Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Every year at this time I like to make a little list of things I want to accomplish in the year ahead. I think of them more as goals than resolutions. Some I achieve, some I don't, which is ok. At least I feel like I have some direction. My list consists of everything from the frivolous and mundane to the extraordinary or life alternating. Sometimes I carry things over from the year before, other times I reflect on how my priorities have changed and head in an entirely new direction. The important part is to reflect on life and set my direction.
While I sometimes like to think things happen for a reason, I also don't like the idea of leaving everything up to fate. I like to believe we create our own destiny, and every once in a while the universe throws a curve ball to alter our course. For example, last year I set out to get my first dog and when a squirmy little Sophie Bear was plopped into my arms a whole new chain of events was set in motion. What I didn't expect at the time, but appreciate more than I can say, was the way I would fall head over heels, mind, body and soul embracing the world of pet ownership and uncovering a passion I had previously only glimpsed from within me. And along came the addition of Winston into my life, a random curve ball that I never saw coming but now, seems completely obvious.
When you start yourself down a path, amazing opportunities and experiences become yours, without ever even knowing they were there to begin with.
Below is my list for this year:
1. Stop using my credit card. Some people are really good about using their card and paying it off every month, but not me. There always seems to be more stuff I want to buy and less money in my account. I make enough money so there is no reason why I should be using my credit cards and accumulating a balance. 2012 will be a cash and debit only year. So here it is, my new credit card system:
2. I will stop eating frozen pizza (see photo above). I know how to cook and am quite good at it when I try. So who cares if I have nobody to cook for, there will be more for me! So in 2012, not one box of frozen pizza will be brought home and placed in my freezer (and no ordering either! - see #1).
3. I will learn to use my DSLR camera. I bought a fancy camera that I really couldn't afford at the time (see #1). So now that I have it, I'm going to figure out how to use it. Except, without paying for classes (again, see #1). The internet is my friend.
4. I will restart my blog - remember, the blog I started this past summer, after years of saying I'm going to do it, and then I wrote one blog entry, and abandoned the project. In 2012 I will write at least 2 blog entries per month. My blog is about de-cluttering my life, physically and emotionally; which brings me to #5...
5. I will de-clutter every room in my apartment, one by one. I will throw out, recycle or give away at least 50 things. Whether it's a pair of socks, an expensive dress, or a new dog toy, I will not buy new things until I've gotten rid of one old thing.
6. I will improve Sophie's obedience and enrol her in beginner agility.
7. I will solve Winston's allergies as much as is humanly possible. (this may have to be my only exception to #1, but only as a last resort).
8. I will have a rockin social life. I will stop being a hermit. It is a little bit sad that I have a much better social life on the internet than I do in real life. That's right, I might have to spend less time on DK. Sorry :(
9. I will start dating again. This is a biggie. It means clearing up some emotional clutter. (see #5).
10. I will find a way to be happy in my work, while simultaneously pursuing a career change. This means doing a lot of research, pounding the pavement a little, and maybe even some coaching. By the end of 2012, I will have a plan.
11. I will finish knitting that scarf. I hate being the flakey girl who starts up new hobbies and doesn't see them through. I will at the very least, finish that darned scarf!
So that's it, my tiny list of big goals on display for the entire world to see! I don’t expect to accomplish all of it, but I do know that once I get started, new adventures are going to turn up. They always do.
What’s on your list?
I love your list! I haven't made resolutions, but my husband does. One year it was "Drink more champagne". The thought behind it was... celebrate more, be grateful and enjoy that heart of praise. I loved it. We did, too.
I have had the "No more credit card" conversation with said DH. Hoping we can manage that this year.
I also have mused about the de-cluttering. I am not a hoarder, I'm a tosser, but it's definitely time for a clearing.
I had a dream that I became a children's book illustrator. I woke up elated and that joy lasted hours. Now I have to move forward. Even if I don't make a living with art, I need to do something.
Thanks for your encouragement! I hope all your resolutions become completed goals. Happy New Year, Sherri.
I'm so glad to hear that my list is inspiring others. I think everyone needs to set goals. Once you get started it's a bit addictive. There's nothing like the sense of accomplishment to help you feel fulfilled!
I've never been one for resolutions but your list has given me some food for thought - thanks for giving me a little push to actually set some goals for the new year!
Happy New Year everyone.
I LOVE this blog, and your list of resolutions!
I'm stealing #3 and #5 from you. Jane sent me her "old" DSLR camera with all the attachments, instructions, case, etc. back in November, and I have not yet snapped one picture! Of course, JD's illness has a lot to do with that, but once he's doing okay, I am going to learn to use that camera!
And it's either do #5, or be the next star of Hoarders. Gotta get it done.
#s 8 and 9 are appealing to me, too. I don't know about rockin' or dating, but I do need to get out more and spend some face time with some two-legged adults!
And of course, getting JD healthy again is the #1 item on my list. Which may involve adding item #2:
Go Back To Work.
So thanks for getting my 2012 Resolutions List started, Sherri! And have a Merry Christmas!
I loved your list and hope that you are able to make quite a few of those things happen this year. Two years ago two terrible things happened to me (one on Phoebe's 1st birthday January 3rd) that have made me detest this time of year. The first was that my car was broken into and my purse stolen--bad enough--but it was stolen by the leader of a gang that MN police have been hunting for two years. My life turned into a soap opera. That said, I am now witness for the prosecution in not one but two criminal trials. Bad enough, BUT they never happen, they just keep getting postponed which has put me in my own personal hell --I am terrifieed of doing this in the first place, I cannot get out of it and it never gets accomplished so it seems as though I am terrified in perpetuity. The second thing happened a mere two days after that, my husband lost his job (the one we moved to MN for 22 months prior) and he has been searching for a job for two years with no luck. Okay, so we now see why two is not my favorite number and we also know why I hate this time of year. I suppose my only resolution right now and to try to survive this ordeal and make life as pleasant and peaceful as I can for my children. I also hope, once this ordeal is over, to look back on this time and find something--anything--positive that has come from this and to one day look back on this time and not cry about it. One other resolution is to start writing again for my website something I had once really enjoyed. Happy New Year and good luck to all of us trying to achieve our personal goals!
This is a great list, Sherri! I have only two.....get Murph trained so he can calmly walk by ANY DOG, and learn more about Photography. I love taking pictures, but I have so much to learn.
Your number one is our number one and I want to lose weight! You go, girl!!
Your list is good for a lot of people, me included, I will be building on your number 1,
You go girl! I, too, have unfinished projects. To wit: a completely knit sweater which only needs to be blocked and sewn together, two (count them two1) partially finished short open knit tops/shawls and of course, one unfinished scarf! I, too, have resolved to cook more (for DH and I) and eat out less. And the biggie, I will keep my cell phone charged, with me, and I will answer it when it rings (maybe).
Happy New Year - loved the blog
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