Hum, I have never written a blog post. I think anyone who reads this may now be the recipient of my random thoughts that many say I need to put down on paper. You see my almost 43 year old best friend and husband is terminally ill and though we have been dealing with this for more than 3 years, he had a bad day and I am in a "blue funk" as he would call it. Dirk has terminal brain cancer and for the past year+ his short term memory has been faulty at best. He doesn't and can't eat well. He has been unable to walk for the past 9 months and he is horribly confused about most of life. Thank goodness he can still recognize those people who are important in his life: his mother, brother, my family members, our great friends, our 3 young children and me. Today was a bad day. He felt sick to his stomach and was having pain in his left temple which is the opposite side of the original brain tumor.
One of his long term memories that is still in tact is that we had always talked about getting a dog in the future. I grew up with Golden Retrievers and Standard Poodles and he had an Irish Setter.We have both missed the love and companionship a dog brings to a home. We put it off for multiple reasons, but one was that I didn't want to take care of multiple babies at the same time. Once all children were out of diapers and not "toddling" around was what I said. "When we can afford to fence our one acre piece of property." Dirk would say. A year ago, I had just finished up the last diaper stage and the children started begging for a dog. My husband really was not doing well and it really was not an appropriate time for a dog. "In a Spring." I told the kids. Life would be more sane!!! Ha! January 1st came around and the oldest 2 started in on the dog thing again. Ugh!!!! Your dad is dieing I wanted to shout!!! We can't get a dog now!!! BUT.... I started thinking. These kids deserved something to look forward to. Something fresh and full of fun and promise... a special gift from God. So I said o.k. and so began my search for a breeder. I wanted a Goldendoodle. The kids just wanted a dog. The blessing was that I found Teri and Michael Fann of Goldens-n-Doodles and we are now waiting for our new baby to be born in less than 2 weeks!
Now comes the whole reason for starting this blog. Am I doing the right thing? Now I am a bit nervous. Will I be able to handle this? I get so excited when I talk to people about our new baby. The kids are really excited!!! But is the timing right.... I am second guessing myself... Will I be able to give our little one what she will need? I have found I can do a lot that I didn't know I was capable of and I know there is still more to do and learn... This is what we planned. Dirk was part of the decision to get this puppy, though today he couldn't tell you about any discussions we have had. The kids have talked with him about her name and we have shown him pictures of previous littlers. He is a part of this. My heart is always right and it tells me this is the right thing to do now. Get a puppy. My head is starting to work though.... Are You Crazy????!!! Your life is chaos!!!!
Now you understand part of my "blue funk". We were supposed to do this together....
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