Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My Deepest Apologies! -Copy of and starting a discussion re: my comment on 'Dogs Do Not Live in the Past"

Dear DK Family,
I must apologize to you for allowing this discussion to have even started. I must be suffering from New Foster Mommy Syndrome (I can't say New Mommy because I am not his Mommy and cannot start thinking that way). I do not usually air my feelings that way much less in such a public forum and I apologize for any discomfort I may caused anyone.
Please accept my apologies and have a fantastic day!

Dear DK members,

I don't normally start a heated discussion in person or in my virtual home but I am very upset with this comment made by Denise after she read what I wrote with the video of Mickey. If by chance I misunderstood Densie's comment I apologize now - but I don't think I did.

This is how it started.
Under the video (by the way if you haven't seen it yet he is too darned cute to miss)
Comment by Adrianne Matzkin 14 hours ago
This was taken on day 2. Notice how he sits in front of the mirror - I assume he thinks it is one of his siblings. That was his 'home base' for 3 days. He doesn't sit there at all anymore!!

Cesar Milan says dogs do not live in the past. We humans do. I saw that first hand. He is right!

Comment by LuvLittleAbby 14 hours ago Yep

Comment by HANNAH & HONEY'S PAGE 14 hours ago
If dogs don't live in the past, how do they do they know words like Doggy Park, ByeBye, how to tell you when they want out or want water. Why when we train them do we need to be repetative with commands? Any dog will forget something that has not become repetative to them.

Are you trying to pick an arguement with me? I don't think that a video taken of and with pure joy was the place for you to write this comment.

Where are you going with this comment?

Are you trying to say that the crappy living conditions Mickey spent the ENTIRE first 4+ months of his life weren't long enough to leave scars? or that things at AH weren't that bad so he doesn't have any horrors to forget? What do you feel constitutes the time frame before a dog can no longer leave the mistreatment, no vet visits, enough food, grass under their feet, a belly rub, ear scratch in the past and it becomes part of them where they can never forget?

This little guy spent the first 4 months of his life in "Skippy's hell hole of a puppy mill and then the next month in a shelter. He is 5 lbs underweight! That is 20% of his body weight!! He has gained 1/2 lb in 5 days - which just shows that both places were no picnic! He is the runt of the litter so I am sure that no one at the shelter had the time to make sure he was getting enough food, because they were overcome with rescues from Skippy. To be that underweight didn't happen in just 4 weeks. It started well before he got to the shelter - say the 3 months before that? The day he was born?

By the way - I have been meaning to ask why do you refer to him as 'Skippy' - with all that I have read I never heard him being referred to other than 'Skip'? I know that you had legal issues with him I think with Honey (sorry if I got that wrong) and your being able to spay her or not but it seems that you refer to him in a friendly manner. I sincerely hope that your legal issues with him have been solved and that both your pups are now spayed.

Again, I apologize if I misunderstood your comments but I want this out in the open and open for a family discussion.

DK Family, please let me know what you think - did I misunderstand and just being a protective foster mom?

