I just came back from the vet because my normally rambunctious 1 1/2 year old ALD had a 103.8 degree fever this afternoon (normal is around 101-101.5 according to vet) and was very lethargic.
I had been off at work all day but when I got home my hubby said she never really left her bed all day. She had eaten but not with her usual enthusiasm. No vomiting or diarrhea though.
Luckily, I was able to get her to the vet for something to bring the fever down and some antibiotics, just in case. All blood tests and tests for tick-borne disease came back negative (phew!) but the vet confirmed that there have been H1N1 cases in dogs lately. I had read about that also. Just thought everyone would want to be aware of it.
Now that her fever is down, Lyric is a bit more active, although she still seems to have much less energy than normal. I have been told to take her temp. each morning and give her baby aspirin if it comes up again.
By the way, the visit to the vet set me back $232 !! These guys are expensive!! But at least I know it is probably not serious. We do love our doodles, don't we?
How did you know she had a fever?? Or did you find that out when you went to the vet? How do you take her temp? Our vet takes temp in the rear end, do you have to do it that way? I don't know if our dood would be still for us to do that. Hope Lyric feels better!
I was suspecting a fever because her nose was very hot--so I used a digital thermometer rectally. I put some vaseline on it first. The dog must have been feeling pretty sick, because she didn't even move.(She'd been lethargic all day) It really doesn't bother them too much.
Lyric is much better already. Thanks!
I have heard of humans catching the H1N1 from a dog too. So you may want to make sure you wash your hands good and I wouldn't let her lick you. Glad her temp is down and she is feeling better.
I'm sorry to hear about Lyric. It's times like this that I so wish they were able to communicate how they are feeling. If it is H1N1, she's probably pretty miserable. Great that you reacted so quickly and got her on the antibiotics.
Peri had a 103 fever in the fall. The main reason my vet did not think it was H1N1 was because Taquito did not come down with ANY symptoms. You have another doodle, don't you??? My vet says that it is virtually impossible for a "sibling' dog to NOT catch the dog flu. It is highly, highly contagious. If none of your other dogs get it, I would think it is just a cold...not the flu.
Keep us posted. By the way, Peri's was a cold or allergic reaction to all of the leaves falling (we don't really know). But antihystamines and benadryl (prescribed by my vet) helped greatly. She was sick for about 2 weeks.
Hmmm - have you all seen any information about dogs getting H1N1? The only flu that I had read dogs were at risk of getting is called H3N8 that morphed from horses.
That's the one I was talking about too....I don't think h1n1 has hit the dogs. Or my dogs would have caught it from me when I was sick during Thanksgiving! ha.
Someone on DK posted a blog in the past month or so regarding a local news story they'd just seen where a dog did, in fact, get H1N1 (vs. the 'dog' strain) from his owners. I haven't heard of any other instance, though.