Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am happy to say that I finally feel like Brisco is getting settled in. It could possibly be the pair of pants he chewed thru or J shoes he ate, but I get the feeling he is realizing this is home. And we love him.
We really don't leave Brisco alone for more than 2 hours bc we hate leaving him in his crate. Not that he wont stay in there its just he's anxious in it and I feel bad so if I don't have to put him in then I don't. Plus the way our house is I can shut all the doors and he just has access to kitchen/living room area. Anyway, we went to get the boys some hair cuts and take out and left him out. Well it ended up being a pretty good wait at hair place so we were gone about 3.5 hours. During his time at home Brisco ate the inside out of J sandal. Not funny but I laughed and karma got me. Because 2 days later he chewed a hole in my favorite pants. I swear if his face wasn't so cute I would have been mad lol.
Obviously it's annoying but at the same time its our responsibility as his owners to remember he's just a puppy. And we have to do a better job of putting those things up. Just like a child he's going to get into things, its just part of it.
I know this sounds crazy but I feel like that was a sign that he is starting to realize this is home. He becoming so much more comfortable and setting in to our routines.
He loves to ride to school with us in the mornings and all the kids enjoy seeing his head peaking out the window. J works swing shift so he is getting use to his crazy hours and getting up super early. He lays with us every night and while we watch TV on the couch, he gets some good petting from mom and dad. Ry and him play football which is so funny, Ry hikes a toy and Brisco goes and gets it. They are becoming great friends.
But I have to say that I have really fallen hard. I mean I think he's the cutest dog in the world and I buy him something every time I walk out lol. I've finally realized that we hadn't gotten a dog before now bc we were waiting for this dog. It was truly meant to be.

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Comment by Whitney & Brisco on September 29, 2015 at 9:39am
Thanks everyone! And yes his cuteness is just to much lol I mean I say the same thing about Ry there faces are just so darn cute that it gets me every time!!
Comment by Cheryl and Finnegan on September 25, 2015 at 5:51pm

Love this! Their cuteness saves them every time :))

Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on September 24, 2015 at 9:55pm

It sounds like it is love on both sides.  :-}

Comment by Gail and Bailey on September 24, 2015 at 6:03am
Glad Brisco is settling in and becoming a member of the family! He is a handsome doodle!
Comment by Leslie J on September 23, 2015 at 7:20pm
Sounds like a busy puppy! No matter how hard you try, puppies are good at chewing! Cocoa would find ways to chew up the drywall in our house when she was a puppy... luckily most puppies eventually outgrow this phase! Enjoy it- they grow up so fast!!!


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