so i was at the home of a friend on Friday who has 2 German Shortair Pointers....They were both very sick with kennel cough. I left Duncan home. And when I got home I quickly washed up and changed my clothes just in case. Well apparently that didn't work. He just started coughing suddenly tonight (3 days later). My poor boy. It's so sad. I'm bringing him to vet tomorrow. I know it just has to run its course in most cases but i'd rather err on the side of caution and have him checked out.
no dog park for a few weeks. Thank god i work from home and can be here with him so he doesn't have to be miserable alone. I feel so guilty. I shouldn't have gone to that house knowing they had sick dogs. I really didn't expect that i'd be the one to transmit it. Ah poop!!!
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