Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

To all, Someone told me and paro virus was like a roller coaster; one day the puppy is doing ok and the next day he is lethargic and not eating and drinking.  Unfortunately, Parker health declined today and I had to take him back to the vet.  He is such a sweet little guy.  I prayer and wish he would get better.  The vet told me I would have to leave him because he is not doing well.  Yesterday, she told me if he got over today without being sick it was a mild case.  Today she told me all that had changed.

Please keep him in your prayers.  The breeder who I don't want to mention is very concerned since obviously the door came into contact with the virus on his property.  So far, none of the other puppies from Parker's litter are sick. 

I can't tell you how bad I feel.  I just wanted a healthy puppy and now with all the antibodies and drugs being pumped into him to keep him alive make me sick.



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Comment by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on July 24, 2012 at 10:21pm

Hoping that today brings better news for little Parker.  Will be watching for updates.

Comment by Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau on July 24, 2012 at 9:38pm

I am so sorry Parker, you and your family are going through this.  Will be saying prayers for him.  I hope there will a positive turn around tomorrow.  Will be looking for updates. 

Comment by Linda, Webber and Seda on July 24, 2012 at 7:44pm

I am so sorry.  I pray Parker pulls through the Parvo and that you have many years together.  I hope the breeder is financially responsible for the treatment.  Please keep us updated if you can.

Comment by Suzanne & Jack on July 24, 2012 at 7:27pm
So sorry you and Parker are going through this. Prayers are with you both
Comment by Cheryl and Finnegan on July 24, 2012 at 7:01pm

So sorry to hear this. Thank you for keeping us updated. We're sending more prayers too for you and sweet little Parker. Hugs and hope!!

Comment by Ricki and Tara (doodle) on July 24, 2012 at 6:52pm

So sorry to hear this. We will resume our prayers for his complete healing. Hugs!

Comment by Camilla and Darwin on July 24, 2012 at 5:43pm

Thinking of Parker and your family... hoping he gets better soon.

Comment by Kaytlin and Cooper on July 24, 2012 at 5:31pm

Im so sorry Parker isnt doing well and you are going through this. Im glad you have your breeders support and I hope she/he is paying the vet bills for you. I am very surprised other puppies are not sick, maybe she is just saying that, or hasnt actually contacted them

Comment by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on July 24, 2012 at 4:54pm

Sending paws-ative energy Parker's way.

Comment by Elizabeth, Bailey & Bruin on July 24, 2012 at 3:54pm

Hugs to you and your sweet boy!!


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