It's Becky's daughter...again. My mom really has to start typing around here! Anyway, my dog, Tucker, did something extremly brave, and not to mention very stupid. Well, we were at the park, taking Tucker for a walk. We walked down to the creek to let him swim a little bit. Tucker is very scared of deep water. He would only stay in the shallow parts of the creek! I kept throwing his ball out to a deep spot in the creek, and Tucker (being a super smart dog) found a way to stick his paw out and retrieve his ball. So, as we were walking home with our soggy doodle, we walked past a lake. Tucker, who was ever so hot and thirsty, walked down to the lake. The lake had a wall that was around three feet down. I don't know if my doodle got brave or slipped, but he ended up in that lake. My mom, who was aware that Tucker couldn't get out of the lake because of the wall, dropped everything and ran down to the lake. Tucker already swam out three or four feet, so she called him with panic in her voice. Luckily, Tucker turned around and swam to her. She started pulling Tucker up by his paws. Now, as you may know, Tucker weighs around 80 pounds...and that's when he is dry! My mom, who couldn't support his weight very well, let go and grabbed him by the bottom instead. So here she is, my mom on the side of the lake, hauling this big heavy dog out of the water. I'm not sure if I was laughing or crying. But in the end, Tucker ended up on land, and we ended up giving that dog a bath (which again, my mom had to haul him into the bathtub). And that was the day, my mom and I learned a valuable lesson. We learned to NEVER bring Tucker by that lake again. Well, the bright side is that Tucker knows how to swim! Thanks, mom, for saving my doodle!
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