Dear DK Family,
I must apologize to you for allowing this discussion to have even started. I must be suffering from New Foster Mommy Syndrome (I can't say New Mommy because I am not his Mommy and cannot start thinking that way). I do not usually air my feelings that way much less in such a public forum and I apologize for any discomfort I may caused anyone.
Please accept my apologies and have a fantastic day!
Dear DK members,
I don't normally start a heated discussion in person or in my virtual home but I am very upset with this comment made by Denise after she read what I wrote with the video of Mickey. If by chance I misunderstood Densie's comment I apologize now - but I don't think I did.
This is how it started.
Under the video (by the way if you haven't seen it yet he is too darned cute to miss)
Comment by Adrianne Matzkin 14 hours ago
This was taken on day 2. Notice how he sits in front of the mirror - I assume he thinks it is one of his siblings. That was his 'home base' for 3 days. He doesn't sit there at all anymore!!
Cesar Milan says dogs do not live in the past. We humans do. I saw that first hand. He is right!
Comment by LuvLittleAbby 14 hours ago Yep
Comment by HANNAH & HONEY'S PAGE 14 hours ago
If dogs don't live in the past, how do they do they know words like Doggy Park, ByeBye, how to tell you when they want out or want water. Why when we train them do we need to be repetative with commands? Any dog will forget something that has not become repetative to them.
Are you trying to pick an arguement with me? I don't think that a video taken of and with pure joy was the place for you to write this comment.
Where are you going with this comment?
Are you trying to say that the crappy living conditions Mickey spent the ENTIRE first 4+ months of his life weren't long enough to leave scars? or that things at AH weren't that bad so he doesn't have any horrors to forget? What do you feel constitutes the time frame before a dog can no longer leave the mistreatment, no vet visits, enough food, grass under their feet, a belly rub, ear scratch in the past and it becomes part of them where they can never forget?
This little guy spent the first 4 months of his life in "Skippy's hell hole of a puppy mill and then the next month in a shelter. He is 5 lbs underweight! That is 20% of his body weight!! He has gained 1/2 lb in 5 days - which just shows that both places were no picnic! He is the runt of the litter so I am sure that no one at the shelter had the time to make sure he was getting enough food, because they were overcome with rescues from Skippy. To be that underweight didn't happen in just 4 weeks. It started well before he got to the shelter - say the 3 months before that? The day he was born?
By the way - I have been meaning to ask why do you refer to him as 'Skippy' - with all that I have read I never heard him being referred to other than 'Skip'? I know that you had legal issues with him I think with Honey (sorry if I got that wrong) and your being able to spay her or not but it seems that you refer to him in a friendly manner. I sincerely hope that your legal issues with him have been solved and that both your pups are now spayed.
Again, I apologize if I misunderstood your comments but I want this out in the open and open for a family discussion.
DK Family, please let me know what you think - did I misunderstand and just being a protective foster mom?