Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I believe that Rooney's shock setting was too high.  I had dh set it down from a 2 to a 1. Then I held it and walked out to be shocked.  It did not hurt at all but it did get my attention.  I was fearful of feeling it and wouldn't want to feel it at a 2 which is what Rooney got yesterday.  So we left Stuart's at a two and Rooney's is now at a one.  Stuart is doing well and seems relaxed outdoors - Rooney remains fearful but is trying - this may take more time.  He'll never go through the fence - I just want him to be relaxed and able to play.  We'll see.


*********************OMG what have I done?  DH got home last night and I left him in charge of the fence installation while I had a hair appointment  this a.m. thinking that I had plenty of time to get back home before the install was finished.  WRONG!  I turn the corner onto my street to see Rooney walking around the yard with the fence trainer and just as I get pulled off to the side he leads Rooney to a flag and AND I'M TRYING NOT TO CRY AS I TYPE THIS I saw my baby get shocked.  It was the worst feeling to see that - they did it twice very quickly and I just had to sit there and watch.  I was afraid then that if Rooney saw me get out of my car that he'd try to run through that fence line and get shocked again.  My dh did come and take Rooney by the leash and then I went into our yard.  Rooney was so happy for me to take him in the house.  I missed seeing Stuart get shocked and thank God for that or I'd have had to put a stop to the whole thing.  Stuart is fine now and happy to walk the yard on his lease, not going too close to the flags.  I just took Rooney out and had to carry him because he is afraid of the front yard (where the shock took place) but he did better on the side and in the back yard - giving the flags a good 10 feet.  I need to work hard to hide my fear and stress and try to project a calm, confident manner but inside I'm a wreak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**********************


I'm very nervous but tomorrow the electric fence is being installed.  This could be $1,500 of fabulous or disaster.  Most of you know that I tried very hard to be able to install a physical fence but it was not allowed.  If the training goes as planned I would, for the 1st time be able to open my door - step outside with the boys off leash and let them potty.  I would be able to sit outdoors or throw a ball in our yard - none of which we can do now.  There is NO off leash anything for the boys unless we drive to our dog park.  I do hate the idea of them getting that shock but this will happen with the fence trainer so they will associate that with him, not me.  My biggest fear is that Rooney is a little bit fearful at times (he is skittish to potty after dark, he looks around like the wild pigs are after him).  I am afraid that once he gets that little shock that he may just not want to go into the yard at all.  Rooney doesn't forget - ever - so it would be difficult if he decided to over-react.  Stuart is a big ol goofy guy and I doubt it would faze him.  I realize that I have to be very careful to keep up with the flag training and if I am going to walk them off of the property (not for the 1st couple of weeks) the trainer said to lay across the driveway an old beach towel - think magic bridge, to teach them to walk out, of course I'll have taken the special collars off.  I would never let the boys outside without me with them - the collars might keep the boys inside but it won't keep the gators, cougar, wild pigs or black bears out!  I'll keep ya all posted on this process for anyone else that might be thinking of doing the same.  Please cross your paws for all of us - there is a lot riding on my ability to get them trained.

In other news - one week from tomorrow we start our in home training.  We are using the same lady that Rooney went to puppy and agility classes.  Super great young trainer with so much positive energy, Rooney loves her and I'm sure that Stuart will also.  Stuart having gotten over his neuter is finally ready to get started and as he is going to be a big boy (around 55 lbs we think) I need him to walk without pulling and tangling the leashes when we walk.  I also need to start training him to jump into the suv.  I had to have a spinal fusion a few years back and he is going to get too heavy for me to lift.  Rooney has things to work on also - such as no bark (he hates those lawn guys) and no putting his little paws on people, etc.  I've got her coming for an hour once a week, indefinitley.  We don't have any serious issues, I just know that for me to control Stuart and not hurt myself or to be able to take both the boys someplace that I need ABSOLUTE CONTROL.  I also think that she'll be good with helping with the above fence training if needed.

