Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Two days ago Riley and I were out walking. I let him off on a long line so he feels he is free and I can get him back if he gets distracted. This did not stop him rolling in something disgusting which was black, gooey and smelly (though more like rotten grass than you know what). It was on his shoulder and neck, before I knew it was on my hand too and there were flies buzzing like it was a rotting flesh (maybe it was???) As soon as I saw it we ran home as I swatted away the flies and as soon as I got him into the house it was straight into the shower. Two hours later Riley smelt and looked gorgeous. I washed his collar too and kept sniffing everything to make sure every trace was gone.
Fast forward to this morning. I was up at 6am because I had a very busy day ahead. Three Press days, Pandora Jewelery, Harvey Nichols Autumn Fashion launch and the fashion show and party for Dublin Fashion week and I had promised Chloe (DD) she could be my PA for the day and I would give her all the goodie bags that come with these event. She ended up with a Pandora bracelet with five charms, a really good manicure, lip liners and lip get the picture... RIley needed to be at Day care for 8am. I gave him a quick brush through and noticed that he made a little whining noise when I brushed his shoulder. I just made a little mental note but he seemed fine and I was in a rush so off we went. I picked him up at 3pm and the plan was to go home have a rest, regroup and go out again at 6. When I collected him he was happy as normal and I managed to see him through a window in a door without him seeing me for a few minutes and he was playingvery happily with another Doodle and looked fine. When he came out to me and I was petting him he made that little whine again and I realized there must be something wrong so I started to check him over carefully. Nothing wrong with his ear but when I started to feel his skin on his shoulder and just under his collar I could feel bumps. I called the groomer and the owner and they both had a good look. In the very places where the yuk stuff had been were sore spots and some small scabs. It looked like bites or a rash of some sort or even the start of hot spots and the three of us decided that a Vet visit was needed... The girls said he had been playing loads and he behaved as normal. They are paranoid at the moment as there is an outbreak of Bordatella in some parts of Dublin. I rang the vet and half an hour later we were there. The Vet went over Riley with a fine tooth comb. Normal temperature, heart, everything Ok except this rash/sore spots. The vet said that it seemed like an allergic reaction to whatever that stuff was. He gave him a shot of Antibiotics and also a Steroid shot. The vet said he would wait until tomorrow and see if it settles down, if not his hair will have to be shaved and he will add some topical creams to the skin. We have ten days Antibiotic tabs and ten days on a decreasing dose of Steroids. The bill came to €65 which is about 52 $ including all the meds. I wasn't thinking of the cost but actually it was much more reasonable than I expected. I will check him again in the morning and see whether it is improving and if necessary the vet said he would see him and to watch out if it was weeping or more lumpy.
Thursday update
No problems today and the rash is not worse or infected. The lumps look less red, there are now scabs on some of the areas which are lifting and getting caught in his hair. The Vet nurse said I could pick them out and then wash the skin with Hibiscrub (medicated soap) I think I will wait until tomorrow or if anyone has any ideas? Meds are going down a treat in small pieces of sausage.
Poor Riley! I hope the meds work quickly and he's feeling better soon.
It is a wonder how they find these things to roll in! I hope that the meds help and there is much improvement by the morning!
I am sorry to hear about Riley and hope he's fine in the AM, Nicky.
Yikes! I hope Riley feels better and it all clears up. Why do our doods love rolling in stuff so much?
Hope the meds do the trick and Riley is all better real soon. It's amazing how quickly they can get in trouble and end up at the Vet. I was thinking that maybe next time you have all these events to go to maybe I could come be your PA! (lol). Sounds like your DD got quite the haul! Harvey Nichols will always be a special memory for me as right after I met my DH (we were both stationed in the UK) he invited me to go to a fancy Military Ball with him. I needed a special dress so we went into London shopping. When I put this dress on and came out of the fitting room the look on his face is one I will never forget. The price was outrageous, but there was no way I was leaving without the dress. He ended up paying and I knew he was a keeper!
Poor Riley - lets hope these meds do the trick and he is better by morning!!!
. That is odd wonder what the black stuff was and I feel bad for poor Riley. Hopefully the medicine will work quickly and he will feel better in no time.
What I especially Marvel at is you brushed him first thing in the morning? When you were heading out the door so quickly. You are a good Mom.
Poor Riley....when will they ever learn not to roll in everything that smells yucky! I would love to know exactly what that was that caused such a strong allergic reaction. Hope he's feeling better tomorrow. Dublin Fashion Week sounds like so much fun.
The flies were horrible bluebottles but loads of them. We ran as fast as I could while swatting them away but they were all around where the yuk stuff was. I don't know whether bluebottles sting but I don't think so...maybe there were other smaller creatures too that I didn't see. The vet said it was definitely a localized allergic reaction. He isn't scratching at all which is strange because that would have alerted me earlier. It was the little whine when the area was touched that did had me looking closely.
Ick! Poor Riley. It's obviously a painful spot, which really makes you wonder what that stuff was. Sounds like a very reasonable vet bill--I'm sure the bill would have been considerably higher here. Hope he'll be better tomorrow. By the way, that busy day sounds like quite an adventure for both you and your daughter! Stay out of that yuck stuff, Riley!
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