Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Just wondering if anyone has the Skinneez Stuffing- Free toy for their doodle? If so how good does it hold up? I seen it in my Foster and Smith mag. Hudson is always looking to steal my daughter's stuffed animals so I think it's time I buy him one=) Without the stuffing lol thanks!!

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How well they stand up depends on what you mean. We have a flamingo and a brown, weasely looking one. They no longer no longer squeak and look awful but the still play with them, tossing them around or playing tug of war. I got them on line for about $5 apiece so I'd say they're worth it . They've had them for about4 months.
Chewie has always loved these. He used to walk around squeaking them constantly...that was before he turned into destructo-dog. Since, he has torn out both squeakers and bitten off (and spit out) pieces, but he still carries it around. For a dog who is "easier" on toys, it's a great one!
My Lyric is tough on toys, so the squeaker got ripped out (and taken away!) almost immediately. But other than that, it holds up well--even when the other doodle plays tug of war with her. I get mine at a local store called Agway.
Our dogs have two of them and love them. They destroyed the sqeakers, other than that, they are good. I do wash them occassionally because they get gross and slobbery.
We've had ours since Christmas 2009. Holds up great. We lost the squeak out of one of two squeakers on one of our trips in the washing machine, but that's it.

I should mention that Rouser's one true love is taking a toy into the dining room and laying there for hours with a toy between his paws carefully trying to pull just one thread out with his teeth. If I can just get one thread then this party is really going to go my way!

So far, we've had numerous dining room sessions and an uncountable number of dog-on-dog tug of war with skunk and it's completely fine.
Here's how they worked out at the Pearson home LAST year:
OMG lol!!
Here is the one that they got for their 1st christmas. It has taken a beating, but it is still in the toybox and they still drag it out occassionally!

remi is hard on toys... these last about an hour... :(
Haley has had a large rabbit since Christmas. The squeakers went immediately (he likes to remove squeaker from all toys). He likes to greet DH with it; washes it; chews on it as if it had and itch; tosses it in the air. He can’t have any stuffed toys as he un-stuffs them in short order. This was a good investment.
I have a couple Skinneez. Sheba doesn't care for them much but Duke likes them a lot. Heck, most of the stuffed animals around here look like skinneez anyway after Sheba (and Duke) rip them to shreds. I buy the bigger size.
Sheba immediately tries to rip the squeaker out of all of the stuffed animals except for the skinneez.



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