We're back from our vacation, and I now realize that I worried for nothing. We went to FL with our daughter's family and we were doing the Theme Parks, so there was absolutely no way we could bring the Doods. I agonized over leaving them, and I imagined that they would be "lost" without their Mom. I was fine during the day because we were so busy, but at night I missed them so much, and I assumed they were also lonesome. Well, I was wrong. They went to the Daycare (where they go for a day every couple of weeks), which is also a boarding facility. They got to play all day (with a two hour nap) back in their "suite". At night they had dinner and then an hour rest period, and then back to playing until 8:00 when they went to bed. We picked them up last night and the owner said they were totally fine. She said she never saw any signs of apprehension from them, and they got right into the new "routine". She also said they played together a lot and seemed to be very bonded to each other (WTD????). At home they spend most of their time antagonizing each other....I certainly don't see them "bonding" very often. The one downside to this whole thing is that I had to take them off home cooking for the week and put them on the "dreaded RX food". The Daycare doesn't have the ability to store frozen food, and with their digestive issues regular kibble wouldn't work. So they ate Royal Canin for the week. Murph actually LOVED it (he thought it was a treat), but Guinness...not so much. Poor little guy ate enough to keep himself going, but that's it. He missed his Mom's cooking. He did lose two pounds which will make our Vet very happy. Now I just have to keep those pounds off. The owner said that because the Doods were familiar with the Daycare, and they know we always pick them up....it probably was just like a REALLY long daycare day for them. I had forgotten about the fact that they really don't have much of a perception of time, so that kind of makes sense. Anyway, they are just fine and right back to normal. I have noticed that Guinness seems to have a little more "self confidence" and has been asserting himself more with his "brother".....I wonder if there was something about being with a larger "pack" of dogs for a week that would have caused this. So, it's all good. I'm so happy to be back with them, but I'm glad in retrospect that I did this. We had such a good time with the grand kids, and now I know the boys can survive without their Mom doting on them. Maybe it was even good for them.
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