Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was very apprehensive about Storm's first visit to the dog park.  He was just learning to not bark at strangers on our nearby walking trail. At home, Storm barks at all our neighbors, and the mailman. I would have to plan this thoroughly.

I decided to take Storm alone. On a monday. Late morning, right during luch time. When it rained a little. Thinking, there would be no one at the dog park.    

Okay, there were 2 other people there with a total of  5 dogs off leash.  And 4 construction men  working in the area. 

I kept my Storm on the leash.  Would he snap at all the dogs? Also,  I was totally afraid there was a chance of him running far off and avoiding my calls.  

One lady , told me it would be ok if i let Storm off leash, "You'd be surprised", she said.   So i waited like 10 min. Walked around with Storm, and then let him loose.  The one lady yelled, "You're free!"     I was expecting Storm to run off like the wind,  but that did'nt happen.  Storm just stayed an arms length away from me the whole entire time.  Every dog that approached him, sniffed and walked away. No growling, no barking occurred, no snapping!  I was amazed !    So i thought, ok Storm, lets get you running !  I ran a little, he ran a little, but mostly stayed at my side the whole time being really good.     Did i dream this?  

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Comment by Aimee Santa Monica on March 16, 2011 at 3:00pm
Yesterday i took both Storm & Ayla to the same dog park, around 11:30am - only a few dogs were there.  They were nervous again, for a little bit- but later loosened up and follow a few of the other dogs, not going too far away, but they  always came back to look for me .  :)   Turns out Ayla  got carsick  (lots of drooling ! And she threw up twice!)   when i was trying to find another dog park,gave up, so we went to the usual one .  A lady at the park said i should let her stick her nose out of the window during car rides.  I've also looks at the "carsick" forums here. Will try to take her for more short rides, hopefully she'll outgrow it.  Poor doggie.  :(
Comment by Christine & Shelby on March 16, 2011 at 11:13am
Chances are he will likely get more comfortable after a few visits.  Sounds like he did great!   I was really surprised how good Shelby's recall was in the dog park.  I would call her when she got really far away and she would sprint back to me (treat!) and then I'd let her go play!   Gave me a lot of confidence in taking her there!  
Comment by Taylor & Huff on March 14, 2011 at 10:30am
Its amazing haow a doodle acts in an open enviornment like the dog bech or park. When we let Huff off leash I got afraid but supprisingly he stays where we can see him and if he gets  to far away he comes trotting back. And hes hard to loose since he is the only big furry doggie there.
Comment by Lynda Kamrath on March 14, 2011 at 10:21am
Sounds like a dream alright.  My pup (8 months now) loves the dog park and is off like a lightening bolt as soon as we arrive.  I took him the other day after a 6-mile bike ride and he walked in quietly and then was off like a flash.  When my husband arrived after his ride, Harpo was still chasing like he had not been out of the house for a week.
Comment by Pat and Traveler on March 14, 2011 at 10:01am
Adina made a good point--this first version of Storm may not be the final version.  Now that Trav has been around other dogs in parks many times, when I remove the leash he's instantly off and running as fast as he can go to greet the other dogs.  He still doesn't get too far away--maybe the equivalent of a block being the outside perimeter, and he keeps track of my location and has good recall.  So far.  :)  I never let him off leash at the park unless we've already met and played with the other dogs in the area, and he gets leashed right away if somebody with a new dog appears or even when a walker, biker or jogger appear.  I'm not worried that he would attack anybody, but a strange dog running up to somebody is just plain scary, no matter how often the owner might yell 'oh, don't worry, he's friendly...'  Fenced dog parks are a different matter--and I have let him off leash there with unknown dogs and mixed results.   
Comment by Adina P on March 14, 2011 at 8:32am

Some dogs are just cautious at first.  I once took my friend's pup (no older than 6 months but I forget her actual age) to a pseudo dog park (a bunch of people gathering in a school yard) and she was GLUED to me the whole time.  But as she got older and got used to it she became happy to run like the wind (not to get away but to play) with other dogs and chase balls, etc.  My point is THIS version of Storm may or may not be the final version of her at a dog park.


As to her barking, sounds like most of her barking is when she's on leash and walking with you or behind a barrier (window, fence, etc).  Dogs who bark while confined or behind a barrier won't necessarily bark when loose in a dog park--at least not at other people. 

Comment by Aimee Santa Monica on March 14, 2011 at 8:31am

Yes, i am learning that Storm is very attatched me . Ayla, is another story. She's not affectionate with me like Storm is. Still getting to know us.

 Yesterday,we took both dogs to a park nearby, not a dog park. There was another dog there, but Storm stayed close by. A few times he ran further away to follow the other 2, but always came back looking for me.   :)    

I'm planning to take them both today to another dog park , we had so much fun the other day, although it was raining  & muddy!!  :)

Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on March 14, 2011 at 8:20am
My Vern is very cautious too. He goes into the dog park a little scared and submissive and then slowly warms up. Vern is like that about a lot of things...he gets overwhelmed initially and then will slowly get used to things. He always checks back in with me at the park and never goes far from my side. I think it is his personality and might be little Storms too.
Comment by Pat and Traveler on March 14, 2011 at 8:17am
Interesting!  I was surprised at how close Trav stayed to me too, the first time he was off leash.  I'd met up in a park (not a dog park) with a friend who had a puppy about Trav's age.  His puppy was already running around off leash when I got there, not getting too far away from his owner.  After 10 minutes or so, I took a deep breath and let Trav go.  He stayed close too, with both pups running in almost a circle around us.  It was nerve-wracking but encouraging.  Since then, Trav has always stayed pretty close to me when off leash.  He's gotten a bit bolder in that same park though, and is now venturing further away, to greet other dogs, so I'm getting nervous again.  Good luck in your ventures with Storm!
Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 14, 2011 at 7:02am
Sounds like you both had a great time!


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