Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Rosco says: "Help! She's abandoned her baby!"

I have been trying to get back into jogging over the past couple months. Clark even got me a jogging stroller.... I've taken Natalie on a few jogs. And I've taken Rosco and Natalie on a few jogs. But this morning I thought it would be oh so nice to just go alone for a change. I waited until Natalie was tired enough to have her morning nap (just after 9am this morning), brought Cass in from outside. Turned on the baby monitor and casually plopped it in our room where Clark was fast asleep (hey it's Sunday! I'm a lark married to an owl), praying Natalie stays asleep while I'm out and happy that the rest of the critters would be quiet since they'd all been up and we'd even been out in the yard together while I pooper scooped.

So, I left pleased that all the critters of the house were happy and chill and wouldn't be disturbed.

When I got back, I noticed the Sunday paper gone from the porch. The only critter who would have brought that in should be sleeping still! Hmmm...I hope Natalie didn't wake Clark up. I tip toed into our bedroom to see if perhaps a baby is napping with Daddy. Nope. Clark hears me and tells me that Rosco was all messed up after I left, apparently.

He made Clark let him out into the yard, but immediately came back in and ran to the front window looking for me. Then to the dining room window. Then to the baby's room door. "Where's Momma? The baby's alone!"

Okay I have no idea what he wanted/needed/was worried about. But he's never responded in this way to my leaving. He'll look out the window and wish he could go with me, but usually that's it. All I can think of is his possible confusion about me leaving without a baby. Funny funny silly boy. Very sweet of him to be concerned.

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Comment by Lynne of Fountain Falls on September 23, 2010 at 6:05am
Aww how sweet. Doods are just smart, people loving, baby loving dogs. My audiologist says his rescue dood actually saved his grandaughter from riding her bigwheel into the highway. She was in the yard with her grandad when he became aware that she was heading for the road. He started running and yelling for her to stop. Sailor, hero doodle, ran past him and literally stood in front of the bigwheel so that she had to stop . It brought tears to my eyes when he told me this story. They just know!
Comment by Wendy and Eddie on May 2, 2010 at 9:40pm
I can see the headlines now--"Doodle Thwarts Sleep-Deprived Mom's Escape Attempt" When Roscoe, of "Dog with Onions" photo shoot fame, was interviewed regarding his heroic intervention, he gave a doodly snort. "Let me tell you," he began, "if she thinks she deserves some alone time, she's got another think coming!" Cass could not be reached for comment.
Comment by Adina P on May 2, 2010 at 8:05pm
I think...I think...I think that the fact I left by alone by FOOT was what threw him off. And maybe the Sunday aspect too. But nothing else about the story was unusual....
Comment by Debbie and Thomas on May 2, 2010 at 5:41pm
Roscoe knew it was Sunday silly and that you don't go to work on Sunday and that you left very mysteriously and that he just couldn't help being concerned. Smart doggy...good jog I hope?
Comment by Karen P on May 2, 2010 at 5:20pm
Very watchful big brother Rosco !! Next time trust Mom !!
Comment by Nugget's Family on May 2, 2010 at 4:55pm
Good boy, Rosco! We all want responsive doods in our lives. Sorry he woke your DH up...but hey, you got your jog in and that's important.
Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on May 2, 2010 at 4:06pm
Rosco was afraid you were making a break for it! You changed the routine!
Comment by cheryl & oliver on May 2, 2010 at 4:04pm
Adina, maybe because he found Clark sleeping, and u not there, he was worried about the baby...This was not his normal routine, perhaps both of things thru him off? Or maybe he just wanted to go with you???..Whatever the reason, he is such a good loving doodle...He worries about both you and Natalie...
Comment by Wendy and Eddie on May 2, 2010 at 3:51pm
Oh good! I worry that my comments can sometimes be misread, but I still get this uncontrollable urge to post them anyway!
Comment by Barb, Murphy, Emmet, & Hudson on May 2, 2010 at 3:35pm
Awwwwww cute story=)


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