So the first few days have passed, and sometimes it feels like those days have flown by and other times it feels as if they have dragged on. They've been highly eventful.
Right away Angel attached herself to me and wouldn't leave my side the first day home. To begin with I held her in the car as she watched her old life at the breeders grow further and further away. But she was an awesome puppy in the car. She just slept and snuggled into me. And when it was time to go potty, she wouldn't leave my side.
I'm not really counting the first day, as it was spent driving, eating and sleeping,
So the first full day she did well. She almost slept the whole time in the night except for one wake-up at 1:30AM, and then she did her business right away and we went back up. Day 1 showed a different side of my little Angel. In the morning, after her potty break, she is a wild thing. She met "the evil puppy in the Dishwasher" (I'll post a video of that soon) and fought with a paper towel roll, and discovered a new friend in the squeaky elephant.
She then went to the vet -- she weighs a respectable 12.1 lbs -- and charmed the pants off everyone in the office. One lady with a beautiful lab/golden mix absolutely fawned over Angel and even held her as I payed the bill.
And then we took a short drive to my Aunt's house. (a 5 minute drive). I think it might have been too early to introduce her, though, as she was oh so timid around everyone. She'd go forward to sniff and then immediately back away and hide behind me.
I realize she has been home less than a week, but I am a bit concerned that she is so timid around strangers. Today, the gardeners came to clear out our wild wild wild back yard (as in, 26 years absolutely untouched forest area, wild). Angel was again shy. She backed away and hid underneath my chair when the gardeners approached. I ignored her, as I didn't want to condone her behavior, but I also didn't want to force her. Did I do the right thing?
But despite her hesitance with strangers, I am SO PROUD of my little Angel today! Today she rang the bells to go out, went outside, pottyed, AND learned to go up the stairs all by herself! I was so proud of her, and she, in turn was proud of herself. She did a little happy dance on the top of the stairs when she finally made it and found me. (I left her in the small gated area for a minute while I went to grab the poop bags and the next thing I know I have a little determined puppy climbing the stairs. Of course I made a fuss over how smart and good she was...)
Anyway, I have discovered a few things about her. One: she loves pumpkin. Two: pumpkin does not cure loose stool. Three: Pumpkin in watery diarrhea looks an awful lot like blood. Four: Vets will milk you for every penny you own, while prescribing crappy food and more medications than necessary. (But...said crappy food IS actually working. Probably TMI, but her stools have been formed, if a bit soft still.) Also, Chicken Soup for the Puppy Lover's Soul does not sit well with her.
I have also discovered that her timidity with strangers translates to timidity with anyone but me, family or not. My mom, who is legally blind, mentally handicapped, and emotionally immature, feels terrible that "the puppy hates [her]." She was absolutely sobbing over the "fact". I understand the puppy is just settling in and getting acquainted with everyone, and that it will take time to get her to relax around people, especially around someone who projects such insecure energy and gets in the puppy's face. (She has to be close to see her.) But trying to get my mother to understand this is like asking a two year-old to understand that they won't get the ice cream until Summer, that they just have to wait. Right. To expedite the process as much as I can, I put one of mom's shirts in Angel's crate and she slept on it last night. It seems to have made a bit of a difference, but not much. Angel will be fine with her before long, I know, but not if I push too much, so I won't.
Anyhoo, I hope I haven't made a mistake, but I am letting Angel sleep on my bed as I type this, and ONLY while I type this. I will move her to her crate (which she barely tolerates at night) after I finish. Hopefully I haven't spoiled her.
And not spoiling her is harder than I anticipated. I feel like she's been here forever, and life prior to Angel is slowly becoming a distant memory. I absolutely love her to death, and I would just be heart-broken if anything were to happen to her. She is my baby, and though I've never had a child, I have a new respect for new mothers.
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