Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This has been the most horrible day since the surgery!  I have been pretty much hysterically crying non stop since 10 o'clock last night.  It is even harder because I'm dealing with Remington mostly by myself because of Dan's schedule at the moment.  That is the worst part.  I'll be so ready for Tuesday when he'll be off for a few days.

So... Remington is a completely different dog today compared to yesterday.  I think the reason is because they were giving him injectable pain meds at Purdue and once they wore off the pain was back full force.  At this point he is not wanting to walk at all hardly.  When we take him out to try to go to the bathroom he pees and then he will lay down and not move. He is not hardly drinking any water which is worrisome to me because I'm afraid of him becoming dehydrated.  He is extremely uncomfortable.  His tail is down non stop and if we barely touch his rear end he freaks out and cries like crazy!  It is almost unbearable to be around him because he is so pathetic!  I can hardly stand seeing him this way.  He has not pooped yet.  I think that he has to, but he won't stand up long enough to do his business.

Because of all the changes we have seen today compared to yesterday we ended up calling Purdue to see what they thought we should do.  Brandy was a little concerned I think once we told her what was going on.  She suggested we up his pain meds to 3 pills every 8 hours compared to 2.5.  She also told us about a cream to get (Desitin) that might help with the horrible razor burn he has. We just have to be very careful that it doesn't come into contact with the incision site.  She said she would call me in the morning and evening tomorrow to see how he was doing and if he has had a bowel movement yet.  I asked her what we would do if he doesn't have one soon.  She said that we might have to bring him back to Purdue for a check up.  She said he is obviously producing fecal matter by this point, but he might be in too much pain to expel it.  I'm hoping that the cream will help with the razor burn which in turn might make him comfortable enough to have a bowel movement.

I'm at a compete loss at this point.  I feel soooo helpless not being able to make him feel better.  On a positive note, he has been sleeping most of the time (mostly because of the pain meds) and he is eating and taking his meds without too much trouble. I'm so ready for this 2 week recovery period to be over with....

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Comment by Kaytlin and Cooper on May 23, 2011 at 12:37am
oh poor Remington. At least he is eating, which is a good sign - hes getting the energy he needs to heal.
Comment by Kyoko on May 22, 2011 at 8:52pm
Oh... I am so sorry Kendra.... I wish I can help. You must be scared and worry to death.....I hope he comes back around once the pain is under the control.
Comment by Yvonne N on May 22, 2011 at 8:40pm
Kendra...we are wishing everything will be better soon.  Remington knows you are there and trying to help.  Hope you are both able to get some rest tonight.
Comment by Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*() on May 22, 2011 at 8:09pm

I have been following your thread all along and just wanted to say I feel so sad for both of you. I agree with the extra fluids, in his food, or ice cubes if he likes them and the pumpkin. Also the pain meds can make some constipated and the decrease in fluids adds to that problem. I also think an ice pack to the area could be very soothing for him as well. I bet you will have no problem keeping it on him either as he will feel some relief. It's the initial application when it's not real cold yet that may make him skittish.

Good luck and I hope you have a better night and a much improved day tomorrow.

Comment by Lynn D. on May 22, 2011 at 7:50pm

Try using a cool (not cold) pack to the area. Use a bag of frozen peas or corn with a light weight towel or 2 paper towels in between the surgical site and the bag of veggies, if you don't have a cool pack. Use the packs for 15 minutes at a time.

What is the pain medicine that was prescribed? What do his gums look like?


Comment by Donna K & Quincy on May 22, 2011 at 7:01pm
Hoping for a much better day for Remington and you tomorrow.
Comment by Kathy (Ellie & Oliver) on May 22, 2011 at 6:53pm
Sorry about the start of my comment.  You are in our thoughts and prayers!!!!  I'm not sure how to correct spelling once the comment is added.  Take care!
Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on May 22, 2011 at 6:50pm
I have nothing to add to all the good advice you've been given; I just want to tell you I feel so bad for you and for Remi. I know what it's like to feel helpless when a dog you love is suffering. I hope the meds will help make him more comfortable and he will soon be feeling better. I also second Andrea's advice about the pumpkin.
Comment by Kathy (Ellie & Oliver) on May 22, 2011 at 6:41pm

We are keeping you, your husband, and Remington in out thoughts and prayers!  If you feed him dog food, I do have a suggestion for you so that Remington doesn't get dehydrated.  Soak his kibble in 4 cups of water.  Let the food soak up the water.  Serve the food to your dog.  Both of our doodles get their morning meal served like this.  Our younger doodle doesn't drink very much water and did get overheated last summer.  I ended up taking him to the emergency vet.  The dog trainer where we take lessons gave a seminar on dog issues.  She said that dogs need 4 cups of water a day to keep everything in their bodies working properly.  She heads a canine search and rescue team and all of her search dogs and her own dogs get their a.m. kibble in water.  She told us any thing that the dogs drink after that- is a bonus.  I don't know for sure if this is true, but I feel better knowing Oliver is getting additional water. Just an idea for you to try!  Wishing better tomorrows for your family!!

Comment by Linda, Webber and Seda on May 22, 2011 at 6:33pm
I am so sorry you and Remington are having some bad days.  I completely agree with the DK members that are telling you to demand they prescribe enough medication to keep Remington comfortable.  I also would ask for advice about something to counter act the constipating effect of the pain meds, be it pumpkin or what ever would work.   Giving my dogs liver treats causes them to be loose.  I imagine that contracting his muscles to have a stool is painful, and he would rather avoid it.  Remington is suffering right now but this pain has an end with his healing.  If you hadn't done the surgery his suffering would have been long term.  You will get through this and so will Remington.  Please keep us posted.


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