Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Lindsey Holt
  • Female
  • Tempe
  • United States
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  • Sam&Bella
  • Beth & Cheddar
  • Haley, Yeti, and Phin
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  • Katie and Duncan
  • Bonne Bouche
  • Stephanie and Abbie
  • William
  • Sue, Murphy and Bella    ()*o*()

Lindsey Holt's Discussions

Reassure me... Or tell me it's a terrible idea

Started this discussion. Last reply by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern Aug 17, 2019. 25 Replies

Hi all,We currently have a 3.5 year old golden doodle, named Jake, who is a joy and I love so much.  We have an opportunity to get a cockapoo in about 8 to 10 weeks, mom is in labor now.My hesitation…Continue

Oral/Dental Care Product

Started this discussion. Last reply by Frank & TeddyToyDoodle Apr 3, 2019. 14 Replies

What are your thoughts on this product?Do we think it is safe?…Continue

Torn nail into quick

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lindsey Holt Nov 27, 2017. 3 Replies

Hi all,While Jake managed to dig in the yard despite my repeatedly telling him it's a bad idea... And he has now torn his nail up into the quick.It's cleaned and no longer bleeding and I will be…Continue

Dog barking during the day

Started this discussion. Last reply by Stella Apr 25, 2017. 21 Replies

Hi all,We have an almost 14 month old Goldendoodle, Jake, that is crated in our kitchen while we are gone at work.We recently got a notice from the city that someone had complained about him barking,…Continue

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Laurie, Fudge, and Vern replied to Lindsey Holt's discussion Reassure me... Or tell me it's a terrible idea
"Since you asked, I wouldn't do it! What if Jake never accepts the new dog? He might, but what if he doesn't? Then you could be in a situation where you have to make a heartbreaking choice. "
Aug 17, 2019
Maryann,Roo and Tigger replied to Lindsey Holt's discussion Reassure me... Or tell me it's a terrible idea
"I am going to rain on your parade, but I think you know the answer yourself.  Enjoy Jake and forget the puppy for now.  If you do go ahead with another puppy, pick one that will be more his size and pick a female.  Males and females…"
Aug 17, 2019
Lindsey Holt replied to Stacy's discussion Happy Big "5" Katie Jo!
"Happy Birthday Katie!"
Aug 13, 2019
Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie replied to Lindsey Holt's discussion Reassure me... Or tell me it's a terrible idea
"My daughter has an 80 pound lab and a Yorkie mix.  He protects her.  She used to have some male tiny poodle mix with the lab.  He loved him.  All of our dogs respect the little ones when they visit. I agree that I'd never…"
Aug 6, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle replied to Lindsey Holt's discussion Reassure me... Or tell me it's a terrible idea
"Yes. Maybe in the breeder's yard if possible. "
Aug 6, 2019
Lindsey Holt replied to Lindsey Holt's discussion Reassure me... Or tell me it's a terrible idea
"So they should meet at the breeders house or the car then, correct?  "
Aug 6, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle replied to Lindsey Holt's discussion Reassure me... Or tell me it's a terrible idea
"If you go to pick up your pup from the breeder, bring Jake along. The trip home in the car is a great opportunity for bonding. As much as possible, life for Jake should stay the same as it's always been. That means, don't move his…"
Aug 6, 2019
Lindsey Holt replied to Lindsey Holt's discussion Reassure me... Or tell me it's a terrible idea
"If we decide to go ahead... What is the best way to introduce the new pup to Jake in order for this to be the most successful?"
Aug 6, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle replied to Lindsey Holt's discussion Reassure me... Or tell me it's a terrible idea
"I don't know yet who the sire is. If it's Jasper's father, it's a no brainer. I'd send a deposit the day the pregnancy is confirmed, lol. But I'm not crazy about the sire she used the last time his mom was bred, so that…"
Aug 6, 2019
J and Riley (and Luna) replied to Lindsey Holt's discussion Reassure me... Or tell me it's a terrible idea
"I mean I guess you have to decide if having a pup from this dam is more important or Jasper's training being super solid.  I'm with Stacey because the training can be fixed over time, you will never have another opportunity to get one…"
Aug 6, 2019
Stacy replied to Lindsey Holt's discussion Reassure me... Or tell me it's a terrible idea
"You know I vote yes on this. Of course I don't have to live with the decision, so my vote doesn't really count. But I really feel like the more the merrier. And training classes have evolved into my favorite activity. I think you should…"
Aug 6, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle replied to Lindsey Holt's discussion Reassure me... Or tell me it's a terrible idea
"I'm struggling with that decision right now. Jasper's dam was just bred last week and this is going to be her last litter. So if I want another pup from the same mom (and I do), I'm going to have to bring home a puppy about…"
Aug 6, 2019
J and Riley (and Luna) replied to Lindsey Holt's discussion Reassure me... Or tell me it's a terrible idea
"Yep lol.  We had this "big sister" book for my daughter (she is almost 6) showing stuff about what to expect with baby.. she said "I won't help with the diapers though.  I can get you a clean one but I'm not…"
Aug 6, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle replied to Lindsey Holt's discussion Reassure me... Or tell me it's a terrible idea
""Biggest difference is you can't warn a dog ahead of time that the new little one is coming home."LOL, or involve them in the preparations. ;) "
Aug 6, 2019
J and Riley (and Luna) replied to Lindsey Holt's discussion Reassure me... Or tell me it's a terrible idea
"I'm sure he won't hate you, there is no guarantee he won't hate the puppy though.   I think it's a bit like bringing home a new human sibling... an adjustment period, a little jealousy and some teaching about how to…"
Aug 6, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle replied to Lindsey Holt's discussion Reassure me... Or tell me it's a terrible idea
"This is excellent advice. "
Aug 6, 2019

Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
I have an F1B Goldendoodle named Jake
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Lack of shedding
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
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Comment Wall (2 comments)

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At 5:26pm on March 30, 2017, Bonne Bouche said…

Hello, Lindsey! Jake is beautiful! I hope we can meet when we move out this summer!

At 2:06pm on August 2, 2016, Sam&Bella said…

He is so cute!



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