So for everyone who knows my two Doods you've probably already answered this question. Guess what, you've probably guessed wrong. Yes, Murphy is "Nice", while his brother, Guinness, is the "Naughty" one. Here's what happened today with "the boys". It was a bit of a frantic day with all the Thanksgiving shopping, cooking and cleaning. While I was in the shower I apparently didn't close my closet door all the way. When I finished with the shower, I noticed there were NO Doods laying there at the bathroom door waiting for me....hmmmm, how unusual. I didn't think too much about it because DH was also home so I thought maybe they were with him. I finished in the bathroom and then came into the bedroom where I spotted Guinness hiding half way under the bed and looking VERY guilty while Murph was across the room staring at him. I went over to see what was going on and I found Guinness with a "prize". Yesterday I went to a Dog Bakery to find some very special salmon treats to send to one of our favorite DK buddies who is about to have a birthday. I had them wrapped (in a zip lock bag) and put into a box with a bow. I then put them in my closet until I could mail them tomorrow. While I was in the shower Guinness (Mr. Naughty Doodle) got to the Birthday Treats. He brought them out of the closet and under the bed where he could have a "feast". Murph wanted nothing to do with any of this. He didn't even want to get too close to his "naughty brother", but he was watching, and drooling. Murph is such a good boy...right now he's my favorite "son". So, I've decided no more of those "nose tracking" classes for Guinness. He was able to smell these treats through the zip lock baggie on a bottom shelf in the closet. I think his tracking skills are just fine.
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