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Comment by Adrianne Matzkin on July 9, 2009 at 4:39am
This discussion is now closed.
Comment by Adrianne Matzkin on July 9, 2009 at 3:43am
Good Morning Sue and thank you! You are correct - the written word is very different from human bantering. I must have been very tired to allow this whole thing to go so far. We can talk about this WITH human bantering Saturday. Have a fantastic day!!
Comment by Sue Robin F on July 8, 2009 at 10:58pm
I am confused. I think that sometimes the written word can have many different interpretations. When we speak we hear the tone of the voice and may see gestures that clarify things. When it is just written it is hard to tell. So I cannot say for sure if you are or are not misunderstanding the situation. Try not to let anyone's comments take away from your pleasure.
By the way, Moses was totally afraid to eat when I first got him because he was squashed in a cage with more dominant dogs and would get attacked if he tried to get food.
He was eating his own feces when I got him, which I am told can happen from being in a mill. To this day, if he is eating and I walk in the room he still jumps away fearfully from his food .... and i always reassure him he that it is okay to eat. It is definitely a scar that he carries from the puppy mill and i am not sure if that will ever go totally away. It is much better, but still somewhat there. He also has some other issues which are from the mill.
I think that there are many variables, and each dog has it's own individual circumstances along with bringing into it their own temperaments.Even with people, some recover from trauma and some do not. Jackie rescued Delilah from a mill when she was older. It took Deliliah a very long time to allow Jackie to pet her. .... I know that you were not asking for my opinion about this ... but rather you were asking for opinions about your interaction with Denise.
The important thing here is that you are doing a very good deed in rescuing Mickey ...
You are giving him much love and great care and I commend you for that. He also seems like a very special dog
Comment by Adrianne Matzkin on July 8, 2009 at 9:45pm
Enough! This started out as a way for me to share MY time and strides made with and for Mickey. YOU are the one that had to go and say things against my beliefs. If I choose to believe what I said and live in a cloud, why would you possibly choose this particular place to undermind me and what I am going through? This is not about you or your experiences with AH and Skip - THIS IS ABOUT MICKEY! All I wanted to do was to share something wonderful and you just had to write something negative. If you want to start a discussion about your beliefs about what or what not dogs remember, please do so. I think it would make a very interesting discussion. But not here.
ENOUGH is ENOUGH - please!!! You are making this much worse and I would like it to stop.
thank you.
Comment by HANNAH 8/2/07 & HONEY 7/2/08 on July 8, 2009 at 9:31pm
First off which this is none of anyone's business either but since I keep getting slandered on this site and a select few keep making me their business and want to make a mountain out of a moll hill ...When I was a kid..
My brothers best friends name was Carl Seibert.. (No relation to Skip (Derbe) Eckhart), his sister Shirley and I grew up together and have remained friends all our lives...Carl's nickname was "SKIPPY or SKIP" has nothing to do with NONE OF THE ABOVE....has nothing to do with sarcasm or anything anyone wants to try and make more out of something...Keep ASSUMING the saying is

This is not the first dog I have ever owned or rescued ...and every rescue I have owned or family has owned at one point in the dogs life or animal's life the abuse came back to haunt them, why I questioned this comment about living in the past or present....has nothing to do with beans and franks..skippy or skip...or OMG I got it in for you Adrainne ...I'm so forget yes I have a dog who came from the same place and spent longer time there than your dog imagine that...and went through more HEALTH PROBLEMS than your dog did...hmmmm so imagine is what it is...excuse me for asking you a ?
Comment by Linda,Yankee & Finn on July 8, 2009 at 9:16pm
That's how I was able to see it. I went to You tube and searched for Samantha and Mickey.
Comment by Leslie and Halas on July 8, 2009 at 9:11pm
Awww, I have to see that video. I'll try to figure out why it's not working for me tomorrow. Maybe I'll just go straight to YouTube and try to find it.
Comment by Adrianne Matzkin on July 8, 2009 at 9:06pm
Thank you Leslie and Reg! That should have been a 'debate' in the Debate Club Group. It is open to many interpretations and ideas. BUT do not rain on my parade. He is such a joy, is making incredible strides, gaining weight which he desperately needs and he deserves not to have anyone belittle that!

Samantha came from a BYB via pet store. She did not bring any 'baggage' with her other than her total obsession with the ball! She has been an incredible older sister to Mickey. The patience she shows is incredible! I am sure that very soon she will have to let him know when he crosses the line but for now she is treating him with Doodle gloves. When he ran off with her ball this morning, she did nothing. waited for him to lay down to chew it, then stood over him, very slowly she lowered her head to take the ball away from him. It took him a minute to even realize she had run off with it. When we are with other Doodles or other dogs, for that matter, if someone tries to take her ball, she takes the 'guarding' stance and they back off. But not with Mickey. What a girl!!
Comment by Adrianne Matzkin on July 8, 2009 at 8:50pm
If you didn't even see my video, why would you comment on it? Why would you attempt to take such a wonderful time for me and try to ruin it? Why would you say anything negative without even seeing it. I just don't understand that mindset.
What did you mean by 'you's are the one with the problem, not me'? What and who are you talking about?
I think that maybe you are the one that should be looking in the mirror to try to find out what would possess you to say such 'mean spirited things' in a blog about a simply wonderful afternoon with a little boy that started his life in a such horrendous way. I wanted to share with my virtual family the progress that he has made. in such a short time.
I would very much appreciate if you would not comment on anything I post if it will be in a mean spirited way. Life is much too short for me to deal with that kind of negativity. Thank you.
Comment by LuvMyAbby&Kaela on July 8, 2009 at 8:49pm
I think it is conditioning; and moment by moment stimulus-response. I dont think they have memories like we do and like some here described. Because if they do my Bailey is one sick puppy!! He used to try to hump his mom! I forgave him because I figured at that point in his life he had no idea that the dog he lived with actually was his mom>.



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