Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Tomorrow, I will be turning 39 years old.. I have no idea how that happen... LOL.. Last thing I knew I was 16 and so excited it was one more year till I could drive.


So I will admit, I was not really wanting to acknowledge this birthday.. I was going to skip it sort of, You know wait for the big 40 next year.. The week before my birthday is the DK cruise, I will be going with one of my bestfriends and a bunch of girl friends.. I was just going to focus on that.


I am not exactly in the frame of mind to celebrate, or I will say I wasn't. I woke up throwing up and with fever. The lovely side effects of the medications I am on. I decided to be a fool, like I usually am and decided I was going to try to go to work... Even though I knew I could not make it without my oxygen today.. I was just going to try to go so I could earn a little money.....I only work one day a week for a few hours...when I can.. but it is very important to me.. I worked hard to be a nurse and I love to take care of people...


When I got to work I was so sick, but when I walked in the door, they had a surprise party for me.. I instantly started to cry.. because I saw all the food that people brought in and the cake.. two different departments got together and well one thing medical people can do is eat!!! Except when you are so nauseous you are going to throw up.. ( don't worry a good part is coming)


I shoved a bite in my mouth because someone went though a lot of trouble to make the cake..but I couldn't keep it there. 


I sat for a little while but I guess it was obvious that I was not doing well because everyone told me how horrible I looked and even my boss who is adamant that I can't wear my oxygen at work...(obviously not good as a nurse) not to mention the IV coming out of my neck..let me sit and do charts while wearing oxygen....


As I sat there I was listening to the conversations around me, I couldn't join in, I didn't have the air to talk, and that is when I really began to start to feel sorry for myself, not something that I normally do, but I was listening to people talk about having babies, and one of the doctors there is giving his wife who happens to be the exact age as me a party with 200 people and then asked me what I had planned for my birthday....


All I could say was I am hoping not to throw up but I don't have plans, .... I felt so silly.... anyway I was sent home rightfully so, since I was coughing so hard I was turning shades of colors that made them get the intubation kit out  just in case....


As I was driving home tears streaming because I just am tired already of the treatment and I have over a year to go.. Just in the nick of time my brother who lives in NC called me, I only in recent years have started talking to him on a regular basis... He wanted to know if he could bring me dinner at my house.


.... I was so overwhelmed, here he was out all day out of state and so tired.. and he thought of me.. Remember we just started getting to where we  talk... My brother came way, way, out of his way and brought me my favorite dinner in the world from the Bonefish.....


He couldn't stay long but he ate with me. He got to meet Jack... He loved Jack.. He is a real dog person as he has five rescue dogs at his house right now.. Well they are all his now, He has a big house big yard... I am so happy he got to meet Jack


I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt my brother thinking of me, bringing my favorite meal, that act of kindness touched my heart more then I can say.....and made me realize how silly I am being.. OF course I am going to celebrate this birthday.. I am alive for crying out loud.. past the average age of someone like me.. and I am going to celebrate.


So while it is true my goal for tomorrow will most likely be not to throw up.... I will count all of my blessings. I will Celebrate that I am alive, That God sent my brother to love on me. That I have Jack.. and that I have so many people who care about me, and if they are not giving up on me, then I am not..


So Happy Birthday to Me.. Thank you God for each and every day that I get to be alive.. I learned my lesson and I will be grateful or try to be...and focus on what I have and not what I don't.. and tomorrow snuggling with Jack is just going to be perfect....

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Comment by Donna K & Quincy on October 12, 2011 at 5:40am
Jennifer, you really are a girl who believes that when life gives you lemons make lemonade, and girl, you have been making a lot of lemonade. There was a time not so long ago that I hated my birthday because it was just a reminder that life was getting shorter. Now when people ask if I had a good birthday, my reply is "from here on  every birthday is a good one". Enjoy your day with Jack, he is the best present.
Comment by Amy, Cubbie & Ollie on October 12, 2011 at 5:28am
Happy Birthday!
Comment by Dori & Rua on October 12, 2011 at 5:14am
Happy Birthday Jennifer!  I hope Jack is throwing you a party like you threw him!  LOL
Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on October 12, 2011 at 4:52am
Happy Birthday, Jennifer....hope you and Jack enjoy your special birthday "cuddle time".
Comment by Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty on October 12, 2011 at 4:48am

Jennifer, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You deserve to celebrate every year, in fact, every Day! Here's one trick a friend of mind did when she turned 39. Right a list of 40 things you want to do, things you have never done before but have always wanted. They can be little or big things, it doesn't matter. But the point is to set out to accomplish all 40 things before you turn 40. Then on your next birthday you will have so much more to celebrat! I hope the next year brings you more love, happiness, and joy than ever before! Cheers. xoxoxo

Comment by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on October 12, 2011 at 4:46am
Always remember that the definition of "celebrating" is in the eye of the beholder.  A party of 200 people for my birthday would probably make me throw up ... I'd be a little overwhelmed. However, curling up on the Sofa with Lucy and Sophie and DH, along with a box a cupcakes with cream cheese icing ... now that is a birthday worthy celebration!  Happy Birthday ... Enjoy your day!
Comment by Karen and Bridget on October 12, 2011 at 4:37am
Happy Birthday Jennifer!  Enjoy your special day with Jack :)
Comment by Phoebe's Mom on October 12, 2011 at 4:29am

Happy, happy birthday!  Cuddle your little Jack and have a wonderful day!


Comment by Bryce P on October 12, 2011 at 4:22am
Happy Birhday!!!! You deserve it, you have been throught a lot this year. Give Jake a huge hug and kiss. Things like what happen to you could only happen to you. I always enjoy hearing about your day. 
Comment by Doris on October 12, 2011 at 3:52am
Happy Birthday!  Enjoy your day with Jack!!


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