Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
This blog post was inspired by Paul Schumacher's discussion "Water Bowl Tipping."
Cally is now a little over four months old and she is showing her true colors! I have come to learn that Cally loves water and will get to it at all cost...and I mean all costs. We started her off with two regular stainless steal bowls that sat in my dining room. Cally quickly learned that she could play in those dang bowls. Well naturally after she learned she was able to play in them, she learned she could also tip them over and empty the contents onto our hardwood floor and swim in the puddle... I was able to fix this problem by bowls that she could not tip, but that poodle in her figured if she dug in the bowls fast enough it was like her own sprinkler system. I then just recently got Cally a raised feeder and more playing in the water dishes!
Well two weeks ago, I was sitting on the couch and Cally was playing in the living room and I heard my older dog drinking out of the toilet..(gross I know!) I heard Cally back in the bathroom with her so I had no need to worry as Rosey will not let Cally do anything she is not allowed, she is the boss and likes to have things her way... so I thought. Well all of a sudden Rosey comes out and just looks at me and I figure she just wants a bone so I get her one. Then around the corner comes Cally running and looking at me then running back to the bathroom, silly me thought maybe Rosey taught her to drink out of the toilet so I let it go. Cally came around the corner two more times to look at me and after the third time I followed her to the bathroom and there was water every where!!!! Cally was not drinking out of the toilet she was playing in it..gag.. I pushed her into the shower to give her a bath and noticed she just wanted to jump around in the water, so after her bath I let her just play and shut the door to the first mistake! I was able to shut the toilet drinking and the toilet playing down by making sure the lid was always closed because they have not been able to open it YET.
Last week I was in the basement doing laundry and all of a sudden I heard the shower come on and I thought to myself, well I am the only one home. It was just me and the dogs and there was no way they could have turned it on, so I went back to doing laundry thinking I was hearing things. Another fatal mistake. I came back up probably no more than five minutes later and I definitely heard the shower running so I round the corner and see Rosey laying on the bathroom floor watching Cally run in and out of the bathroom after jumping around in the shower! Of course me being me I screamed WTH and both of those guilty puppies went running to their beds. I could not believe my eyes, how the heck did the shower get turned on for these to little she devils.
So I decided to set up a couple of cameras the next day and see what these two little turds get into when I am not looking. I found that Rosey turns on the shower with her nose and opens up the curtain for Cally to play in, let me just point out that Rosey turns it to freezing cold and Cally still has the time of her life. I also found that Cally opens up our trash can that has a step opener while Rosey gets things out of the trash and sometimes gives things to Cally for what I am assuming is being her little accomplice.
These two dogs are going to be the death of me and let me just say Rosey was never a dog to get into things but now that I have Cally, I think Rosey thinks she has a little buddy to either get in trouble or do the grunt work. Cally is a very good dog UNLESS it has to do with WATER!
Pat, I have to say we are well on our way to working on the problem. I correct Rosey every time she tries to go into the bathroom and Cally is with her. She no longer goes in if Cally is on her tail. Which in turn makes Rosey correct Cally if she tries to go in! I did not mean for that to happen but it was an added bonus! It is not always a hundred percent but probably 80% of the time. At least I have two very trainable dogs haha! And we have a latch on the trash can that can lock the step part so, of course I did that immediately and we now open it with out hands!
OMD! That's a dangerous pair of water dogs! Just have to laugh--and be glad Trav hasn't been able to figure out how to do any of those really creative things. :)
This is too funny, I am glad my doodle is not that smart. They will no doubt keep you on your toes.
Wow, your two are definitely having fun at your expense and work! I know I should not be laughing, but I could not help it! I can just imagine the way they look at you soaking wet with that guilty look these Doodles have when they have done something wrong. Hang in there Mom!
Definitely funny..but they keep me on my toes! Thank goodness our step trash can also has the ability to lock so we have to open it with our hands. So we have now locked the stepping feature and the bathroom door is always to be shut behind you as you leave.
Oh my! these two are definitely in cahoots! funny for us, not so much for you!
Cheryl, it is definitely funny to me but also just too much. Rosey has never been that"bright" but I guess with Cally around they have learned to work together! That is to funny about the ice maker...lets hope they do not pick that up next..
Robin I had to laugh all the way while reading this...I know it was not funny to you, but just think how smart these two are. They know how to help one another, eally emarkable, lol..I had two aussies that used to get ice from the ice maker on the front of the frig. One would hit the button, and the other would gather the ice on the floor and they would then take the ice to their spots on their mats and eat it..So yes two doggie heads are better then one, lol...You will be a very busy person with those two around..Just enjoy them....
That is priceless...oh my word...too funny...they will keep you on your toes for sure:)
No, I can't imagine, and I have a good imagination!
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