Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Tuesday Doodle Daddy Report- Back in OR Tomorrow

We are on day sixteen -- how did I get here?
Jess looked great today, albeit, sedated and attached to lots of medical equipment. Temp is going down and he lost and additional three liters of fluid -- medically induced, but his kidney function continues to be strong. Coloring is getting better and you can see he is less swollen. He knows when I am there. I came with a friend he had not seen in a long time and when I mentioned her name his eyebrows went up!!! So cute! I just called and had the nurse place the phone to his ear to wish him sweet dreams -- the nurse reported that his lids did flicker. He's in there for sure!

Tomorrow will be a big day and I am most anxious. They will try to close his chest and see progress on his heart. I was doing well all day until the confirmation of surgery time, 11 am. If they can close him, less chance of infection. He will remain on the pumps.

My neighbor came over and offered to walk Hobbes and Phoebe with her son (one of my art students). They have decided to take charge of dog walking! What a blessing --
how they LOVE to noodle around the neighborhood. Of course everyone stops and asks about Phoebe...they are both crashed so the long walk did them some good.
Thanks again for your prayers and continued support.

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Comment by Susan on March 11, 2009 at 7:22pm
We are waiting to hear how Jess faired and he will be in my prayers tonight!
Comment by Marianne *OZZY & ZOEY on March 11, 2009 at 12:32pm OZZY & ZOEY WANTED TO SEND A DOODLE KISS AND HUG TO YOU JESS AND PHOEBE
Comment by Beverly Wright on March 11, 2009 at 11:13am
We will be praying especially hard today for the surgery! I am so proud of you........being so strong! Keep your chin up. God is still in control...Obviously, God is not finished with Jess yet!
Comment by Missi on March 11, 2009 at 10:23am
Yay! Glad to know that he's still in there. That is wonderful. I hope surgery goes well and they can close him. 3 more liters of fluid down might mean the edema in his chest is down enough to finally close! 16 days, one day at a time. Give Hobbes (I was wondering what his name was!) and Phoebe love from us (And Jess too, of course). Janet, you're amazing for holding up so well.
Comment by Jeri on March 11, 2009 at 6:55am
Thanks for the update and sharing your special moments. HE IS THERE!!!. I am a RN and by what you share his brain is doing fine. He will be very weak when he gets through this, but he can get strong again.12 years ago I almost died from Gi bleeding. Wonderful nurses and surgeons and prayers saved my life after 4 emergency surgeries. God decided that I should still be on this earth. I spent 2 weeks in ICU and 47 days total in the hospital. The support of family and friends was phenominal, although I do not remember the days when I was the sickest. BUT I was still there, survived and am healthy today. Glad to hear your puppies are doing well and that someone is taking them for walks. Take care of yourself during this time. Wish we were closer to have doodle play time.
Comment by Marianne *OZZY & ZOEY on March 11, 2009 at 6:53am
My prayer will be with you and Jess today and for the doctors and nurses as well that God gives them the knowledge that they need to heal Jess. Hold strong with all these prayers I am sure it will turn out just fine....Keep us posted to the progress.
Comment by Joy Williams on March 11, 2009 at 6:44am
I'll be thinking of you both all day and will continue to include you in my prayers. The doctors and medical staff will be included as well! Looking forward to some excellent progress reports!
Comment by Carole (*Koda*Monty*Bindi) on March 11, 2009 at 5:39am
Our thoughts and prayers will be with you both this morning.
Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on March 10, 2009 at 9:31pm
We continue Jess, you, Phoebe and the rest of the family in our thoughts and prayers.


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