Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

With a heavy heart I am writing to inform you all that our sweet Dublin who was being fostered by Adrianne Matzkin's daughter Marissa Tait in Pittsburgh was killed this evening.


Marissa's husband Seamus had Dublin and their doodle Mickey out for their evening walk when both Seamus and Dublin were struck by a speeding hit and run driver 1 block away from their home. The driver was apparently going so fast that he skid and hit the curb propelling the car onto the snow covered sidewalk striking Dublin killing him almost instantly and then striking Seamus so hard that it knocked him out of his boots. The cars front tire actually ran over Seamus' foot and leg injuring both. Luckily The Tait's dog Mickey was behind Seamus at the time of impact and was not injured. Terrified, Mickey ran all the way back to the house.
The driver did not stop........
Thank goodness the snow was deep enough to cushion the force of the cars tires as they ran over Seamus' leg or his injuries would have been far worse. The snow was not deep enough to spare poor Dublin. He was closest to the oncoming car and was struck first.
He tried to get up for an instant and then collapsed. By the time Seamus got to him he was gone. Crying, in shock and dragging his own injured leg, Seamus picked up Dublin and carried the 70 Lb. dog back to the house to a hysterical Marissa who was on the phone with me shortly after and inconsolable. I only wish that I could have been there with them as they were experiencing this terrible tragedy. I felt completely helpless and could only offer a calming voice on the other end of the phone as comfort.
Another driver who witnessed the event had already called the police and then proceeded to try and chase the hit and run driver. The driver has not been found.The police arrived minutes later along with an ambulance.
Seamus so pumped up on adrenalin refused treatment and opted instead to help the police try to find the driver. Marissa and her father-in-law wrapped Dublin in a blanket as Mickey who had been trying to rouse him, sat by sullenly watching. Though they knew that he was gone, together they took Dublin to the emergency vet. The vet confirmed that Dublin had been killed by blunt force trauma to the head and that thankfully he had not suffered.
I am personally so devastated by the loss of this poor dog who never seemed to be able to catch a break in life that I am finding it difficult to type this post.......I cannot imagine what this young couple who with Dublin in their charge were first time foster parents are going through emotionally in the aftermath of this evenings events. They drove 5 plus hours in total to rescue him from a neglectful and abusive home in Ohio. They bravely brought him into their home flea bitten, stinky, sick and scared and immediately showered him with all the things that he had never before experienced in his 5 years of life--care, human kindness and unconditional love. I do know that they are utterly grief stricken, completely devastated and feel personally responsible for Dublin's death.
I am asking you all to please reach out to Marissa and her husband Seamus and let them know that we are grateful to them for taking such good care of Dublin and for giving him a second chance for a happy life. Now more than ever they need the support of our rescue family and our DK family and most importantly they need to know that this tragedy was not their fault.
No matter where we are all located throughout the country, we all came to know and love  Dublin. We are all grateful for this sweet, gentle soul and that he finally had a chance to experience  the unconditional love, attention and affection that he had so cruelly been deprived of for most of his life. Even if it were only for a short while, his last days were joyful carefree and filled with love. He was a happy dog in spite of his past and all of the medical tests and vet visits he was subjected to as we tried to save his sight. Thank you for following his story and for all of your help and support.
.......and thank you for any words and expressions of sympathy appreciation and kindness you can offer this young couple through this terrible time.
With great appreciation,

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My prayer is with all of you guys who were involved with his rescue and care. I am so sorry for this tragedy......

It is a very sad and cold world with many humans who does not respect nor appreciate lives of others - human or not.
This is the second hit and run in our DK family recently.....
I am so sorry. This feels like a personal loss. We all were so rooting for Dublin to find a forever home when he got well. Marissa and Seamus provided Dublin with his wonderful forever home even though it was temporary. I am sure he felt their love and support. This was not their fault at all. I do wish Seamus a speedy recovery from his injuries.
Godspeed Dublin.
What an absolute tragedy.

Hoping Seamus has a speedy recovery,bless you and your family for giving this dog the best weeks of his life.
I am heartbroken for everyone involved. My thoughts and prayers are with Marissa and Seamus along with my gratitude for their loving care of Dublin. He did get to experience love and joy before moving on, and that is something very special and irreplaceable.
My thoughts and prayers go out to Marissa, Seamus and Mickey. I keep thinking as I'm sitting here speechless, that thank goodness Dublin got to spend some days with Marissa, Seamus and Mickey because his last days at least, were wonderful days. He got to experience the wonderful life of being a "dog lover's dog"! Although there is no excuse for what this terrible person did, the best way to honor Dublin is to know that you did everything humanly possible for him, and just be prepared to do it again for the next dog that comes along. I am grateful that Seamus is going to be ok, and that Mickey knew to run home and that you aren't out searching for him! We will continue to keep all of you in our thoughts and prayers!
I cannot stop crying over this terrible tradgedy of all involved. I am deeply sorry for everyone and my heart goes out to all!!
I am so terribly sorry. While I do not undertsand it, clearly God had another plan for Dublin. I pray that Seamus recovers from his physical injuries quickly though we know it will take quite some time to deal with their great loss. My prayers are with them.
Our deepest condolences on the loss of Dublin. It is a tragedy they we all feel. We are sending healing thoughts Seamus’ way and wish him a speedy recovery.
It's hard to type through the tears. Tears for Dublin, yes. But also tears for Marissa, Seamus and Mickey.

Marissa and Seamus, you are heroes. I am so sorry. Thank you for making Dublin's last days joyful.
What heroes they are to care for and love poor Dublin--they didn't deserve this end to an otherwise happy story. I am so sorry for you all of you and hope that another pup in need of rescue will soon be loved by all of you and help you to heal.
Prayer for a Pet’s Memorial Service

God of all creatures, ease our grief today as we bid farewell to Dublin, whose passing leaves a gap in our family circle.  He demanded so little of us – fresh water, food, a patch of sunlight for sun-bathing, our presence – and gave so much in return – uncritical, undemanding, unlimited affection and devotion for all of us.  Greeting each day, each moment, happily on its own terms, he showed us how to live in the present rather than regret the past or worry about the future.  His easy forgiveness of our flaws, his inability to hold a grudge, gave us an example of grace. 
Creator, we’re grateful for being allowed to share his life for our allotted time. 
We will miss him bounding through our family life, but he will always be present in our hearts. 

Rainbow Bridge
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... Author unknown...

Dear Dublin,
Although I never met you in person I knew all about you through Marissa and Seamus. I know you were a kind hearted Doodle who did not let your past life influence who you were today. Although you were abused by your former family and their dog (you had the bite marks to prove it), never had proper vet care, your were blind in 1 eye due to a congential cataract that your former family ignored and one growing in the other eye that the DRC was going to make sure that you didn't go blind in that one too, you were so happy, content Doodle!
All you craved was snuggles and Marissa, Seamus & Mickey made sure you got even when you were stinky boy! You loved laying in the bathtub getting what was probably one of very few baths you had in your life. You just enjoyed being loved and you were!

I am heartbroken that when you finally had a chance at a wonderful life that all dogs deserve, it was cut short by another human who just didn't care about life - whether it was a humans or a dogs. I am so sad that as your GrandaMa I never got to give you hugs the deserved but I will when I see you one day on the other side of the Bridge!

Rest in peace, Dublin. Rest assured that I will help take care of Marissa, Seamus, Mickey and your Aunt Suzanne.
Now, go play with the other Doodles on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge and be happy - you certainly deserve it!
GrandMa A
This is so tragic. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.



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