Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

what is your doodle scared of ? my 11 month old puppy Cagney is scared of shadows, my guitar hero guitar, my cell phone, the vacuum, and some of my friends. when he get's scared he pees and runs away .

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I don't know if she's actually scared of it or just intriguesd by it but... the vacuum.... She actually attacks it and lifts it off of the ground with her mouth. I have to be real careful! She also tries to grabed the hose attachment too. I'm afraid she's going to get her tongue caught in it.
Chewie also has a strong aversion to the vaccum cleaner. He was not too bad when we first got him (at 8 weeks) but now at almost 16 weeks he barks and growls at it and sometimes decides to bite the back of my legs when I am not quick enough.
Yeah. Tori will be 2 in March. You'd think she'd be used to it by now.... BUT- she used to run and hide and sometimes even poop in the house out of being frightened, so I guess she actually has gotten better. LOL
I don't know if Darwin is scared as much as cautious, but he does leap away from the vacuum if it comes in his direction. He goes right back up to sniff it afterwards though... ha ha. He is also really intrigued/suspicious of balloons.
Weird thing about the balloons.... We got a bunch of balloons for my son's birthday.. about 24 of them. After the helium began to decrease and they fell to the ground, Tori just laid right in the middle of them and rested there. I don't know if it was the humming of the sounds through the balloons, or what. But she really seemed to like it. It had a calming affect on her... silly doodle! I'll have to post the pictures on my page. It was so funny.
Webster is 9 months old and is spooked by the kids interactive/robot/Furreal dog. It's pretty funny. They got a Furreal cat for Christmas but we haven't put batteries in it yet (don't have that size on hand). Webster is eyeing the cat suspiciously so we'll see what happens when it comes to life.
I can just picture Webster being spooked by a "Furreal Dog" that comes to life. Does he bark and jump at it when it's moving?
Our Murphy, one year old, is afraid of moving strollers all of a sudden. No rhyme or reason to it. Just started freaking out one day during a walk while a mom and baby in stroller went past us. He started whining and hiding behind me.
Had grandson (5month old) here for Christmas visit and had Murphy walk with us with grandson in stroller, and he did well. Threw the ball and made a playtime out of it so he can associate fun with strollers. So we'll see what happens with the next encounter with a big scary stroller and baby!
We can't run the train around the x-mas tree, all Lilly does is bark and growls at it. She also dose'nt like the vacuum or helium balloons. My grandaughter had built 2 snowmen in the back yard and the first time she saw them she circled them and barked at them for an hour..=) She also does not like men with hats..
YUP! Tori wasn't thrilled with the train either!
she didn't really notice the snowman, but we'll have to try that next time we get snow.. LOL
The newest thing Snuckers is scared of is the dog size animatronic reindeer we have displayed. He has knocked the reindeer over twice and each time Snicks goes into defensive stance/ barking like the reindeer is going to get up and fight back!

Regarding the vacuum we have really tried to desensitize him to it and it seems to have worked.
So far, Guinness is only scared of one thing...and it's not good, because it's our son-in-law. During the Summer when Guinness was a puppy he (our son-in-law) accidently stepped on him while helping us carry boxes. He just couldn't see him. Guinness squealed, but didn't seem to be meaningfully hurt. Ever since then, he won't go near him. Even on Christmas day, he barked as soon as he saw him and avoided him the entire day. The poor guy has done everything to try to make amends, but to no avail. Guinness just seems to feel he's a threat. Poor guys (both of them).
Oddly enough, Callie does not like hearing other dogs bark. She finds it very unsettling. When we're at the dog park, if the dogs start barking she'll slink over to me. She's also scared when someone walks up to us outside in the dark...she gets all protective (growls, steps in front of me, etc) but she is trembling from head to paw the whole time. I'm currently scared of the gas Callie is having right this moment...I may pass out...blech.



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