Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I spoke to Bella's Vet yesterday regarding her constant poop snacking. (Bella, not the Vet). She explained, like our breeder did, that it is a learned behavior, but instinctual as well, especially with females. It appears the mother dogs will clean up their litters poop in the wild so predators don't find the pups.  She went on to say it was her way of protecting me from predators ( Gosh, I feel so protected now, thank Goodness there's no poop to signal my where abouts), and that it is her way of keeping her environment clean. (Yeah, like she lives in a slop house!)  She gave me the great news that it is VERY hard if not IMPOSSIBLE to totally eliminate (no pun intended) the problem once they are poop eaters. She recomended "For-Bid" food additives and meat tenderizer in her diet, but it would probably be something I will need to feed her for a long time, if not forever.

 SHe also said to keep up with the Heartworm meds since she is starting to eat other dogs poops as well. No problem there,so good to know I will be getting my moneys worth out of my heartguard budget.

On the bright side, she MIGHT eat less as she gets older, but no guarantees there either. She went on to warn me about diapers too!!!! OYE!!. Grandson comes next week to live with us for awhile and we will have diapers galore!  The fun just keeps coming with the saga of the Potty Mouth Bella.


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Comment by Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*() on March 1, 2011 at 6:22pm

Faith and For-Bid and Hot sauce, (looking for "Hells' Inferno Sauce BTW), nad Red Pepper and"Leave it" and DROP!!!! and Disgusted looks given to her,(she hates that the most), and treats when she leaves it, and just took 7 books out of the library on dogs, dog training and dog psychology. If there is something I haven't thought of please pass it along!

Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on March 1, 2011 at 6:22pm
I am such a bad cook that sometimes I will take a bite and say, "This food takes like crap" Bella's case, it really does :) I am glad you have a good sense of humor. I hope you figure this out and Bella stops eating all this gross stuff.
Comment by Dori & Rua on March 1, 2011 at 6:12pm
You Rock girlfriend!  BELIEVE and it will come true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment by Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*() on March 1, 2011 at 6:05pm

I am ready for the hocus-pocus, animal communicator, dog whisperer, the witch doctor and a voo-doo doll! I have just put hotsauce AND Cayene pepper on a piece of poop after she ate 1/2 of it. We didn't see it there. Meat tenderizer tomorrow as i wait for the For-bid to be delivered. I actually smacked her little backside when I saw her eating it earlier and I Never hit my dogs!  Embarassed to say that but it shows how very frustrated I am. We are also now replacing trash cans with some for lids because DH had to pull another 6" of eaten up tissue from her butt today.

I told husband today that she is everything  that Murphy is not, she is cuddly,( sleeps right near me in bed, loves to sleep touching me) a velcro-dog, or shadow, ( Murphy has always been a bit aloof), easy as pie to train on a leash,(I tripped over Murphy running around me on leash once, broke my nose) comes immediately when you call her,( Murphy thinks about it for oh.....3-4 minutes and then decides if it's worth it to him,)  drinks her water like a lady, (Murphy leaves a puddle outside the bowl everytime, she isn;t ball possessed,(He wakes up with a ball in his mouth and goes to bed with one)  BUT she chews everything, eats paper, wood, rocks and even paperclips and fabric! ( Murphy never ate anything he wasn;t supposed to) She barks at any dog that takes something away from her, (Murphy just walks away in submission)

So as you can see, she is everything that Murphy is not. Sort of like the second child being the opposite of the first one. BUT, As Charlie Sheen has said... She picked a fight with a warrior and I WILL WIN this battle. She will stop eating her poop, she will stop eating her poop, she WILL STOP eating her poop!!!!  IF I say it enough maybe I will believe it myself.  Told DH there are now over 7000 members on DK and I have only heard of a handful who admit to having poop eaterrs. How special do I feel having such a unique dog?

Comment by Christine & Shelby on March 1, 2011 at 5:19pm
OMD!   I can't even imagine - while the situation isn't funny - your blog post is!   I watch "It's Me or The Dog" quite a bit and apparantly - a few pieces of fresh pinapple after each meals makes the poop taste "icky"!  Might be worth a try!
Comment by Ricki and Tara (doodle) on March 1, 2011 at 4:46pm

I say it is time for more hocus-pocus-call the animal communicator ASAP!! Maybe 2 or 3 of them for this case!! :)

I'm so sorry Sue. I was hoping the vet would have SOMETHING helpful! :( Diapers!! OH NOOOOOO!

Comment by Ronna, Murphy & Wilson on March 1, 2011 at 4:43pm
LMAO....I think I just peed myself from laughing!
Comment by Anna and Achilles on March 1, 2011 at 4:28pm
I am so sorry for laughing, but couldn't help myself!!!! It was the way you presented the situation, not the actual situation. Know that she loves you very much to do this to protect you.
Comment by Jane, Rooney & Stuart on March 1, 2011 at 4:27pm
Sue, do NOT give up hope.  We had a poop eating Lab and it was GROSS.  Then the little bugger puked - poop.  I was ready to kill myself it was too gross.  HOT sauce on the poo does wonders - our guy totally gave it up!!!
Comment by Dori & Rua on March 1, 2011 at 4:02pm
Bella...I have just one thing to say to you...ISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Stop that potty mouth of yours, young lady!  It is not fitting someone so cute as you.  Tell your Momma to get her poop in a group and teach you how to potty on a toilet.  I heard it can be done.  Your friend, Rua  p.s. they told me I wasn't acting like a lady when I was doing the Hoochie Dance with my stuffed puppy.  I think you should change over to doing the Hoochie Dance...your Momma would gladly accept that habit over your potty mouth.


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