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Comment by Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*() on August 8, 2011 at 6:37pm
I was just thinking as I read this Jane, that I would be upset too if it were Murphy that I saw get shocked as he is so timid and easily frightened that he would be scared for life, whereas Bella would need to be shocked off her feet and knocked back 10 yards and she'd run back and do it again, before it made any impression on her. #2 is probably the average dog setting, where Rooney and Murphy require #1. (I don't have an E fence, just guessing this ofcourse)
Comment by Tina, Clover, Plus 5 More on August 7, 2011 at 4:03pm
Jane, Rooney will work through it, give him time.  Glad to hear it didn't affect Stuart, this will help Rooney adjust quicker.  This may sound crazy, but I'm happy to hear you tested it on yourself to see how it felt.  Hopefully it eased the stress you felt for installing it.  This to shall pass.
Comment by Susan and Sasha on August 7, 2011 at 3:15pm

Thanks for the update Jane...

I'm glad that Stuart is fine...and I'm sure that Rooney will come around.

So glad the setting is adjusted now...and before long you'll be having lots of fun with your boys! 


Comment by Jennifer,Chloe & Myla on August 7, 2011 at 2:40pm
Don't give up Jane, it's for their safety. That must have been an awful experience to see with Rooney. It seems like maybe one or 2 times and they learn. I hope things improve quickly. Our dogs were always on leash also, we were able to put up a 6ft fence and they love the freedom-we are still out there with them every time but they love chasing a ball or eachother. They will get better exercise and get tired out faster also. Hope this all works out for you.
Comment by Jane, Rooney & Stuart on August 7, 2011 at 10:33am
Sometimes you have to make a choice that you would rather no,t but to live without EVER being off a leash unless at a dog park is no life in my book.  I'm doing what I feel I can to give both the boys a bit of freedom in their own yard.  Rooney is a more timid doodle and I think with time - once we can go out without a lease (Friday) - and throw a ball or just sit in the grass, that he will come around. I'm not going to give up! 
Comment by Traci -Bexter & Maggie on August 7, 2011 at 10:27am
I will take time, but will be worth it.  I'm glad Stuart is relaxed.  That should help bring Rooney out of it more quickly (hopefully).
Comment by Jane, Rooney & Stuart on August 7, 2011 at 9:46am
Dori - you just never know - lol - wouldn't that be a BLAST if we were neighbors!!!  It would be Yappy Hour every night!!!  Don't be afraid of the E fence - I think my install guy just turned out to be an a_ _ hole.  The shock I don't think HURT Rooney as in pain but it did scare him and we have re-set it now so even though Rooney is nervous in the end I believe what we needed to do for quality of life!!!
Comment by Dori & Rua on August 7, 2011 at 9:37am

I had been thinking about an Invisible Fence, but the more I read about poor little Rooney getting zapped, I think I'll just keep saving for an ornamental metal fence (only kind we can have in our subdivision).  Even though we don't have 'gators, wild pigs or bears to keep out of the yard, I won't have to worry about other dogs and cougars (seen tracks) in our yard.  Plus, no shocking my sweet little Rua.  I would be like you Jane, crying my eyes out.  The way I see it, you had three choices:

  1. Move to Omaha and build on the lot two doors down from me installing an ornamental iron fence plus a swimming pool (oh...can I bring Rua over and play all the time?).
  2. Stay where you are and do nothing and keep Rooney and Stuart forever on a leash in their yard.
  3. Stay where you are and put up an Invisible Fence so the boys can run and frolic.

Personally, I think that choice 1 would have been your best one.  Since my DH and I have jobs here in Omaha and your DH already flys to him job and you travel to Michigan to visit), I think it would be the easiest for you to move here.  Just think...Rua and Rooney could be together almost all of the time!


It's never too late to change your mind! 

Comment by Angie, Hudson and Lily on August 6, 2011 at 3:54pm
Which fence brand did you end up going with? We have Invisible Fence and we started our training in the house with the home device and it was a very, very low level of correction.
Comment by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on August 6, 2011 at 2:08pm
It concerns me a little bit that if Rooney had the type reaction that you could see from that far away, that they have the fence shock set too high ..... when we took L&S through it wasn't that tramatic ... it was like they noticed, but just weren't quite sure what it was.  Not even a wince.  But it was still enough that they did not want to get close again.  I even walked them out the driveway one day with their collars on (now I FELT AWFUL ABOUT THAT).  Maybe you should have DH test it just on his hand to make sure it isn't set incorrect ..... particularly since you weren't real happy with the install guy to start with.


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