Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Our little Rosco is not just a rescue anymore...he is a very big part of our family. Here is a picture of him last June when we picked him up near Dallas, TX.He was so friendly and easy to please.  He had been shaved down and had sand spurs all over the bottom of his this time we were in our RV and brought him back to meet Guinness. Rosco was so-o-o thirsty we thought he would never stop drinking.  We fed him and it was the same, we could actually feel his rib cage and hip bones which meant he needed to gain some weight.  Guinness & Rosco went around and around for awhile but nothing major developed. Guinness was like he knew things were not right, so he took things slow and watched.  They really didn't play or wrestle just more or less sniffed and slowly walked around each other. Moving on to the present, he is now the joy of our family and very much loved.  He has gained weight and his hair has grown out.  He looks more like a little bear.  He and Guinness are completely inseparable.  They wrestle hard, but never hurt one another.  They love their wrestle time.  We are so blessed to have these Doodles in our lives.  It would be hard without them now.

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Comment by The Berry Oaks Doodle Ranch on February 8, 2011 at 2:23pm
Thanks, everyone we will continue to enjoy him...Lorraine,he is our chubby little bear he does have a very thick coat of hair.
Comment by Donna K & Quincy on February 8, 2011 at 8:38am

Rosco is looking so good, happy to hear that he is enriching your life as much as you did his.

Comment by Suzann, Rosey & Bandit on February 8, 2011 at 8:26am
Rosco is gorgeous!! I love happy endings!!
Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on February 7, 2011 at 8:52pm
I couldn't be happier for Rosco and your family! What a wonderful Happy Tail!
Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on February 7, 2011 at 6:35pm
Rosco is a beautiful doodle. Congratulations to all of you!!
Comment by Lorraine Bromley on February 7, 2011 at 6:18pm
Chubby bear! I love the wrestling it is better than tv anytime. Our sons gf's lab wrestles with Neely but Reggie gets up on the couch and Neely stays on the floor and they wrestle like that and Reggie has his secret move the KARATE kick! He gets his back paws moving like a little black ninja! Reggie gets ahold of Neely and then keeps his head and front paws on Neely and he walks his back end up the back of the couch so he is completly standing on his head. Reggie is not allowed on the furniture in his own home but at our house he gets to have way more fun. They run from the two loveseats and couch as well. They throw themselves so hard that they move the furniture across the floor. When Neely finds a wrestling partner at the dog park he is in heaven. All those running dogs are only wasting their energy, when they could be wrestling!
Comment by Camilla and Darwin on February 7, 2011 at 5:56pm
thank you for the update, he looks great!
Comment by Pat and Traveler on February 7, 2011 at 3:18pm
What a great story!  And Rosco is simply gorgeous!  He was such a bobblehead when you got him!  :)
Comment by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on February 7, 2011 at 1:19pm
What a cute doodle and WONDERUL story. I am glad you have two great doodles :)
Comment by Deanna & Desi & Cori on February 7, 2011 at 12:46pm
What a great end to an "old" story and beginning to a "new" one!!  Happy doodling!!


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