Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I can hardly believe how this happened....I kept thinking there is no way I would have allowed my dog to get fat. It must be DHs fault.
I took Murphy in for his yearly check up and vaccinations and he has ALWAYS been between 60-64 pds MAX! He was a whopping 70.5 pds. I even had to take his harness off, like we take our shoes off when being weighed at the doctors!
I have always prided myself on keeping my guys fit, lean, active, well fed with 5 star kibble, homemade meals and treats, no fat yogurts, and equal weights so they can wrestle together and not hurt each other by outweighing the other.
How could this have happened? It's kind of like that state of denial we are all in when we get on the scale after a few months and realize that 10 extra pounds just magically appeared on our body's. Thinking back I do see the error is both mine and DH's as he said "They always look hungry, so I give them a heaping cup when I feed". I don't know what that "hungry look" is other than Bella salivates at the thought of food coming, but regardless, that "heaping" cup equates to about 1/4c more food 2 x a day.
And I too have been thinking this last month that they would really enjoy some Peanut Butter in their frozen fat free cream cheese Kongs and added a few tablespoons the last two times. You wouldn't think either of these small additions would make that much of a difference, but obviously it does.
So we are on a doggie diets here, and luckily they both love green beans because they are going to be back into their fit, hourglass bodies for swim season.
UPDATE 3/26/16
Murphy has lost about a pound a week, and was 68.5 on Wed when I had him weighed. So we are on the right track to reach our goal weight of 64ish in about a month.
I decided to take Bella along for the first weeks weigh-in and found out she's up a few pounds as well, although she still have her curvy body. She was 64 which is the most she's ever been too. She lost 2 pounds the first week of cutting back and that feels a little too fast so I am tapering her food down a little more slowly.
They will be more active soon as well since the pool is warming up nicely, so that should help.
It's so good to hear so many of you have gone through the same. I'm in good company. Joani, I have been watching "My 600 lb life" too. And YES, I probably feel like one of those disbelief.
Yes Ricki, I do think the holidays and less walks played into this. We talked about taking the cover off the pool today just so we could get him swimming a little sooner than usual.
Oh Lori, wouldn't that be great if we could all just cut our hair and loose weight??? lol, he was just groomed a week before. But he sure does look fatter when he's long.
Oh My Laurie, I used to wear the least amount of clothes possible!
Linda, Murphy heard me rattle the leash this morning and went running to DH to hide behind him!!! I've been taking him on 2-4 mile walks every day all week and I think he is finally rebelling.
Wendy, he may know I've got his best interest, but he's not liking it one bit. He keeps licking his empty bowl after he eats like he knows there should be more but he's not finding it.
Aw, Nancy, poor Clancy. The simple little "heap" isn't as innocent as it looks.
Shoney, I took him into the Vet to be weighed on Tuesday and he'd already lost 1 pd. So we're on the right track and I feel that it's slow enough weight loss for him. I'll keep monitoring because I don't want to make him lose it too quickly.
Jane, I never thought I'd EVER hear the words " He's just at the edge of too heavy, so you don't want him to gain anymore". I don't know how I didn't notice he lost his cute little waistline and I couldn't even feel ribs. Just crazy. I wonder if they gain weight easier as they age like we do?
Ah...the dreaded weight gain. I too did not think I was feeding beautiful Skadi too much food! How does it happen? I felt like the folks on "My 600 lb. life" How did we get this way? dog doesn't drive to the store and get treats, doesn't get her own 2nd helpings, and she has YET to learn how to open the fridge! However, when we are shopping at Soldan's, the treats are deliberately put at doggie mouth level to encourage my darlings to shop lift! Alas, that didn't happen enough to warrant the "PUDGING" of Skadi. Take heart! The green bean diet does work...that, and ignoring those puppy dog eyes. Like my mom would say "This is going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt you" Here's Skadi before and after
Aww, Murph :( It sounds like winter and the holidays got the best of you! It happened to Tara one winter too. But don't worry once you're outside and more active the extra "fluff" will disappear!
Sue, I went through the same shock that you're experiencing when I couldn't find Tara's ribs one winter. I just couldn't believe it-I was always so careful with her diet. Apparently, the best laid plans...can be undone by a doodle! LOL The green bean diet worked great for her so you're on the right track! Good luck!
I wish someone could just put me on a diet like that! No other source of food but the healthy stuff from Mom!
Are you sure he doesn't just need a haircut? lol
Awwww....poor Murphy. Diets stink :) I would get naked to weigh in at the doctor's if they would let me. LOL
Sue, I am glad you brought this subject up. I think Charlie & I both need Weight Watchers. Beau and my DH are tall and lean! I just recently cut Charlie back about 1/8 cup, and I am making him walk 30 minutes a day. 15 minutes out, he sits down and looks at Beau and I, as if to say "we go back now, right"! He wants to go back home a play ball - that is his obsession!
LOL - I laughed when you said you took the harness off like we take our shoes off! I take my glasses off when I weigh myself! I hope Murphy will understand that a diet is in his best interest! Good Luck!
Luckily for us (and for Ned), he pretty much monitors himself, but Clancy can gain weight looking at food. We have to measure his food and keep the 'heap' out of the scoop. So glad that Murphy likes green beans!
Oh Murphy, you have my sympathy....the weight just creeps on for a lot of us. Poor baby. Let us know how the diet goes.
Murph has never been a concern with weight....but that's because I can only feed him one RX food and hydrolyzed treats...not much chance to "overfeed". Guinness is a different story. He is looking a bit "porky" right now, and I've got him on a diet....he is NOT happy about that. His annual is in June and I need to take off a couple pounds before that to avoid the "lecture". I can barely feel those ribs on the little guy and that's not good. Okay, then there's me and bathing suit season.....that's a different story.
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