Did any of your husbands think you'd gone cuckoo when you started on this site? My husband can't believe this strange new addiction I have to doodles and the DK website. I'm even thinking of getting a better chair at my computer station!! He loves it though that I am finally coming out of my funk at having lost my last dog, Sandy. And that I am interested in photography now. Thanks to all of you for introducing me to a new life. Oh, and let's not even go there w/ friends--me sending them pics, links, etc. They are ready to commit me!!!
Oh, yes. My DH knows I went round the bend the day we got our puppy. Interesting though, now I find he's also checking out DK pretty regularly. I'm hoping to take him round the bend with me. It will be less lonesome in the "home".
My husband knows that I am a dog lover, but he has told people that he has never seen me so nuts about any of the dogs we have had over the years. I loved them all believe me, and I cried with the passing of them, but there is something about this Oliver, my golden doodle, that I am over the edge. DH got him for me, and our other dog a 12 1/2 yr old aussie, because neither
Renny or I were doing well afrer we lost our other aussie. Don't get me wrong, I love my ausssie, but this Oliver, he has stolen my heart and soul, and I think my husband is going around the bend too, lol, but he isn't letting on to me, but he brags all the time about him to other people, lol....Cheryl
Yes! My DH thinks I have lost it too! He always comes home and makes comments like, "are you really already on DK?" or "honey, stop messaging your DK friends and listen." lol. My favorite is after he leaves for work, sends me a text, I don't reply and his next text is, step away from doodlekisses and answer. haha. I love it though!!! We should make our DH respond to this post with their true thoughts. haha.
Hahahha! My teenage son does too! He act as that he is concerned about my "addiction".
Once I heard him saying it to his sister " What do you think? Mom is violating all of the rules about internet safety. She had given out our real address to all of these people to exchange christmas cards, and meeting them for the romp! She is the one who told us NEVER to give out real name, address, etc...!" Oh, well, what can I say?
At first my husband thought I was a little weird as I was spending a lot of time on this site. Frankly, I think he wondered if I had a boyfriend "on line"!! The thing is-when you have an 8 week old goldendoodle who turned into a vampire, with his out of control biting, you seek help. We found it on this site and now hubs enjoys the stories I tell him about the doodles and friends that I have on this site. He especially enjoys the Christmas cards we receive from Group B!!
I don't have a DH (but if anyone knows a nice single Jewish man in the Atlanta area...I'm in the market for a good dude with a dood!), but my sister thinks I need a doodle intervention. Every morning, when I'm on my first DK visit of the day, I find a cute picture (like I even have to look...they're all so flipping adorable), copy it, and paste it in an email to her, that I title "Dood of the Day". She thinks I'm a loon. I don't really care. I still send her the pictures anyway!
LOL. My DH is as doodle crazy as I am, and thinks our dog is amazing. We drive our family and friends nuts. :-) He wasn't so sure about DK at first, but now he's always asking me to send him pics, videos, etc. of our Doodle friends. And he's getting a kick out of the Christmas card exchange. It's been awesome!