Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I do believe I have the best puppy in the whole world....OK, perhaps that is stretching it a bit too far...perhaps in Nebraska...OK, for sure in our house! She has been here 8 nights and unless I get up to go "potty", she sleeps through the night. If she hears me get up, she'll make 1 little bark. I figure I might as well take her out while I am up. If my DH gets up in the middle of the night, she doesn't, but will start stirring around 5:44.

Potty training is going great. Other than her little diarrhea issue Tuesday, no accidents! I have to say, though, that she isn't left alone or unwatched and she is either with us, playing with us or our eyes are on her. If we need to do something that takes our attention away from her, we crate her. In the morning, when we are getting ready for work, we put her in her crate in the bedroom so she can see us in the bathroom. Otherwise, I will put her in the travel kennel and park that right next to me. She will go down for the night or a nap without a fuss. She does make a fuss for a bit if she isn't tired and we leave her. We just ignore her until she settles down. Right now, she is napping in her kennel on a table 1 foot from me.

The vet said I could take her for walks, so we are learning to loose leash walk. She actually does a fairly good job of it. We will go for a walk at 6:15AM down the block and back and then after I get home from work. It is incredible that she KNOWS which house is hers. As soon as we get to the driveway, she turns in and goes to the big garage door and waits for me to open it.

We have been working on meeting people, children and dogs. I had someone come to the door and she didn't bark at all. We met a few LARGE, but friendly dogs the other morning on our walk and she was a bit frightened, but I let them sniff her and she was OK with that.

Rua is REALLY trying to get our cat, PuffDog, to play with her. I am trying to get a video because it is truly laugh out loud. PuffDog doesn't like other pets or small children, so usually she will go hide out and stay hidden. PuffDog is now hanging out near by and Rua will run up to her and start running circles around her. She'll stop, play bow and bark. She wants SOOO badly for the cat to play with her. PuffDog will swipe at her (no claws front or back), but will stand her ground.

I swear that PuffDog went from weighing 12.5 lbs to 50 lbs in the past week. I actually had to get on the scale with her and weigh her this morning...but she still weighed 12.5 lbs. Can't believe how heavy she is, and solid, compared to Rua.

Oh, Rua has now discovered paper. She loves to pull paper or tissues out of the waste baskets. So, right now they are up on top of the toilet tanks or other higher surfaces. She ALSO discovered toilet paper and LOVES to run out of the bathroom and down the hall with it behind her.

Well, we are going for another car ride and maybe do some shopping so she can meet some more people and perhaps I might get her a new toy or two! :-)

Stay 'tooned for more adventures!

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Comment by 2SCdoodles on October 3, 2010 at 8:51am
What a cutie! I miss the puppy stages! The adult stage is great, too, but the puppy years were tons of fun!
Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on October 2, 2010 at 7:49pm
Another dk member and I figured we could make a million by designing fashionable counter top wastebaskets!!!! Ned has never outgrown his love of wastebaskets but he has trained us to keep bathroom doors closed and wastebaskets fashionably blocked from him!!!
Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on October 2, 2010 at 4:22pm
Oh, are such a great Doodle puppy. Isn't toilet paper the BEST!
Comment by Carol and Banjo on October 2, 2010 at 4:14pm
There's nothing as sweet as puppy days!!!! Rua looks and sounds like a little sweetie!
Comment by Christine & Shelby on October 2, 2010 at 1:10pm
Rua.... keep being the good dood. I think the humans really like it when we are good puppies - I was a good puppy, if I do say so myself, with the exception of a few lapses in judgement! What did I get for being so good? Toys, treats, lots of car rides, shopping and so much more. Keep up the good work!
Comment by Ricki and Tara (doodle) on October 2, 2010 at 10:21am
It sounds like you have such a GOOD little girl and are going an excellent job of doodle parenting!! I'm glad to hear that PuffDog is holding her ground-it took our cat, Amber some months to learn that trick and she was pretty miserable until she did!!! Enjoy your baby!!!


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