quickly be saved by not going to the groomers.  You did an awesome job, so I see grooming in your future.
Comment by Camilla and Darwin on October 4, 2011 at 9:43pm
Wow, she looks so great!
Comment by Ginny Nightingale on October 4, 2011 at 7:56pm
Great job! She looks wonderful! One way to get the hair on the body to all be the same length is to cut with the hair growth with the clippers, then brush the hair against the growth with a slicker brush then go over it with the clippers again in the direction of the growth. The slicker brush will lift up the hair and you will see some longer clumps. The clipper will then get the longer hairs on the second pass. Sometimes you have to do this several times to get it all even. It is hard to tell from the picture, but it looks like she has longer and shorter hair on her back and this is a way to get it all the same length--IF you want it to be all the same, that is! She looks cute either way!
Comment by Melody & Bruin on October 4, 2011 at 7:41pm
I think she looks absolutely beautiful!  You go Mama!!!!  great job  :o)
Comment by Jodi and Stella on October 4, 2011 at 7:39pm
Great job, especially for your first time!
Comment by Carole (*Koda*Monty*Bindi) on October 4, 2011 at 7:28pm
You did great!  I'm impressed!


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