Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well.....Fenway is home and half the man he was, hehehe

Well, we have made it home from Fenway's exciting day at the vet. He is SOOOO different than Shiloh was. Shiloh was all drugged up after he was neutered and slept for a long time.....Fenway seems almost wound up and happy. He has also already tried the butt the grass before we ever left the vet! I had to keep pulling him to a stand on his leash so that he wouldn't hurt the stitches before we even got out of the parking lot. He also went crazy trying to lick it I put the e-collar on him and he about went I had remembered someone on here at been given a medical pet shirt with her neutering.....I researched them and they seem more accesible overseas. So, I cut leg holes in one of my son's old shirts and put that on Fenway.....seems to be doing the trick keeping him from licking the site. It will be very interesting around my house for the next couple of weeks. My DH is a teacher and home for the he has Fenway duty while I work. I thought it would be a repeat of my experience with Shiloh.....not even close....I should have known better!

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Comment by Debbie and Thomas on June 9, 2009 at 7:03pm
He looks so handsome in his brother's soccer shirt! We went thru this about 1 month ago-he came home wearing the E collar and we took it off the minute we got home when he tried to drink from his water bowl and couldn't even get a gulp with that thing on. Everything went perfectly-he jumped and ran as usual around the house without any issues with his stitches. He just got sick of me checking them out every five minutes-but it was funny when he would see me coming, he would lie down and lift his leg for the "inspection".
Comment by Adrianne Matzkin on June 9, 2009 at 7:02pm
Glad to hear he is home! He looks so cute in your son's shirt - the colors are perfect for him! I hope it does the trick!
Comment by Tricia, Shiloh, Fenway & Tessie on June 9, 2009 at 6:11pm
Thanks, my son's old soccer shirt, lol. It seems to be doing the's been about 20 minutes and he hasn't been able to lick.
Comment by Janie on June 9, 2009 at 6:04pm
He looks so cute in his shirt.


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