Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

He is such a joy!! Growing both physically and emotionally. He initiates real puppy play with Samantha. He no longer uses the step and mirror as his 'home base'! The submissive peeing is just an occaisional thing. He eats like a little pig and just LOVES to sneak and eat Samantha's big girl kibble. Getting him to take medicine had me crazy until tonight - he loves cooked ground beef - hopefully that will last.
Samantha has become his big sister, teacher and lifeline. Because of her he has come this far so soon.
Thanks for checking in on Mickey's progress.
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Comment by Michele Barton on July 15, 2009 at 2:20pm
He is really looking good! I bet Samantha is really going to miss him when he goes to Marissa's. Is that why you're thinking of getting another one?
Comment by Adrianne Matzkin on July 14, 2009 at 5:29pm
Mickey will be going to Marissa (she is already here in DK) & Seamus, sometime in August. There are moving into their new home the end of July, give them time to uppack and get settled and then Samantha, Mickey & I will head out there. We will spend a few days, letting him get settled into his nuw digs and I help decorate my room (the guest room) in their new home.

Mickey isn't much shorter than Samantha for now. She is 23" and he is 17" - his paws are 3" long - he will be one tall doodle!!

Lynne - lets get a romp together so Mickey can meet all his Jersey Doodle buddies before he becomes a PA Doodle! I can take a day off during the week if that works - let's talk!
Comment by Dana on July 14, 2009 at 12:57pm
Just luv that boy! Great pixs. It's amazing how far he's come in such a short time.
Comment by Jersey, Jasmine, Jypsy and Diane on July 14, 2009 at 12:42pm
Mickey is adorable, looks like he is making progress with coming out of his shell. He needs to be around more doodles, now that he is away from his mirror. How long will you be his foster mom?
Comment by Leslie and Halas on July 14, 2009 at 12:19pm
Great job! It looks like he's really coming out of his shell. I just love his long, doodle legs, and the pics where his legs are just hanging off of his step. In pics where he's alone, he looks big (probably because of those legs), but you can really see how small he is in the pics with Samantha. She's doing a great job as a foster sister, too. Can't wait to see more. He's made a lot of progress already.
Comment by The Berry Oaks Doodle Ranch on July 14, 2009 at 7:36am
Good work Adrianne, he will be an amazing puppy when you are done....
Comment by LuvMyAbby&Kaela on July 13, 2009 at 8:36pm
What an adorable pair! He is progressing wonderfully! Good work FM!!
Comment by Adrianne Matzkin on July 13, 2009 at 7:31pm
He is great at work - if I can't get him out to potty, he holds it! He is getting more confident with meeting new people as long as Samantha is nearby. He follows her everywhere when he is allowed out of my office. If he is not playing with Samantha, he is napping. We started going for short walks to get him used to the sights and sounds of town living. He still thinks cars whizzing by are scary so we need to practice more.
Comment by Adina P on July 13, 2009 at 7:16pm
What wonderful progress! He couldn't have done it without you stepping up to the plate and giving him the chance =) Good work Adrianne! And that Samantha...she was born to be a foster aid! Dogs like her are awesome because they give the uncomfortable dogs space to get comfortable and are fair teachers. Okay I messed up the slide show by trying to flip to the new photos before they were ready and couldn't see the end :-( So has Mickey gone to work with you? How did he do?
Comment by Sherill Lockwood on July 13, 2009 at 7:08pm
I love the pics! What a cute doodle!


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