This is my first day on this website. I have not stopped smiling since. I saw this blog and just have to respond.
I have had miniature poodles all my life and mini poodle poop is MUCH different than Doodle poop. My Shirley (the blonde) is one of the traveling poopers too. She leaves a huge trail. Sometimes I just sit in amazement at what comes out of her. I am the Pooper Scooper person of the family. So, it takes sometimes several trips to the poop bin to empty the plastic rake and shovel. My boyfriend bought the rake and shovel while on a business trip. He picked them up in the children's dept. The sales person asked if he had grandchildren, and Steve said no, dogs. The sales person instinctively knew what they were for as he nodded his head and chuckled. They work out fine though. Both my Laverne and Shirley are healthy poopers. They were 4 years old in May and they can both do their business sometimes 3x a day. What a true joy they are. I smile from morning to night.
Bear does the traveling poop too. Except he travels the wrong way and ends up getting his legs cleaned off with the hose every time. My seven month old puppy can go at least 8 times a day and he barely eats a thing!. I think it's his favorite hobby.
Yes they poop a lot. Our 8 weeks old was a poop machine-I just couldn't blieve how many times in one day he would go. I asked the vet and she laughed saying it was perfectly normal. Now at 8 1/2 mths-he usually goes once-somedays twice but boy they are a lot bigger now!!! It looks like an elephant might have done it.
Well, if that isn't bad enough, mine likes to travel as he poops! He only poops 2-3 times a day normally, but this is what he does: Crouch, poop, take five or six steps while still in crouch position, poop and repeat, and repeat and repeat. I can have as many as 5 piles per poop session! My sons want me to toilet train him! LOL! It makes cleaning the yard a VERY long process.
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