Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am planning to go this weekend , to a reputable breeder , to see some goldendoodle puppies. I have done a lot of research on the breed and know that this is the breed I want. There are no allergy issues in the house so coat type is not a problem. We want a large active dog that we can take with us when we go hiking / kayaking etc. At the moment we have two Westies a female 12 years and a male 11 years. Both have been fixed. We now have a large fenced in yard , and feel that we have enough space , and are active enough to give this type of dog a wonderful life , so here is my question. What should I look for in the puppy? I have had Westies my whole life , and am used to terrier type attitude and stubborness , but am admitting to being a bit clueless in the traits I should look for in a GD puppy.

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I grew up with Cairns, so I understand what you mean about temperament differences in terriers vs. these doodles! My parents still have a cairn and it is funny to see her stubborness next to my Peri's pleasing nature.
I am not an expert in puppy traits by any means, but I can tell you about my experience. My breeder lived close to me and I was fortunate enough to visit her multiple times before Peri came home. I knew I was going to get a girl because there were only two males and they were staying with my breeder. Other families had allergy issues, so they received two of the girls whose coats seemed to be more "allergy friendly". As it turns out, Peri hardly sheds so I am happy! When it came down to it, breeder told me that the remaining girls left had similar temperaments and that I would be happy with either. Husband and I chose the fatter one because she looked like a "chunky monkey". The funny thing is, she is about the smallest by 7-10 pounds in her litter! I am in touch with most of Peri's siblings' parents. As it turns out, she is pretty much identical to her sister Ellie (on Doodle Kisses, who we might have gotten instead) in looks and personality. She played with her sister Bella at Daycare last week and the owners told me they are very similar personality wise. My breeder tells me one of the boys is pretty laid back, but all in all, this litter is full of life, with boisterous personalities.
I would recommend telling your breeder about your current dogs. It may be better to have a male with an older female terrier at home. Lucy, my mom's cairn, and Peri can get into it sometimes. I don't know if that is a terrier thing or what. But Lucy instigates it.
Any way you slice it, you will get an awesome dog, especially from a reputable breeder. They can sometimes predict who will be more laid back, etc....just ask. Your breeder should be a really good source of info. Oh and in the end, I do think a lot has to do with nurture (going back to the whole nature vs. nurture debate).
I am sure you know this from your research, but most doodles have a pretty hilarious, loving-life, personality. And most of them (most of the time) want to please. They are so smart that they tend to get bored more quickly than other breeds. Training is a must and they need activity - sounds like you are an active family and the puppy will fit right in. I am overgeneralizing the traits, but I think many others would agree with me on this.
I would tend to pick one with a more laid back personality. They will still be quite active but not over the top.
I have to agree, Hunter was a little more laid back and the runt of the liter - she is still really laid back but loves to play when its play time - truly the best of both worlds! LOL You just will not believe the personality they develope - so smart and funny! And yes they will get into anything to keep themselves entertain! Hunter's new fascination is the drain cover IN our garage floor - she gets it out every single opportunity she has and we find it in the yard! LOL Its big and heavy too! Too funny! I am sure I can speak for everyone that we are really looking forward to seeing how it went this weekend and what puppy you picked or vise versa! Post photos!!!!
Watch tails. I know that sounds silly but you can tell A LOT by the way a pup carries his tail. You want it to be up and wagging. If it is tucked between his legs he is scared and not confident.

Rely heavily on your breeders advice. She is the one that has watched the pups and interacted with them every day since birth. She'll know which one is a good match for you. Good luck and enjoy your doodle! They are the BEST! :o)
It is so tough to pick based on personality in just one short visit. So, if you trust your breeder (which it sounds like you do), tell them what you want and let them giude you.They have spent hours and hours watching thier puppies and havbe an idea of who is who. We have people come over and say they want a laid back puppy, and they get their heart set on the one puppy in the corner acting low key. They dont realize that puppy was the most active one for hours earlier and is just tired now from jumping all over its littermates, and is not laid back at all. Let them giude you and then pick the one you feel a connection with, if the puppy likes you and runs over and is comfortable with you, then it will be quick to bond with you when you take it home.
That is exactly what my breeder told me. Glad I had that experience of what you tell people, Todd.
We had a maltese for 12 years & wanted something complete opposite, which we definitely got. Gunner has the best personality. He is so sweet & isn’t phased by anything. We are very active with him & one or both of us are constantly working with him. They do like a lot of attention & get bored if not engaged. I can’t imagine life without him & his wonderful personality.
I would share what you wrote with your breeder and ask for their input with choosing a puppy. My breeder was right on target with both of my dogs--I would never have been able to decide, they are all so darn cute!!
April is so right about the tail. My Murphy's tail wags so hard and so fast if you just LOOK at him! And watch out for the TURBO-POWER wags when you talk to him or pet him. He's gonna knock a hole in a wall someday with that tail!!!! He's been that way since the day we got him! (Right April?)
He is a friendly, happy, confident, outgoing, active, and very well mannered puppy-dog. Now 15 months old.
When we went to visit the puppies at our breeder we told her what we wanted....male,.a curly wavy non shed coat and a sqaure jaw line and a smaller sized doodle.Well then she reached into a pen of 10 puppies and picked out two males for us to look at. We picked the chubby red one...and the rest is history. The only thing she got wrong was his size. He is now almost 90 lbs. of pure FUN. He is also not red anymore, kind of a ginger blonde. From my experience, breeders can tell size, caot, personality and size.
After reading all the responses that people have written, I will just add one thing...See if the puppy that the breeder picks for you comes to you and wants to come to you...Oliver is attached to me at the hip, lol, but he loves my husband, and he loves our other dog too. In fact Oliver loves everyone and loves life...and yes do watch that tail, it can remove things off of tables and things with just a swish...BUT, we love our Goldendoodle, and he is just the most wonderful dog...They like to be busy and if you don't keep them that way, they will find their own way to keep busy and that you do not want, believe me..they are so smart, it amazes me all the time...Just love and enjoy your new pup, and let us know when he or she comes home with you. This is a wonderful site with wonderful people to help with any problems that may arise witha pup or for that matter any age doodle...



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