Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

What's In a Name? I am Going to be a Grandma!!

This blog has nothing to do with dogs, other than the fact that my newly pregnant daughter and I have four between us. For those of you that follow my blogs, you know that my daughter and I have a long-standing disagreement about whose dogs are better.  We argue about a lot of things like who is smarter and she loves to play her PhD card.  The last time she said something, I told her she is book smart, but I am street smart, and she said, “what street? Sesame Street?”  Most of the things my daughter and her husband say are mostly to see what reaction I will give, especially about my dogs, because they both love Fudge and Vern, but that never stops us from trying to one up the other.  I love my grand dogs and would take them in a heartbeat, but I never have a moment’s hesitation about pointing out their faults to give my dogs the lead in this private competition we have going on about our dogs.  Besides, I know I am right about my dogs and my brain.


Well, all that aside, and since DK is part of my life and I have shared so many other things on this site, I would like to announce that this dog loving daughter is pregnant, which means I am going to be a grandma. This daughter is fiercely independent and I just know this is going to be a problem for me with the pregnancy and birth of our first grandchild.  It’s already started!  Before she got pregnant, a while back, she told me a name she liked for a girl and I told her I was going to start praying for a boy immediately. I can’t even remember what the name was, and I was sworn to secrecy so nobody else would steal the name, even though I assured her repeatedly I doubted anyone else would want the name.  She told me it was her baby and she could name it whatever she wanted and I should keep my thoughts to myself.  I am paraphrasing, because it wasn’t really all that nice the way she said it, and when I asked her how she would know what I was thinking if I kept everything bottled up inside, she said, “exactly, now you are catching on!”  She always likes to add that sometimes I should just listen and my favorite thing to do when she says that is to say, “what?” 


John and her husband, Doc, say we are button pushers.  They say we like to push each other’s buttons and sometimes they just don’t get that we are only conversing and the loud voices are just the way we do things.  For them, it is always a fine line they walk whether or not to get involved and risk a couple of button pushers turning their attention on some new button holes or just to walk out of the room shaking their heads.  We always end up laughing, but we have reached an impasse with the name I want to be called by my first grandchild.  For years, I have said I want to be called Mamacita and recently she officially squashed that idea.  First, she said it made no sense since Doc is Vietnamese and then she had the audacity to say I don’t fit the description and she couldn’t stop laughing. 

1)"Hot mama", "sexy lady" in the U.S. and Central America and Mexico

Mamacita (from Google)
Mamacita is a diminutive form of 'mamá', the Spanish word for 'mum'. Diminutives are often used to imply affection or fondess, as well as smallness, obviously. The equivalent word in English would be 'mummy', or literally: 'little mummy'.

Since I don’t want her to be stressed during her pregnancy, I conceded defeat on that name and said, “how about Glam or Glamma?”  I became alarmed when it sounded like she doubled over with some kind of spasms as she answered back, “Did you say Ham Hock?”  She knows darn well those two words don’t even sound like Glam or Glamma and who wants their grandkid running around saying, “Ham Hock, I made this macaroni necklace just for you!”


Next, Doris (of Doris, Knox, and Flash) got all excited when she came up with the name Lolly for me and Pop for John.  Well, I ran the names by John and he said to tell Doris to lose our number and he wanted to be called something different.  Since he didn’t specify what, I ran a few preliminary names by him, but he said he doubted Megan was going to go for any of them, especially Stupid Name Squasher, and he thought anything with the name Mother in front of it was just going to confuse the kid.  When I told Megan the Lolly Pop idea, she said to imagine myself out somewhere with her kid screaming, “Lolly, Pop,” over and over again.  So, I closed my eyes for a minute and imagined the scene and said, “I like it,” and Megan said she would go along with it if I made one minor change from Lolly to Dum-Dum.   Well, I did love those Dum-Dum suckers, especially the Butterscotch flavor, but if John doesn’t have to be called Sucker, I am not going to be called Dum-Dum. Another name down the drain.


