Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Lucy and Sophie here.   Mom has been mean lately.  She will not let us bark at anything outside the windows.  Not the trash man, the dogs next door, the mail man, or Ricco or Brody when they walk past, Nothing!  She makes us get on our pillows and do a down stay.  Not that that isn't bad enough, but on Monday she put us in a down stay and then about 10 mins later we heard her tell Dad good bye, I'll see you in a little while and she walks right past us .......  we just looked at her like where the heck are you going ..... Dogs in a down stay here ...... hello!  We try to do our part, but someone has gotta teach her she needs to release us at some point.  A dog can't stay in a down stay forever!  Can anyone help us, please?  We saw where someone was talking about "Teaching an old dog new tricks", do you think you can teach an "Old Mom New Tricks"!

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Comment by F, Calla & Luca on January 19, 2011 at 11:57am
Don't worry Darwin, I heard the lemon and chicken wasn't great. Maybe if you are very good in the down stay some leftovers will find their way into your bowl once in a while.
Comment by Camilla and Darwin on January 19, 2011 at 11:50am
My mom and dad are being weird too! I make a point to always put my head on their laps when they are eating. Just so they know that if they don't want to finish something, I am available. They haven't had any leftovers to give me yet, but you just never know. You can imagine my surprise when they started putting me in a down stay while they ate! They won't even let me come near them anymore. How am I supposed to be available for leftovers? They just aren't very logical are they...
Comment by Taylor & Huff on January 19, 2011 at 11:16am

Hi its Huff here don't our people overdramatize everything. If we want a toy we will woof at it, or if the mail/trash man comes to bring or take our goodies, or if that dog in the glass door or window keeps following us around. Yesterday my mommie got made at me cuz I was barking at some new toys and I was digging under the little

table with wheels on it for no reason (I was just hyper).

Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on January 19, 2011 at 6:42am
Hey, Lucy and's Guinness and Murph.  What the Doodle is up with our Moms anyway?  Did they forget that we're DOGS...we're supposed to bark, because that's our job.  Our Mom doesn't want us to bark either, and it's driving us CRAZY!  This morning it was the guy with the big, noisy truck who takes stuff our of our "trash barrels" and then puts them back EMPTY.  Now this is all really great trash, especially the one that has all the paper....we love paper.  How come this guy gets to take all the good stuff away?  Of course, we bark....he doesn't belong here and he's taking all our good stuff.  Guinness usually hears the "bad truck" first and he runs down the stairs with his little, wimpy bark.  He thinks if he barks "soft", Mom won't put him in one of those "stays".  Not me though....I don't know how to bark "soft", so I woof it up pretty darn good.  That's when Mom stops playing on her computer and comes after us.  Yesterday, she actually said a naughty work when we were barking at the mail truck.  Anyway, down the stairs she comes with her "mad face" (Guinness hates that mad face, but she doesn't scare me at all, ha ha).  She heads right for the door like she owns it (I don't think so) and makes us sit and stay.  We don't even get to jump up at the window by the door.  I guess she thinks if we can't SEE the truck we'll for get it's there....yea right.  We have to stay like that and be quiet until the truck is gone.  If we do, she gets us a treat.....that's the only good thing about this new "at the door training".  That's a terrible thing that your Mom forgot you were in a down/stay and then left you.  Awful, Lucy and Sophie.  I hope you made her feel really guilty about that.  Guinness and I love "guilting" our's so much fun.  Sometimes we just kind of "mope around", and she starts saying stuff like...."of my poor guys are down in the dumps because we haven't been able to get a good walk...let's play some inside ball".  Yup, it gets her every time.  Got to go now, girls, but we both "feel your pain".  What's with all this "training stuff" anyway??? Murph (and my little brother Guinness).


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