I can already see how this is all going to play out. First, my name ideas got shot down and next it will be my motherly advice.  The other day she actually told me I have no say in anything and all decisions would be made between the parents only.  I tried to argue that her kid was going to have my DNA too, and she said, “That’s why it took Doc so long to agree to have a baby.”  They laugh hysterically when they say this stuff and then she always adds, “Tell dad what I just said. That was a good one.”  She’s going to be sorry when she calls for my advice and I tell her, “sorry, Ham Hock Dum-Dum is not available at this time, but maybe Mother Sucker Pop Pop can help.” See how she likes it when I hand the phone to him, she explains the whole situation to him, and she thinks he hung up on her because it takes him so long to respond.  No one wants someone pondering the question on the other end of the line when you want fast answers. Megan and I are “hurry up and answer the question” kind of people and John is more the “let’s think this completely through and stare off into space while doing it,” type, which is never a good match.  In fact, it may be the worst combination of people of all time, because while he is pondering and thoughtfully and carefully relaying his thoughts, we are drumming our fingers, silently fuming, and eventually, when our blood pressure is near stroke level, our emotions boil over and we start screaming things about not having enough time in the day and we are sorry we asked.  In retrospect, it may be part of John’s master plan to avoid conversation, but I figure two passed phone calls to John and she will be yelling in the phone, "SWEET, LITTLE, ATTRACTIVE MAMACITA, I BEG YOU NOT TO PASS THE PHONE TO DAD!"


Mostly, I am jesting because I know with enough candy and bribes, I can make that kid call me whatever I want.   So, even though I have a few kinks to work out with the names, we are thrilled we are going to be grandparents.  Thrilled beyond belief!  I can’t wait to meet this new little wonder in August and I really feel that this could be John’s and my moment to shine.  Stay tuned……..

My daughter, Megan, and her baby bump!

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Comment by Bonnie and Kona on March 20, 2014 at 3:57pm

What an adorable photo of Megan and the baby! Thank you for posting. 

We went through something similar but no yelling when my son and daughter-in-law were pregnant with their first. No yelling because there just are different conversations when you are the mother of the husband not the wife. So here is how my thinking went: I did not want to be called Grandma because there were already a slew of Grandmas in our life at the time... my mother, my mother-in-law, and both of my grandmothers were still alive. We lived in Hawaii when our kids were little. Grandmothers here are called Tutu. Since the other grandmother picked "Grammy" I decided I would go for "Tutu". My husband wanted to be called Grandpa. When little Maddie could talk she could say "Tutu" really early! She never ever has called DH Grandpa. She called him Boppa from the time she gave him a name. So we are Tutu and Boppa for all three of them now. When Maddie turned six at some point she started calling me Toots. I love it! She is too big for that joke now I guess because she hasn't called me that since she turned seven. ;o)

You are going to have so much fun! The less advice you offer, the more advice you will be asked. Just sayin'

Comment by Nancie & Gracie Doodle on March 20, 2014 at 3:42pm

I think you should just wait and let the baby name you.  That is what I did.  My DIL kept asking what I wanted to be called and I told her to let him pick my name.  I spent a ton of time with my first born in Boston.  Flying back every other month for a week or more we became very bonded.  I always called him Sweet Pea and eventually that is what he named me.  It started out as Pee Pee, then See Pee and finally Swee Pea.  There are now a total of four kids in that family and to them all I am Swee Pea!  My DH is Poppa to our own kids and is also Poppa to all the grandchildren.  When my daughter had her little Eowyn, again I let her name me.  My nickname (one of many) for my daughter is Lambie and I always call Eowyn my little lambie.  So guess what...I am Lambie!!  My DH in the beginning was Ha Ha (sounds like Poppa) but it was because everytime he saw her he would just start laughing.  All the kids love to imitate his laugh!  We had no say in any of the babies names nor our names and I much prefer it that way.  We have Johnny, Tommy, Chrissy (Christopher), Laura and Eowyn.  Just let the cards play out!  I feel that my names were picked out of love and not because they were told to call me that.

Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 20, 2014 at 2:58pm

You know that I'm SO excited for you and John.  I totally love being a Grandmother.  There's so much to be said for spoiling them and then sending them home.  Just make sure you schedule lots of alone time and then teach them when they're very young that "what happens with Nana is our special secret" (they call me Nana which differentiates me from the other Grandmother who is "Grandma").  We're not a real original family when it comes to names.  My daughters know that there's lots of things going on when the kids are here that they wouldn't approve of but they've decided the benefits of having us babysit outweigh their "principles".  We will have to celebrate in October....I suspect you will probably be running a "slideshow" as the entertainment at least one of the nights.  F & V have no idea what lies ahead for them....big Murph could fill them in on what it's like to have a toddler "stalking" you.  LOL.  It's wonderful....hugs to you and John.

Comment by Wendy and Myla on March 20, 2014 at 2:52pm

That's awesome!  So exciting! and I'm sure you both will definitely shine! LOL - funny how hard it is to pick names for grandparents.  When my granddaughter was born we weren't sure what we would be called - my DIL had a son from a previous relationship (who was five years old) who already called her mom "grandma" - we decided to let the kids figure it out in there own time and all of a sudden I was "grandma" and my DIL's mom was "old grandma" according to the five year old.  As I'm older than she is, we couldn't figure it out but apparently whenever asked to play she would reply "I'm too old for that" - so moral of the story is "Watch what you say to grandkids" lol - Now according to all grandkids, I am "grandma Wendy" and my DIL's mom is called "Puppy Grandma" as she has five dogs from rescue.  I like that name too.  My sister's MIL is called "Grandma Fuzzy Toes" by her kids because she always wore really fuzzy slippers. I always thought that was hilarious!

Comment by cheryl & oliver on March 20, 2014 at 2:49pm

Well i think Mamacita is adorable and very different, lol..Now I am called Grammie, I wanted Nana, but my DIL also said that was the dogs name in Peter Pan...i said so what, she was adorable, my son said, don't start...My other grand daughter calls me grandma, I didn't want that either, it felt too old, but I have to tell you , once you see and hold that little one, it won't matter what they call you...You become a sucker for the kid, the kid can do no wrong in your eyes, and it is your child that is wrong, lol...they will tell you that you would never let them do what you let your grand child do, lol, and you will find that you will defend most things that the little one will do. what would infuriate you with your own, will be ah, isn't he/she just so adorable..You own child will look at you in disbelief...that is the rights of being a grandparent..And the best part is, lol, when they are cranky, fussy or whatever, they go back to their OWN parents..In other words you get the best of both worlds...When I held my grandchildren for the first time, i thought, so this is what it is all about, that tiny little creature will become your whole world..You will buy everything and anything, and not think twice about it...Your own kid will tell you to stop, they have no room, but that won't stop you believe me...I had two first grandchildren three months apart, so i am buying all the time..You will become addicted to the, many wonderful things coming your way...Congrat. to you and John, and just enjoy...Wow I am rambling, lol, you will too when you talk about your little  one....

Comment by Lonnie & Libby Lu on March 20, 2014 at 2:42pm

Congratulations and I am so excited for the both of you and your entire family!  You know Laurie, the Aunties always shine in the little one's eyes too.  Megan is beautiful and looks like pregnancy truly agrees with her.  This is an exciting time and when the baby is placed in your arms, there is absolutley no better feeling.   OK, one thing, my six granddaughters call me "Mum", yikes, what does that make me!

Comment by Cheryl and Finnegan on March 20, 2014 at 2:21pm

I'm thrilled for you, Mamacita!  Megan looks beautiful!  My 2 grand babies are actually my stepson's boys. But Ian and I have always been close, so when he announced there would be 3 grandmother's I said "oh-oh" :)  I waited until the real grandmothers picked, and then I chose "Nona." I thought it was pretty and truth be told, I don't think I was ready for Grams or Grammie yet lol  I don't think Mamacita was on the list :) 

Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on March 20, 2014 at 2:11pm

I am so happy for you, Laurie! I'm sure I've said this before, but it is just so true: Becoming a grandparent is one of the few things in life that really is all it's cracked up to be. :)

My grandson calls me Nonnie. I think it sounds young and cute, lol. 

Comment by Kristen Eric Lacey and Paisley on March 20, 2014 at 1:46pm

Congratulations! Your daughter looks beautiful!!!!

Comment by Carol and Banjo on March 20, 2014 at 1:42pm

And BTW......your daughter looks BEAUTIFUL!!!!!


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